Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Defections in Ealing...Gulp

HERE we go again...


  1. If only all westminster elections were so exciting. God only knows what people are voting for but I'm loving every minute of it

  2. What's the rumour's about Colchester ,some councillors defecting.

  3. Two ex-councillors from Hounslow? Is that the worst you can do? Oh, and thanks for taking Gurcharan Singh off us, all I can say is don't send him back once you've found out what he's like.

    In Colchester, a father and son pair of councillors left the Lib Dems, went Independent for a fortnight, then joined the Conservatives. This has errenously been reported as giving the Conservatives control of the council; it didn't as they had Mayor's casting vote control and a Conservative executive beforehand. It does give them a majority though.

  4. This is a fun by-election. I am going to miss all this when it's over.

  5. "it didn't as they had Mayor's casting vote control and a Conservative executive beforehand. It does give them a majority though. "

    It is standard practice to only claim overall control with a council when you have a majority.

    There was also a defection from Lib Dems to Conservatives in Shepway this week.

  6. there was a young lady from ealing
    who had a perculiar feeling
    she laid on her back
    opened her .....
    and threw in her lot with Chamberlain

  7. These are swing votes not defections.

  8. You really are an idiot of the first order. You seem to delight in proving it every time you contribute to this blog. So Quentin Davies wan't a defection then? A swing vote? Dear oh dear.

  9. July 3: Liberal Democrats reveal Brij Mohan Gupta, deputy chairman of Ealing Southall Tories, has defected to the Lib Dems
    July 9: Labour says disillusioned member Kuldeep Singh Grewal will give up campaign as an Independent and back Labour
    July 9: Conservatives unveil defection of five Labour councillors to Tories: Gurcharan Singh, Manjit Singh, Maninder Kaur Keith, Jarnail Singh Jandu and Jandish Gupta
    July 9: Conservatives claim ex-Tory council candidate Gulbash Singh will withdraw as an Independent to back Tories
    July 10: Tories claim a sixth Labour councillor, Zahida Noori, has defected to Conservatives
    July 11: Labour issues statement from Ms Noori attacking “Tory lies” and denying any defection
    July 13: Parmod Kad and Sarbjit Singh Gill, ex-Labour councillors in Hounslow, join the Conservatives

    The above is from the Times.

    I only ask, is there a white indigenous Anglo-Saxon community in this constituency, and where is their representation? Last time I looked, Ealing was in England not India.

    Please don't bother to call me a racist. I don't give a toss.

  10. Doesn't anyone find all these defections a little, well, "sub-continent"? Are we really to believe that these people have become Tory overnight rather than just siding with a fellow Sikh who looks like he may win and will therefore be in a position to dispense favours. It's just the same sort of "petrol station raj" that you get in Indian politics. Nothing to do with political philosophy but a simple gamble for preferment.

  11. One of the more astute comments on the defection of Gurcharan Singh was that the Labour Party had forty years' experience of handling disputes between members who came from different backgrounds in the Indian subcontinent, whereas for the Conservatives it was a new phenomenon and the party may find it has a lot to learn very fast.

    All the defections may be among councillors who are Asian but the majority of councillors in Ealing Southall, like the majority of the population, are white. The asian councillors are concentrated in the five wards of Lady Margaret, Dormers Wells, Norwood Green, Southall Broadway and Southall Green, plus one in Hobbayne.

  12. David Boothroyd:

    You get the award for the most boring blog in the UK.

    I can only feel sympathy for anyone who is related to you or who knows you.

    Have you ever wondered why everyone you meet seems to yawn so much?

  13. Thankyou DB for clearing that up..

    "All the defections may be among councillors who are Asian but the majority of councillors in Ealing Southall, like the majority of the population, are white."

    And I suppose that this sudden mass change of principles, is also exclusively Asian too, just like the vote rigging, as experienced elswehere in the country....

    "The police described how they found Mr Islam, Mr Afzal and Mr Kazi handling unsealed postal ballots in a deserted warehouse in the city." (source:BBC 4/4/05)

    Feck. What is this country anymore?

