Saturday, July 14, 2007

News 24 at 11.45pm

Tonight I'll be reviewing the Sunday papers on BBC News 24 alongside freelance journalist Kate Bevan. Join us at 11.45pm.

And then at midnight I shall be mourning celebrating my 45th birthday. Cue 47,000 blog readers in a chorus of Happy Birthday ... or not...


  1. 45?! I only thought you was like late 30s..eekkk

    happy birthday thou :)

  2. Well, I was going to wish you Happy Birthday. But since you don't want me to, I won't.....

  3. I spent my last birthday in TV Centre, too, and can frankly think of no place I'd rather not be to do so.

    Still, have a good one!

  4. Don't forget to change the 44 to a 45 in the lefthand column, and look out a more appropriate photo for the header. Nothing worse than middle-aged fogies pretending they've still got hair.

    Anyway... have a good one!

  5. Can we expect the new blog layout in the morning?

    Happy Birthday

  6. 45? I can (just about) remember 45. Don't panic, it all starts to make sense again when you pass 50! Have a very happy birthday.

  7. I`ll be 44 this year and the knowledge that you will always be old and warty by comparison cheers me greatly

  8. Well, Happy Birthday. It seems that you are wearing well - judging from the photo, at least.

    Believe me, you would not wish to hear me singing 'Happy Birthday' - or anything else, for that matter.

  9. Happy Birthday..I hope to be watching.

  10. As he won't be there tonight - will you reveal how much, if any, of Mike Read's hair is is own?

  11. It is my 50th Birthday tomorrow! Boo Hoo!

  12. Happy birthday for tomorrow Iain ,hope you have oiled your zimmer frame ready for tomorrow :-).

  13. Many happy returns!

  14. Happy birthday for tomorrow. Sadly I'm approaching 45 from some distance and from the other direction!

  15. Happy Birthday you spring chicken you...

  16. Are you going to mention the piece in the Mail on Sunday which -- rather clumsily and probably wrongly -- suggests that Newsnight is biased against Gordon Brown and in favour of David Cameron?

  17. I do hope Iain, you won't be asked why Tony Lit was sucking upto TB only 8 days ago, and putting money into Labour Party funds. By the way how long has dear Tony Lit actually been a member of the Tory Party?

  18. Happy Birthday for tomorrow. You have some years before you are eligible to be a miserable old git like me, but the door is always open.

    by the way ditto sentiments about Tony Shit/git/Lit. Is is compulsory nowadays to give money to Labour or was he told he could buy a bargain basement K or a P?

  19. Iain:

    Some of the personalised crap you have to take from posters on this blog is beyond the pale. They probably spent their childhood pulling legs off bluebottles.

    Console yourself with the fact that most contributors:

    (a) like you a lot.

    (b) wish that they were just 45.

    Happy Birthday from the Iain Dale Old Farts Fan Club (Hon President - Chris Paul.)

  20. Looking good for 45. Happy Birthday.

  21. Yes, many happy returns, Iain. Happy Birthday!

  22. Happy Birthday Iain,

    It's 12.20 and they've just shown the newspaper headlnes.

    Where are you/

  23. Happy Birthday Iain but don't fool yourself that buying shirts with 19 inch collars will make you look younger (see your performance on BBC News 24 last night).

    I know as I've tried it and, amazingly, within a few months (or sometimes weeks) they are just as tight again and the old double chins reappear.

    Anyway, I'm with Jonathan Hemlock and the Iain Dale Old Farts Fan Club - except for the bit about Chris Paul! (Don't get me started on that little toad - there is not a Manchester bargie's pole that is long enough that would lead me to touch him with it!)

    PS: I will be 105 years old next Friday! Bet you forget to send me a card.

  24. Diablo:

    I do like your postings (even the subtle ones that Verity doesn't understand - bless her.)

    So - here's a hint about my suggestion that Chris Paul should be President of the Iain Dale Old Farts Fan Club.

    I cite the OED:



    • noun (pl. ironies) 1 the expression of meaning through the use of language which normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous effect. 2 a state of affairs that appears perversely contrary to what one expects.

    — ORIGIN Greek eironeia ‘simulated ignorance’.

  25. Happy Birthday from your Gibraltar correspondent.

  26. I passed here occasionally, but since i saw it's you birthday, i left my congratulations to you: happy birthday Iain Dale! (Sorry if my English it's not very good, but my mother tongue is Portuguese!) Embrace.

  27. Let me get this right. Jonathan Hemlock is taking the piss out of me as I was taking the piss out him but he (or she) is really Verity (or any number of personas) and he/she is doing irony but I don't really get it?

    Right. OK. I'm not really up to this clever mind-stuff am I? I submit.

  28. Happy Birthday

    7 point poll lead for Labour - good present?


  29. jonathan hemlock said...

    Some of the personalised crap you have to take from posters on this blog is beyond the pale. They probably spent their childhood pulling legs off bluebottles.

    .......she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me............

  30. Its OK Iain. Your secret is safe with us. You wouldn't be the first Star to cut a few years off their age to prolong their TV career.

  31. No comment yet on Tony Lit being a Labour donor? Surely, it is the apotheosis of Cameroonism? Like to hear you explain this one away, Iain.

  32. Happy Birthday.

    Sadly, you share it with David Miliband.

  33. Happy birthday. I shall be celebrating your birthday here in Canuckistan because I am overjoyed at last to have found someone in the blogosphere older than me.

  34. Anyone got a video of Iain from last night? Reports suggest he was somewhat uncomfortable when covering the Tony Lit scandal.

    No way to celebrate your birthday, is it Iain? Commiserations.


  35. Diablo:

    I've just checked "down under" and am happy to confirm that I am not Verity...

    ...though probably not half as happy as Verity is to confirm that she is not me!

    I see that Iain is either still tucked up in bed or in denial, as he is still describing himself as being 44.


  36. Happy bithday Ian.
    I hope your next ones will be more propitious than this one on the political front.

  37. If a Lib Dem candidate donated 4800 quid to Labour just before standing in a bye-election, Dale would be unable to contain his glee.

    But as it's a Tory, he does not think it worth a mention.

    This is not a blog about politics, it is mere Goebbels-lite propaganda.

    The Tories deserve a hammering in Ealing Southall, but you won't find any useful mention of it here if they get one.

  38. In recognition of this glorious day, perhaps Tory candidate Tony Lit could make more donations to the Labour Party?

    Brilliant, you bunch of clowns.

    Happy Birthday nonetheless!

  39. Good grief Mr Dale.

    Your birthday is one day after mine.

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday that nice Mr Dale, Happy Birthday to you!

  40. Felix cumple años de Mexico, Iain!

    I make it one birthday every two years. Is that about right?

  41. So it was all an elaborate wind-up, and you're still 44, like the blog says?

  42. I could't resist being the 45th commenter to wish you Happy Birthday. I enjoy reading your blog from here in Australia. I am not a daily reader, but come and take a look from time to time.

  43. happy Birthday Iain.

  44. You said you expected 47,000 wishing you a happy birthday. Just so people assume there are three noughts left off the number of comments under this item, I thought I ought to leave the 47th comment. I am however late as it is after midnight. I was not on line much on the 15th - because I was celebrating a son's birthday! So I congratulate you on having such a good day for a birthday. I hope that his mother and I defy actuarial predictions and are both around when my son is 45 for him to visit us. More immediately I hope you had as much fun today in your family as we did in ours.
