Sunday, July 08, 2007

Blogger's Block

I am suffering from 'blogger's block' today. A nation mourns...


  1. What do you think of more tax on booze, Iain? As a non-drinker I suppose you might be in favour. I, as well as most on ConHome it seems, am not a fan...

  2. You must have read todays comments by IDS.' Vote Tory Pay Even More Tax.'

    The party has lost it.

    Ordinary party members are turning away in droves with these sort of comments.No matter what the poles say. I know I drink with them.

    The effect on Federer in the 4th set currently still going on, of seeing a ball which to the eye was out, being called in by Hawkeye, was devastating. Nadal has shot into the lead 4 games to Nil, on the strength of the error.

    Hawkeye works in cricket because if the virtual ball travels through the virtual space of the stumps, it would impact them in reality, so an LBW decision could be based on it if the authorities decided to use a virtual umpire. A tennis ball, though never compresses fully to 50% of its volume. So the virtual ball showing itself intersecting the virtual line by 1 mm is to distort the rules. The compressed ball does not touch the line. It misses it.

    The rule is that the ball is in, if it touches the line, and out, if it doesn't. Hawkeye is calling balls in that have missed the line, but would have touched the line, only had the ball compressed to 50% of its volume which it doesn't ever do. Hawkeye is being wrongly used at Wimbledon.

    To make Hawkeye less of a joke in tennis, it should be redesigned to calculate the likely compression of the ball, so that it only provides an image of the estimated section of the ball which actually connects to the ground, and sees if that touched the line or not.

  4. When I get Blogger's Block I go with the Totty option.

  5. How about this shameless self promotion?

    Some common sense from the Judiciary.

    What a refreshing change!

  6. Tapestry.. even on the slowest news day, Wimbledon doesn't deserve a mention.

    Never has there been a more tedious self involved sport.

    I've managed (somehow) to avoid hearing the numpties going on about 'Tiger' Tim this year.

    Thank god for small mercies!

  7. Erm, how about 'despite the guff about an election in 10 weeks' on the front of the Sun Tel, 'word is that Labour won't go until the Euros in '09'?

  8. I sympathise. Meanwhile I'm suffering from Bloggers Bollock.

    Something to do with the prolonged sedentary position according to my GP. He keeps telling me to get out and about a bit more, and get some fresh air. I've told him that it's too damn dangerous out there on the streets, so I'll motor around in the armoured limousine with the windows open. Just got the limo at a knockdown price. Apparently it only had one former lady owner who lived in Whitehall. We understand she now finds it surplus to her requirements.

    All sorts of interesting things have turned up from the various nooks and crannies. You won't believe what we found stuffed down the cushions in the back seat and there were some very interesting organic stains, but we've managed to get most of them out. Probably have to take it for professional cleaning. I haven't dared to open the boot yet...

    Anyway, the GP doesn't think this will help with the medical condition. Found a business card in the glovebox with the telephone number of a Chakra Healer called Chaplin or something. I'll maybe give her a bell and see if she can get my Karma straightened or whatever it is they do.

  9. How about a comment or two about the fact that Drumcree passed off without incident today! 3 years running, roll on the good times and let's bury the past in N.I.!

  10. "A nation mourns"

    Which nation's that then? Give us a clue!

  11. Write something about Alan "the Arabist" Johnston

  12. I thought Cameron was interesting highlighting the values of marriage. Such a policy will, of course only pay off if we rid ourselves of those philandering Legover Larry & Laura's the 'royal family', whose infidelity rate while they had impressionable young (and probably VERY aware)children was in the premier league.

    Green Dave will no doubt now have to appoint a 'special advisor' on family values. I think it will be a toss-up' between Baroness Curry and Earl Major, unless of course he want's fo skip a generation and then it can be an ecumenical job-share between Marc Oaten and James Grayling.

  13. When do you think there will be an election?

  14. I think any Government spending you report should be converted into annual family tax (AFT).

    For example if the AFT is 10K then the 5K a day spent on the terrorist bombers mecial care every day (reported in the Sun) means that the average family will blow their entire annual tax bill in TWO days looking after the terrorist. Or an MPs expenses can be reported in terms of AFTs. This is a much better and more personal way to report tax.

  15. Perhaps there should be an Adultry Tax/ All MPs caught in adultry should pay 95 per cent of their income in taxation for encouraging the hoi polloi to shag 'over the brush'. Also a 'Footballer WAG Tax' to be hypothecated pay for the compulsory psychiatric tratment for any woman caught 'in flagranti' with a Premier League 'star'.

  16. How about a comment on this?,,2121258,00.html

  17. More on the drink tax. Is it right that Tories should propose something that would restrict what many of us see as a pleasure to the rich even more than it already is?

  18. Dear Mr Spark

    Mr Dales concept of Totty isnt the same as yours or mine , so please don't encourage him , otherwise the blog will be awash with photos of naked and oiled young men , like the one he posted a little while ago.
    No doubt "classic totty" would be Steve Reeves , kirk Douglas and Rock Hudson.

  19. How about (speaking of 'totty'!): would Homer Simpson vote Labour or Conservative? It's only time before it comes up in the House of Commons...

  20. Anonymous 6:54, while I applaud your sentiments if Adulterous Swines/Swinettes cough up 95% in tax, what does the jilted spouse get apart from sod all?

    Oy, it really is a slow day...

  21. @ The Hitch: now that I could live with.

    Actually, blogger's block is going around. Everyone I know is posting ridonkulous YouTube filler and quizzes. Mercury is in retrograde, just blame it on that.
