Friday, August 03, 2007

BBC to Make Film About Margaret Thatcher

BBC4 has commissioned a film about Margaret Thatcher's early life. It will concentrate on her attempts to get selected for a Conservative seat in the 1950s and star Andrea Riseborough, who had a leading role in Party Animals . Full details HERE.


  1. I smell a typical BBC hatchet job!

  2. I was not impresed with Andrew Marr`s left leaning assasination of the Great Lady

  3. No doubt she will be portrayed as an incontinent loony with a Hitler fixation.

    And they will cast Bella Emberg as Mrs T.

    Sounds like a joke? It's the BBC! Let's not get hung up on verity.

    But, whatever anyone says, Grantham is a terrible place for anyone to grow up in and no doubt it scarred the Thatch for life. She probably ordered the sinking of the Belgrano just because of years of pent up anti-Grantham aggression.

  4. This is quite old news actually Ian. I knew about this several months ago.
