Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Polling Day in Paradise

For those of us who live in London or the South East THIS looks like bliss. It's from a blogger in the Outer Hebrides and tells the story of polling day in May in words and pictures. It reminds me of the film LOCAL HERO.


  1. Wow... what bliss. Can't wait to escape London for a bit of tranquility!

  2. It looks just heavenly. I always seem to forget how beautiful some parts of Scotland are. As you say, Iain, it must have been a lovely day's telling.

  3. "This looks like bliss" - a reference to the absence of Tory posters I guess you mean?

  4. Oi --- That was meant to be for the blogging book!!!

  5. An it's noo raining!!

  6. eric - I take it you're talking up Boris's chances, then?

  7. Polling Day confusion:-

    This is a strange one, I wonder if anyone can offer some clarification

    Sedgefield and Ealing by elections. In Sedgefield the Conservative candidate is known as Graham Robb representing The Conservative Party; whereas in Ealing, Tony Lit is known as representing "David Cameron's" Conservatives.

    Are they two different party's. I think we should be told.

  8. Parties can register up to 12 descriptions which they can use on the ballot paper. The Conservatives have obviously plumped for 'Cameron's Conservatives' as one of theirs.

  9. Iain - yes very quaint the ROTTEN BOROUGH of the Western Isles (renamed Na h-Eileanan Siar at great expense to the English tax payer and no doubt to confuse him/her))

    Where 21,169 can vote 13,836 did vote and just 6,217 people voted for the sitting MP (SNP).

    Compare to the quaint English Isle of Wight constituency where 107,737 can vote 66,843 did vote and 32,717 voted for the MP (Con).

    -so this "quaint" place has 5 times as much power at Westminster.

    To add insult the MP for the Western Isles can of course vote on matters for the Isle Of Wight....etc.

    Quaint indeed - I hate the f@@@ing place almost as much as the First Past the Post voting system we're lumbered with. What a great country of democracy we have. You can buy a seat in parliament by buying a camp site in the Western Isles and getting your mates to register to vote there.

  10. You don't need to go so far to have a similar experience, Iain. I live in a constituecy just 15 minutes from your home. On polling day this May, I took a gentle stroll across the playing field to the village hall, enjoying the sound of cuckoos and blackbirds as I did and enjoying the views across the Weald. There were two staff on duty, ready for the 200 or so voters in the ward. When I got there they said "we saw you coming across the field, so we were ready for you". I was the eighth voter that day, voting around 10am. They weren't expecting a rush.

  11. Never mind I expect enough of you Londoners will relocate there and ruin the place.

    Interesting that there is no Gaelic on the SNP poster.

    To the guy moaning about the Isle of Wight ..... never mind love with a bit of luck Scotland will be independent soon and you'll never have to bother your head about the Western Isles ever agin.

  12. Anonymous 11.32 said...

    To the guy moaning about the Isle of Wight ..... never mind love with a bit of luck Scotland will be independent soon and you'll never have to bother your head about the Western Isles ever agin.

    The last time Scotland was independent the economy went tits up and the Scots had to beg England for the Union.

    We won't be fooled twice.

    How is Chelsea by the way? You f@@@ing hypocrite.

  13. Dont wory yourselves the precious Union wont last too much longer anyway and you wont have to worry about Scotland.

    The MP for Western Isles doesnt vote on English issues now so why would he worry you in the IOW?

  14. anon said:

    "How is Chelsea by the way? You f@@@ing hypocrite."

    Ain't it a hoot when someone thinks they know who you are ........ maybe the guy thinks I'm Hilary Clinton.

  15. my understanding if that there have been proposals to divide the isle of white to make some of it part of a mainland seat and thus bring down the population in the seat. however this was thrown out after the review stage by the boundary commission as the local population yes the local population in the isle of white objected to the division of the island into 2 seats. no doubt of course that this was a secret scottish conspiracy though. what other explanation could there possibly be?
