Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Relive Margaret Thatcher's Final Days . . . Got Your Hankie Ready?

A new DVD has just been released called THATCHER: THE FINAL DAYS. As I recall, it was broadcast by ITV within weeks of Margaret Thatcher's overthrow. It stars Sylvia Syms as Lady T. Amazon have it on special offer at £7.49 HERE. Naturally, I hardly dare watch it for fear of an emotional breakdown...


  1. Let's have the real thing back.

    Even allowing for her frail condition she would still do a better job of handbagging Brown than the present incumbent.

  2. Ordered. Looks interesting...

  3. Nah, that film Downfall is a much better representation.

  4. I know we should move on - it's nearly seventeen years. But I still can't watch the footage of her tearful leaving of number ten or hear "we're leaving Downing Street for the last time" without the tears rolling down my cheeks.

    As Oscar Wilde put it on another occasion: 'you'd need a heart of stone not to laugh'

  5. Ahhh, 'The final countdown' as the song goes.

    It still makes me cross that the Europhiles did her in - under the cover of claiming it was about the Poll Tax. Traitors, all of them.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. "Got your hanky ready?" ???? Do you mean that in the Jonathan Ross interviews David Cameron sense?

  8. I'm sure she would wish you the same. Thankb you for your kind wishes.

  9. anonymous 6:54, heaven forbid you having a similar fate. Are you serious?
    Some of the comments posted on this website are unbelievable.

  10. Iain, what an outrageous comment at 6.54pm, some psycopathic individual, do please remove it.

  11. Iain don't remove the awful anonymous comment (6.54) - just please publish their IP address

  12. anonymous 6:54 is probably Alex Hilton. He has already posted news of Thatcher's death on his putrid "Recess Monkey" blog -- where else can this failed Labour candidate go?

  13. Get the hanky ready ? Please, let's not go down the 'Wossie Woute', shall we ?

  14. curses ! Wrinkled Weasel has beaten us all with the best post on a thread ! Is there no end to this stoat's talents ? Foiled again...

  15. I never really liked Thatcher but I have to admit her "last prime minister's" question time had me going GO MAGGIE! She was having just too much fun not to like her (if only for an hour or so).

  16. She was past her sell by date when she left.

    I watched it in real time: fascinating but grown men don't cry:-)

  17. Part of me will never forgive the Conservative Party for what they did to the greatest Leader after Churchill. Have and will always vote Tory but it was never the same after the disgrace of her removal. Lady Thatcher was and is the greatest PM since Churchill.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Glad to see you've removed that loathsome anonymous comment about Lady Thatcher's demise. Much as I detested her style and many (but certainly not all) of her policies and was heartily relieved when she left office, I hope that she will continue to enjoy a peaceful retirement.

  20. Every 22nd of November I dust off the old video tape and watch the footage and I still don't manage to keep dry eyes.

    From recall, this drama was pretty poor and had the "sensation" that there were some lost or miscounted votes that would have made a difference to the final result.

    Really it would be best to get No! No! No! back into circulation (added bonus of Tebbit at his acerbic best). Wasn't that a Politico's special Iain?

  21. Bizarre- does not say much for your confidence in the latest conservative leader, but then again there has been quite a turnover since she left.