  14. Iain:

    I don't like to quote myself, but here's something I left on Guido's blog this evening about this pathetic creature "Chris Paul" (who sounds like a second-rate hairdresser) and his mate "Sturgess."


    We are sorry to inform you that your computer has been infected with a virus.

    The name of this virus is:

    Chris Paul

    It sometimes mutates into a less intelligent variant called:


    Iain Dale's blog has been heavily infected with the:

    Chris Paul


    but we are working on a patch which, we hope, will this virus via postings which use contempt, ridicule and vitriol to remove this threat.



    is a less intelligent form of this virus, bloggers posting a simple:

    bugger off you NuLab twat should suffice.


    Peter Norton

    11:52 PM, July 12, 2007

  15. How much has Tony Lit given to the Tories? Ro id it being used? Who has got the money?

  16. Well Iain, I must say this is a major coup for the Tories... managed to recruit a bus driver.

  17. "A member of the Shadow Cabinet said: “We don’t think we will win but we want to come a good second.”

    Err, isn't this the sort of by election an opposition party on the way to government SHOULD be winning?

  18. bit belittling of the worker there Unity. Not very comradely of you.

    On more general point I see this whole "you're happy to have him we hated the bastard" line is still being used about Gurcharan Singh.

    What I don't understand is why he wasn;t kicked out of the Labour Party for being so dodgy and why there was a wall of silence about such things.

  19. Third world politics & third world values! These people showing what really matters to them, not to a political party or to their council etc. Political rats the lot of 'em! ID they get elected as Tories, what's to stop them defecting back if it suits them later. Pathetic.

  20. David Boothroyd:

    You get the award for the most boring blog in the UK."

    Boothroyd doesn't have a blog, he has a website with the UK's most comprehensive set of election results.How bout you?

  21. Hounslow by-election last night. Tory hold.

  22. "Hounslow by-election last night. Tory hold."

    oh joy, the Tories hold a seat .Go back to your constituencies and prepare for err

  23. Scratch the surface of a NULAB/leftist and you find a hate filled racist!
    As long as the Asians know their place in the Labour ranks they are ok BUT if they step out of line the NULAB smear machine kicks in and they do not hesitate to play the race card! It seems to me that the Sikh's are at last finding out just what a bag of racist scum NULAB are!

  24. 'a major coup for the Tories... managed to recruit a bus driver.'

    There has always been strong conservative support among skilled working people, once much of it unionised. The organised, deliberate policy of attacking this constituency went on from the mid 60s within the unions, much of it directed by communists. The abolition of proper apprenticeships, the failure to properly fund technical training with the 'rolling out' of comprehensive education had the destruction of working class conservatism as one of its objectives too.

    A Labour state-waged aparatchik could no more drive a bus than build a plane, wire a house, plumb a bathroom or run a production line. Most of those who could emigrated decades ago.

    Angels in marble.

  25. Iain: excuse me for saying it but like the Times story and your hyperbolic post the put down (after just 2 minutes!!!) was really and truly crap. Netting the loon Quentin Davies was indeed a defective moment. Netting two disillusioned ex-councillors from a nearby borough (possibly still LP members. I don't know, or why people or party axed them) is two swing votes.

    They have no special status ex-councillors from nearby boroughs. None. They are simply voters.

    I am well disappointed that instead of coming over to mine and hissing your clever arguments like:
    "idiot", "typical of you" etc you've sent Dizzy.

    As they say in Dale speak: "Pathetic?"

    Swing voters. Naaar, naaar.

  26. Sorry Iain. Some sock puppet has nicked my blogger identity again. It wasn't me! Honest! They've been doing it for 7 months now. Must get round to changing my password from 1234.

  27. Seen the canvass returns have they?

  28. Anonymous 6.10 am

    Thanks for the correction.

    David Boothroyd's website is the most boring website in the UK.

  29. "you've sent Dizzy."

    Yes it's true! Iain sent me an email screaming "please come and help me Phil, that Chris Paul is being nasty to me again" - :rolleyes:

  30. 'Oh, and thanks for taking Gurcharan Singh off us, all I can say is don't send him back once you've found out what he's like.'

