Saturday, July 07, 2007

Thirty Minutes With Michael Gove

Earlier this week I recorded a half hour CLASS OF 2005 interview with Michael Gove. In this clip Michael explains why he moved from journalism into politics. To watch the full 30 minute programme click HERE.


  1. Does it have any tips on A)How to hug a hoodie or B)The art of a quick getaway?

  2. "Thirty minutes with Micheal Gove"

    No thanks. That's thirty minutes too long for me.

  3. Patriot you may well be right but that comparison with Charles Hawtrey the other day was cruel.

  4. anon 12.35

    Cruel to Charles Hawtrey you mean?

  5. When exactly IS Michael Gove going to move into politics?

  6. "Thirty Minutes With Michael Gove" - isn't that tantamount to cruel if, unhappily for some, not unusual punishment?

  7. I am sure that Michael Gove is a very decent man - and I do not mean that rhetorically I am sure Michael Gove is a very decent man - but as a conversationalist he makes bicycle repairman seem interesting.

  8. Any more gripping interviews in the pipeline? "Three Years With Donald Duck"? "A Lifetime With Mr Bean"?

  9. Yes, I'm sure someone who spent his time at Oxford University immersed in the Union never had any ambitions whatsoever to move into politics. Come off it.

  10. Rick Moranis...

  11. Somewhere a chemistry lab is missing a boffin!

  12. It's tough being an intellectual powerhouse.

  13. Michael Gove - Oxford, The Beeb, The Times - in other words yet another politician with limited personal experience of running a business or doing anything constructive.
    Is it any wonder that party politics are moribund and the country slowly but surely descending into chaos?

  14. Get Nigel back on.

  15. 14 comments - all cynical or supposedly funny?

    I thought what Michael Gove had to say was quite refreshing. Most people in journalism realise at some point in their careers that it is not really a job for grown-ups, and Michael Gove expressed that just at the time when his own personal life required him to grow up..having a child.

    His reasons for going into politics is noble. Not only that, it is enticing when you are merely an observer at close quarters.

    I could see his point of view entirely.

  16. Is wrinkled weasel Michael Gove's mum? He makes David Willets seem like Ken Dodd.

  17. Michael Gove ? Isn't he one of the nannying little tits who voted to turn smokers into lepers ?

    Yes, I think he was.............
