Friday, July 06, 2007

Tory Campaign in Ealing Going Well

THIS post on ConHome demonstrates why the Tories have Labour and the LibDems on the back foot in the Ealing Southall by-election. No wonder Tom Watson, the Labour campaign manager is throwing his toys out of his pram. The truth of the matter is that he'd rather have Tony Lit as his candidate than the man Labour has chosen. And as for the LibDems, well, the kindest thing to say is ... The LibDems Can't Win Here...


  1. I hope you're right Iain. It would be amazing if Ealing Southall went Tory - even in the 1980s it elected Labour MPs - the best the Tories can hope for is a decent "swing" I reckon.

  2. I don't doubt Tony Lit is a good chap and had he any experience of seeking office or even being a member of a political party he'd be a worthy candidate. As it happens, however, it just looks like what it is - desperation - bypassing the local CA and imposing a candidate, ANY candidate who might stand a chance at making their first by-election gain for a quarter of a century.
    The less said about Labour's selection fiasco the better of course.

    While I hate to come over all partisan and contradict you, Iain, the one campaign that seems deserving of a win is that of Nigel Bakhai and the Lib Dems. A long-term, committed candidate resident in the constituency, backed up by a party that knows how to win these things and how to work hard for people once elected. It's still Labour's to lose despite everything but don't underestimate the momentum of the Liberal Democrat election machine.

  3. Iain - There's odds of 10 to 1 on Betfair for a Conservative win, so loads of free money if you are confident!

  4. Typo "Tory Campaign in Ealing Going Down the Well".

  5. Like the blood from an old lady's head, JHL?

  6. only a fool would bet against a Lib Dem by election win anywhere...

  7. only a fool would bet on a Lib Dem by election win anywhere when Ming is leader..

  8. Yes there are a few Lite posters around but boy are they producing some nasty antibodies which will help the lab and ld boys.

  9. Ming however is not tarred with a "spiv" image like Bullingdon dave.

  10. The entire purpose of the Liberal Democrat party is to win by-elections. Ever to win a general election would utterly horrify and demoralise them, what with the inevitable sullying of their beautiful pristine preconceptions by the grubby realities of power. It would be intolerable, inconceivable. A fate not to be borne.

  11. I'm told that hundreds and hundreds of dave's troops are pouring onto the streets of Southall.

  12. Two rightwing papers back the Tory. Wow!

  13. Watson throws his toys out of the pram??? What, compared with Iain Dale spitting his dummy out with talk of legal action, solicitors etc.... you're having a laugh! Let us see who is 'on the back foot' the day after the election when Iain has to try to think of some other great Tory victory to promise the Dalettes.

  14. anonymong 8.23: Better than going down on your host.

  15. JailHouseKiller:

    Actually, no, it isn't.

    Nobody is interested in the political views of somebody who slew a defenceless old woman.

  16. "The entire purpose of the Liberal Democrat party is to win by-elections"

    indeed it is.Which is why I said only a fool would bet against them in any by election.At this very moment train station platforms around the country are emptying of anorak clad, binocular sporting,acne ridden hordes of Lib Dems as they all descend on the nearest by election.Once the seat is won they march off like army ants to the next seat.

    At a general election they don't have the numbers to concentrate in one area...thank christ

  17. SorryForTheVictim:

    Well, I'm interested in what Jailhouse Lawyer has to say, though I mightn't always agree with him.

    For what he did, he has done his time. The sentence did not include an injunction to perpetual silence.

    He has a certificate saying that he's no longer a danger to society. Where's yours?

  18. He might not be a physical danger to society. He is and will always remain a moral and political danger to society.

  19. Anon 8.23:

    Golly, I bet JHL is flattered by the amount of mystic power you assign to him.

  20. Certainly a political heavyweight...

  21. Glad to see you've brought some of the humour promised in its header back to your blog Iain. It has been sadly lacking of late - another sign of middle age grumpiness creeping ever over you perchance?

  22. "Ten days ago Tony Lit, a 34-year-old Sikh businessman, was not even a member of the Conservative Party"


  23. Keep up the spin Iain , I can see the money pouring onto the Conservatives on Betfair 12 to 1 on offer not taken and LibDems at 2.4 to 1 is a true refection of the position .
    Heard all this sort of thing in Manchester about City Centre ward this year and Brooklands last year , the end result was still failure .

  24. and of the UKIP candidate Iain?
    Ignore at your(Conservative Party) peril.

  25. betfair says you have no chance...

  26. Mark Senior, the LibDems won Dunfermline in an unmitigated triumph.

    A year later they lost more than 250 seats at the local elections and hit 12% in the polls.


  27. Heard there was a meeting in Southall last night where several independent Sikh candidates got together to 'elect' their 'official' candidate, even though all their names will be on the ballot paper.

    Apparently, it was agreed by the majority that a Dr Jasdev Singh Rai, who heads up some local human rights group, would be the candidate with the best chance of winning.

    Dr Rai apparently said 'if the only reason for standing was to split the Labour vote and cause Sharma to lose then he was not interested because he is in it to win it.'

    Anyone that understands politics and the Ealing Southall situation know at best he will get a few thousand votes that may influence the final outcome.

    Posted by: Anil Sharma

  28. The interesting thing about the Lib Dems legendary by-election effort is that they have selected someone from Newcastle to fight Sedgefield. And they`re moaning! Moaning that someone only 40 minutes away in a fast car is not considered local!

    And of course you're right Iain, Tom Watson must be really upset that he didn't have any candidate who had not been a party member for at least five years, a track record of participation in local community politics, and their brand name registered to vote somewhere in the British Isles.

    He is probably crying all the way to the bookies to slap his annual Whip's salary on a Lit win.

    It's inevitable. The slick millionaire with all the aliases and a history of flirting with any party that would have him is sure to beguile the people of Ealing Southall.

  29. Have made a few enquiries about this Dr Rai. My Sikh friends say he is an opportunist that many do not trust. He will no doubt play the Sikh card. But local Gurdwaras do not like him and no way will Sikhs support him enmasse.

    Even the Sikh Federation (UK) who has been active on these blogs more often than not do not see eye to eye with him. In fact some of my Sikh friends suggest they detest each other.

    Posted by: Anil Sharma

  30. Upon further digging it emerges Dr Jasdev Singh Rai not only heads up a human rights group - Sikh Human Rights Group (SHRG), he also headed up a terrorist Khalistani organisation - the International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF) in the late 1980s. In fact some have confirmed the original name of the human rights group was Sikh Human Rights Group (ISYF) as it was the ISYF's human rights wing.

    During his time in the ISYF people in Southall and west London will remember a few of its members were imprisoned for a very long time for 'taking out' political opponents. Hopefully, he will not resort to these tactics in Ealing Southall, even though it will be dirty!

    If the media and my name sake look into this I can see him pulling out, which must do Labour some good.

    The local police and Special Branch no doubt know him well and will keep an eye on him and his supporters!

    Posted by: Anil Sharma