    You've put up with Gordon Brown all this time. No one else can be as bad as the clunking fist surely.

  31. A provincial housing officer from the Midlands said;

    "Well Iain, I must say this is a major coup for the Tories... managed to recruit a bus driver."

    Funny that, when it gets mentioned that the former Education Secretary and current Health Secretary is a former postman who left school aged 16, Labour members seem a lot less judgmental.

  32. Unity said...
    Well Iain, I must say this is a major coup for the Tories... managed to recruit a bus driver.

    What horrible snobbery, Unity. Time you woke up, without millions of bus drivers, HGV drivers, refuse collectors and thousands of other similar vital jobs, society would grind to a bl**dy halt.

    Auntie Flo'

  33. hatfield girl said...
    'a major coup for the Tories... managed to recruit a bus driver.'

    There has always been strong conservative support among skilled working people, once much of it unionised.

    Well said, Hatfield Girl. I detest the inverse snobbery of these nulab oiks too.

    Nulab: party of the people? No way. Far too many of them, like Broon, detest us people out here.

    Auntie Flo'

  34. But she (Noori) admitted she had signed a “blank piece of paper” and given it to supporters of Gurcharan Singh, a prominent councillor who led the defection of five local Labour politicians to the Conservatives at the beginning of the week.

    I want that woman disbarred/struck off/de-bagged whatever it is called when a coucillor is kicked out. Some councillor! one who is happy to sign blank sheets of paper!...or is this the normal life of a Councillor under the CSPL? Or in Southall town planning? Was it Noori who also got into some dispute recently? Can't remember. want that individual gone.

    Alas, if it is true, the Conservatives have alot to explain about why they considered asking someone to sign a blank paper in the first place!

  35. One of the more astute comments on the defection of Gurcharan Singh was that the Labour Party had forty years' experience of handling disputes between members who came from different backgrounds in the Indian subcontinent,

    What aload of patronising baloney this is . Who in god`s name is this wombat Boothroyd, I`d love to know what he thinks he knows about people from the sub continent. dare I guess , nothing at all ? I think I do
    As far as I know we are all British and thats that. No favours , no special treatment same as everyone else.As I often point out the supposed open mindeness about race and immigration that the Labour fellow travelling parasites pretend to is not shared by Labour`s support.Hence the threat of the BNP in Labour areas. Umbelievable that they still peddling this sixth form level rubbish.

    And the other thing I think we would all like to know is what Chris paul is doing , sticking his nose into Ealing when he lives , as I gather , in Manchester?

    Possibility 1 - He is a pathetic borderline autistic twitching loon with delusions of grandeur.

    Possibility 2 - He works for the Labour Party and is a writhing maggot who fantasises that one day he will be a new Campbell.

    Either way the kindest thing would be to take him to the vet to be out out of his misery

  36. p.s. - was that blank paper before the 'leader of five' was officially a Conservative? Need to fact-check my ass there.

    p.p.s. english democrat echoes my long held belief - even though lefties HATE being reminded of it, that if you scratch a socialist you find a fascist.

  37. The spin masters at TGQ are getting a little above themselves, Parmod Kad isnt a local Labour Politian, MP or councillors. In fact at the 2006 local elections he stood a candidate for the Hounslow Independent Alliance, and didn’t win the seat.

  38. David Boothroyd 12.17 AM said...

    ....the majority of councillors in Ealing Southall, like the majority of the population, are white.

    According to the 2001 census returns only 37.6% of the population in Ealing Southall are white.

  39. Well said HG !!

    She is too modest but her Blog is magnificent and I urge you to go and look


    DHILLON, Poonam (Lab) 1346
    CHAUDHARY, Mohammed (Lab) 1275
    SANGHA, Sohan (Lab) 1254
    GILL, Sarbjit (HIA) 971
    KAD, Parmod (HIA) 922
    MARAS, Sukhdev (HIA) 815
    AUSTIN, Jack (Con) 491
    HAMEED, Saima (LD) 431
    DARLEY, Andrew (LD) 417
    PRACHAR, Warwick (Ind) 61

  41. Thank you:

    Anonymous said...

