Sunday, July 01, 2007

June Traffic Figures

This week has been a record week with more than 70,000 unique visitors, and the highest ever daily total of 14,727 on Thursday, beating the previous best of 12,298 the day after the local elections. June saw a record 396, 910 pageloads (388,935 in May) but a very slight decline in unique visitors of 222,474 compared to May's total of 231,901. The equivalent figure 12 months ago was 97,969. According to Google Analytics I now have 44,951 absolutely unique visitors, which means 44,951 different individuals read the blog at some stage during June.

Here are my top 50 linking sites (ie incoming hits) for June. All these sites referred at least 100 people here. The arrows denote whether a site has moved up or down or stayed static since May...

1. Guido Fawkes 16.5% ↔ 2. ConservativeHome 11.15% ↔ 3. PoliticalBetting 6.87% ↔ 4. Daniel Finkelstein 2.26% ↑ 5. NHS Blog Doctor 1.84% ↑ 6. Biased BBC 1.45% ↓ 7. Dizzy Thinks 1.3% ↔ 8. Adam Smith Institute 1.12% ↑ 9. Witanagemot ↑ 10. LibDem Voice NEW 11. Paul Linford ↑ 12. Islington Newmania

13. An Englishman's Castle ↓ 14. Slugger O'Toole ↑ 15. W4MP ↑ 16. Blamerbellbriefs ↓ 17. Hot, Ginger & Dynamite ↑ 18. Daily Referendum ↓ 19. A Conservative's Blog ↑ 20. Hoby Cartoons ↑ 21. Luke Akehurst ↑ 22. Prague Tory ↓ 23. Spectator Coffee House ↓ 24. Bob Piper NEW 25. Prisoner's Voice ↓ 26. Croydonian ↓ 27. Tim Worstall ↑ 28. Chris Paul ↑ 29. David Lindsay NEW 30. Public Interest NEW 31. Tim Blair NEW 32. Theo Spark NEW 33. Norfolk Blogger NEW 34. Blairwatch ↓ 35. National Review Corner ↓ 36. Justin Hinchcliffe ↓ 37. UK Polling Report ↓ 38. British Bullshit Foundation ↑ 39. Mikey's Tent of Reality ↓ 40. Liberal England ↓ 40. Devil's Kitchen ↑ 41. Cally's Kitchen ↑ 42. Ed Clarke NEW 43. Bloggerheads NEW 44. Right Thinking NEW 45. Some Doubts NEW 46. Kerron Cross ↓ 47. Glyn Davies ↓ 48. Labour Watch ↓ 49. Ordovicius ↓ 50. Kiwiblog NEW

Link exchanges are really important in driving traffic to other sites. A big thank you to everyone who links to me. Remember, if you have a link to me and you don't see one to you on my blogroll, just let me know in the comments and I will rectify it.


  1. Guido,

    I understand all Labour MP's have received a briefing pack from Gordon containing a draft letter to be sent out to the constituents.

    It would be fun to get hold of a copy of this letter asap as I am sure it has some typos in it that require amendment.

    Hope you can assist.

  2. Sorry Ian,

    Meant to remove Guido from address.

  3. To be sent out at our expense of course,

  4. 42nd!

    Thanks for linking to me Iain. I for one aspire to being as a tenth as good at this blogging malarkey as you!

  5. congrats Iain

    First of all according to a Bishop, (don't you just love 'em) this rain should be blamed on Homosexualists any comments.

  6. Iain,
    I've already linked to you on my blog:

    Would appreciate a recipricol!

  7. Oh dear, Bonkers Dorries has dropped the ball..

  8. I have a link on my Save Bedford Hospital site

    Would you be kind enough to reciprocate?

  9. I see you still haven't linked to mine. I doubt you actually will link to mine but thats ok.

    Central News:

  10. Have you as one of my 'daily must reads' and would obviously appreciate a reciprocal link.

    Enjoy Rwanda: East Africa is a fascinating place, despite the appalling poverty. Avoid the Bush Tucker, though. I got inveigled into eating porcupine in Cameroon: I like my food, but not that much!

  11. Iain,

    I look forward to a reciprocal link to



  12. Iain, a reciprocal link to would be nice...

  13. I was too busy contemplating the awfulness of roast porcupine to remember to includes the link.


  14. I was too busy contemplating the awfulness of roast porcupine to remember to includes the link.


  15. You are too kind!

    Christopher Glamorgan

  16. You're on my blogroll, but I'm not on yours.
