Friday, July 13, 2007

How to Damn With Faint Praise: No 94

In an interview with the GMTV Sunday Programme Simon Hughes has this to say about his leader:

"Ming is well on the way to finding his best form again"

With friends like that...


  1. If nothing else Hughes does know his politics - although he's dreaming if he thinks he has yet another chance at the leadership.

  2. Hugheses always have a lovely way with words...

  3. BBC 1 0'clock news article about 're-branding' Brown (as the new black presumably).They interviewed 'the man who helped mrs thatcher win' - Tim,now Lord,Bell.(Subtle attempt to bring Conservatives into Labour's impending sleaze black hole).Then a chat to admen about Brown's need to let the public in.Cited the autocue incident - 'widely seen as a gaffe at the time' (not by me)! - The auto cue incident was deliberate - the real deal was shown on channel4 news without any comment: 'Housewife' answers door to admit filmcrew.Brown comes around hedgerow too early.'Housewife' admits filmcrew and slams door in Brown's face.Brown rings doorbell as 'housewife' can be seen through glass in door hurrying away.After 30? seconds the 'housewife' reappears and is apparently surprised to open the door to Brown in whose face she slammed it 30 seconds earlier!

    This almost daily sniping at the conservatives:Ian Duncan Smith being described as touring estates 'wondering what to do..' about the broken society.Also a few days earlier Mark Simpson describing alcohol as a 'more difficult problem' for the Conservatives.I'm really getting tired of it and today's addition to the myth of the 'auto-cue incident' being an accident and how to 'turn it into a positive' - while not comparing it with the 'housewife' incident is BBC partisanship at its most blatant.PLEASE somebody do something about it!

  4. ... and it's always in the last place you look.......

  5. It feels that the Beeb have been trotting out such 're-branding' commercials for Brown rather a lot recently. Wonder why?

  6. Because the Beeb knows how popular it is with the Right, so has to keep the Left in for its own survival!