    DHILLON, Poonam (Lab) 1346
    CHAUDHARY, Mohammed (Lab) 1275
    SANGHA, Sohan (Lab) 1254
    GILL, Sarbjit (HIA) 971
    KAD, Parmod (HIA) 922 <<<<<<<<<<<
    MARAS, Sukhdev (HIA) 815
    AUSTIN, Jack (Con) 491
    HAMEED, Saima (LD) 431
    DARLEY, Andrew (LD) 417
    PRACHAR, Warwick (Ind) 61

    July 13, 2007 10:58 AM

  42. It seems that both Mr Kad and Mr Gill had already left the Labour Party and stood against its official candidates, so they can hardly count as 'defections'. Mr cameron really has to do better than this. His great talent seems to be stirring up ethnic rivalries; but then it was always Conservative policy to set one part of the community against another - you only have to look at Northern Ireland and the history of the Conservative Party playing the 'Orange Card'.

  43. Aardvark, you are factually wrong. That 37.6% figure comes from ukpollingreport's guide to the new Ealing Southall which will be created at the next election. The area to be moved out of the constituency is around Ealing Broadway and is overwhelmingly white.

    The figure for the constituency on current boundaries is that the population was 120,020 of which 56,800 were white (Census 2001, table UV09).

  44. The question of ethnic rvalry would be less pertinent had the Labour Party not been so keen to flood the country with uncontrolled immigration which has Hazel Blears said, "Has changed communities before our eyes".
    Perhaps when the English are a sufficiently small minority the Labour Party will cease discriminating against it from its Scottish stronghold.

  45. What we need is more bus drivers, cleaning ladies, bank clerks and car mechanics.

    What we get are lawyers, social workers, merchant bankers and bleedin Old Etonians

    No wonder the country is a crumblin ruin.

  46. you might care to work on yor maths, David

    "The figure for the constituency on current boundaries is that the population was 120,020 of which 56,800 were white (Census 2001, table UV09). "


    "the majority of councillors in Ealing Southall, like the majority of the population, are white."

  47. Angels in Marble is an illuminating study of working class conservatism.

    The Labour pretence that their party alone can represent wage-earners has been one of their most successful propaganda enterprises.

    The Labour party elites are nothing to do with skilled working people, they are power-seeking, meddling, statist, suborned by continental political philosophies, trying for an unearned tax-supported standard of living, nonentities: 'senza arte ne parte', without skills or personal resources.

    They got to power on waves of distress caused by the gigantic disjunctions generated by globalisation ending heavy industry and low -level manufacturing in advanced countries.

    Their Project is never to give up power, no matter what harm, disloyalties to others not themselves, or economic and historic damage they cause.

    They are maintained by their pensioners - those who are supported by tax-funded state welfare, either 'employed', 'on benefits', or 'retired'.

    The intellectual roots and current political stances of their party elites are a political (and often moral) disgrace.

    The ideology they have hollowed out and operate as cover belongs in past centuries, in all its glories, and in all its failings.

    Angels in Marble

  48. Thank you Anon 11.43 AM

    David Boothroyd, you are again having problems with arithmetic.

    In any case you are saying that Ealing Southall will be even more non-white come the next general election.

  49. The full profile is:

    White 56,800
    Mixed 3,502
    Asian 46,228
    Black 9,658
    Chinese and Other 3,832.

    Maybe not 50% but the point I was trying to make was that the white population of the constituency as it is now is clearly more than the Asian population. This was all prompted by 'Wrinkled weasel' who had a misunderstanding about the white population of the constituency.

  50. It is as mentioned by another poster typial sub continent politics , on the up side, the catering at Conservative party fund raisers will no doubt dramaticaly improve hanks to these developments.

    May I just say that Chris Paul gives me greater pleasure with each posting , he reminds me of that woman who was in the papers this morning having been given an ASBO for repeatedly jumping in to the sea as a cry for help.
    Chris love ,you may be suffering from the same syndrome , please seek professional help.

  51. If being a bore ever becomes an Olympic sport, then let's get David Boothroyd as the team captain.

  52. Anonymous 12.06 AM said...
    Doesn't anyone find all these defections a little, well, "sub-continent"? Are we really to believe that these people have become Tory overnight rather than just siding with a fellow Sikh who looks like he may win and will therefore be in a position to dispense favours. It's just the same sort of "petrol station raj" that you get in Indian politics. Nothing to do with political philosophy but a simple gamble for preferment.

    On the Indian sub-continent there is a long tradition of adopting the sensible policy of switching to the side that seems most likely to win. This worked to the advantage of Clive in India and led to the domination of India by the British.

    A more recent example was in Singapore in 1942 where thousands of Indian Army troops (along with British and Australians) surrendered to the Japanese. Most of the Indians changed allegiance to the Japanese and many of them ended up fighting against the British in Burma. Didn't do them any good in the long run.

  53. Another shock defection! Adam Boulton's Sky blog says that tomorrow Labour MP and ex-Conservative frontbencher will appear on his programme.
    You never mentioned this!

  54. 'Chris Paul' is not a person - more a 'collective' of NuLabor astroturfers commenting away under a pseudonym. That would explain the multiple personalities exhibited by this clearly deranged 'individual'.

  55. Both Gill and Kad joined the 'Hounslow Independent Alliance' after being expelled from the Labour Party after the investigation into the notorious Heston and Cranford Planning Committee record of dodgy decisions.

    A report that can be seen on the Local Government Ombudsman site says " The area committee decided not to take (enforcement) action. In doing so, they took into account irrelevant matters and factually inaccurate information. They gave little weight to the Council’s policies and planning guidance. Some members of the committee had received no training in planning issues. One of the reasons given for their decision was factually inaccurate.

    A review of the Council’s records revealed that in recent years this area committee had refused a higher proportion of officers’ recommendations to take planning enforcement action than the Council’s other area planning committees, and that concerns about this committee’s planning decision making had been raised in a report to the Council’s Executive Committee by its Scrutiny Committee in 2003."

    Clearly Cameron will take anyone these days.

  56. Unity: "Well Iain, I must say this is a major coup for the Tories... managed to recruit a bus driver."

    How do you feel about Postmen then? I see NuLab seems to have one or two. Are they somehow more able? And what about Ms Blears and her family ties?

  57. DB I want to have your children. NOT!

    All your boring statistics prove is that immigrants just hang around in ghettos. They then proceed to pervert the democratic process by first attempting to fake postal votes, and if that fails, just voting for the person most likely to win.

    If these people were white, they would be called scum. They would be held to account for corrupting democracy. As it is, they get off with nothing.

    There should be an ethnicity control bill to curb the inferior cultural mores of people from countries who treat democracy as something to be cheated.

    Perhaps Dangerous Dave will pick up the baton. Not! DD will appease, because he needs to look politically correct. We are all Fecked, and most of you are sitting back and having your tummy tickled.

  58. Just for the record that Cllr Roy Walters - the wonderful Lord Mayor we had in glorious Manchester for the marvellous Commonwealth Games of 2002 - was a bus driver and he is not the only one on our benches.

    However, if I may be so bold, Unity's point was rather like mine - that these are swing voters not defectives - ordinary blokes. Not even LP members any more according to my sources. Ousted under a bit of a cloud by the look of it. They have even stood against Labour.

    The Times story was sloppy and your headline was and is a gross and pulsating hyperbole.

  59. Just a question for Phil/Dizzy:

    How is it being nasty to Iain to point out an error, without resorting to the ad hominem attacks of some of Iain's less savoury visitors. And in this case sadly the man himself?

  60. I think you may be in for a surprise at Southall. Labour has put forward a 70 year old , the previous MP was 82 when he died and did not do a great deal for Southall.

    Labour assume that the old Indian style politics will work here where a few elders say which way to vote. WRONG the demographics have changed most of the Asians are actually born and educated in the UK and can tell when they are being sold a Kipper.

    I remember Labour saying the Asian elders were out of touch with the youth, so you give us a 70 year old.

  61. Rats, sinking New Liebour ship, go figure.
