Sunday, July 15, 2007

60% As Influential as The Grauniad - I Have Never Been So Insulted

I am not sure I understand THIS but according to the Onalytica blog (no jokes please) my blog is 15% as influential as the BBC and 60% as influential as The Guardian when it discusses David Cameron. I think. It's some sort of benchmarking thing. But I'm not a management consultant, so I don't pretend I really understand it.


  1. What it means is that you be asking for a high revenue take from your advertisers!!

  2. I have read it, and I do understand it. It's claptrap.

  3. Precisely! You can now say to advertisers, "Well actually, did you know that I am 60% as powerful as The Guardian when discussing David Cameron?", and they say "Really?! Well in that case, we shall quadruple our advertising offer and then add some!"

    At which point Iain, you wake up.


  4. What's the betting someone from Onalytica contacts you next week with s sales pitch about how they can improve you brand awareness/reach etc...!

  5. I think you have been pinged - or ponged, or whatever the jargon is. Sounds like the sort of research that advertising agencies cite to persuade their clients to spend sqillions on pointless campaigns.

  6. Can we have a whip round for poor William Hague. He is a chap I admire. He is funny, intelligent and a committed parliamentarian. Shame he he appears to have no discernment whatsoever, having first backed Archer for Mayor of London and then gotten a peerage for Conrad Black. Any chance of him backing Tony Git, like your good self?

  7. Conrad Black was a fellow Bildeberger of Hague's

    Funny how Hague's been so quiet of late. Is there trouble brewing with Ken Clarke over the referendum policy?

    Something's afoot.


    Iain, given your interest in sleaze, why haven't you posted anything on Conrad Black's criminal conviction? After all, he is one of the felons of YOUR land.

    Most delicious part of the whole business, is fact that Black cannot serve his time in Canada instead of the USA because the noble & felonious lord renounced his Canadian citizenship in order to become a noble lord . . . thanks as has been pointed out to the lunkheads runnning the Conservative Party . . . of course in return for services rendered. Wonder if Scotland Yard is looking into THAT peerage trafficking?

    Black campaigned for his peerage despite strong opposition from the Canadian government and most Canadians. Now the Canucks won't even let him back into his old homeland because he's an alien AND a felon.

    Afraid not even the Queen herself can turn a snake's belly into a true nobleman.

  9. ...15% as influential as the BBC and 60% as influential as The Guardian...

    The question is - which one means more to you?

  10. The fact is you are influential.

  11. On the backing of LIT. Could you Iain clarify your views on Defectors?
    As I understand from your Blogs you are all over the place FOR/ AGAINST.
    When you do I will give you a little credit for being Influential.

  12. On Conrad Black time to strip any member of the House of Lords who commits an offence of their titles, or scrap the whole ruddy nonsense.
    On Tony Lit if u think it hasn't lost the Tory Party votes Iain your a cretin. How long has Lit been a member? Why was he chosen as a candidate? The really disturbing thing, (this goes for all the main parties) the white working class of that area, see themselves being sidelined, pushed into the background while Asian godfathers are promoted above their ability to get the ethnic vote. The BNP must be rubbing their hands, the three main parties are doing their work for them. Candidates should be chosen on ability and merit, not to placate a religous,cultural,racial group.

  13. That implies the BBC is only 4 times as influential as The Guardian but ignores the publicity The Guardian gets by having a broadcasting subsidiary of The Scott Trust in the shape of the BBC

  14. "I'm not a management consultant, so I don't pretend I really understand it" - is this another change of policy Iain?

    There are lots of other things you're not. But that doesn't stop you pretending to be an expert on all those other specialisations. (OK, I admit it - me too)

  15. The amount of effort salaried Labour trolls put in to mess up the comments is confirming evidence that you are influential.

    It is the thinking out loud done on blogs that attracts people, and nowhere is that more so than on Iain Dale.

  16. Have you forgotten already that that poor family have not got their children back?

    You conservatives are all gutless. This is foul.

    This is state sponsored kidnapping

    Why isn't there a huge media campaign about this.

    Just stop, just for a moment, and try to imagine how gut wrenching every second of that poor couple's lives must be

    Do you have children of your own? I do and I was in tears thinking about these poor people this morning.

  17. Think of it like this Iain- your blog is 1,000,000 times more influentual than LibDemPravda! Btw, is the Grauniad STILL being printed?! Come to that, is the Independent!

  18. Little I

    Agree 100%. This disgraceful government must be called to account; when will the Tory's start doing it?? This is a truly immoral act that must be rectified.

  19. further to my 12.35 am comment last night, on CH this morning Stephan Shakespeare says that News International are dumping out on cameron and are now backing hague. Seems like I sensed something correctly.

    quote: At a summer party recently, one of the most senior figures at News International told me his view that “the next Conservative Prime Minister will be William Hague”.

    It's the EU Constitution. If Cameron fights it, they'll go for his jugular and use Bideberger Hague to undermine him.

    Brown will suck up to the EU on this, and Murdoch will back Brown to keep onside with EU Competition Commissioners who otherwise threaten his control of non-BBC TV.

    Cameron will get the IDS treatment from the media - as do all Conservative leaders that dare to stand up to the EU.

  20. Well I hope you are not going to use that influence to snipe at David Cameron now.I was sickened to see Janet Daley crowing over the weekend Polls.

    Is the country is a state of mesmerised amnesia . This is not a different Gordon Brown its the same one .The one who stole the pensions , who taxed us to death , who blocked welfare reform , who conned the English on votes. The Scottish socialist bullying centralising EU Constitution hiding , spinning liar .

    How can anyone want more and worse of the same thing ? I hope then Iain you are going to use your powers for good and not evil , by which I mean supporting the boy prince David against the giant ugly Gordonlieth.

    I `m sure you are

  21. Seems like a combination of a late April fool and a timely birthday present. LOL's art department are still working on yours.

  22. These look like frightfully fishy figures to me.

  23. William Hague has come a long way from the figure of ridicule he was in the late 90s.

    There is no doubt that he is more in tune with the Tory grassroots.

    It is obvious to many that he should be shadow chancellor rather than the woeful Osborne. However, Cameron was nervous about giving him a domestic brief because he sees him as a threat to his leadership.

  24. Hague is a threat to Britain - not only to Cameron. He and Ken Clarke are the left over Ted Heath supporters.

  25. Boris confirmed apparently:

  26. When Michael Howard stepped down, there was an opportunity for the Tories to grab the initiative with a policy that was, on one hand, socially liberal but on the other to have a right-wing agenda including lower taxation, a smaller state, NHS privatisation, draconian anti-crime measures and stricter controls on immigration and asylum.

    People want to believe that a party has a vison they believe in and a leader who can realise it.

    Hague could convincingly argue the above, however, Cameron has become Blair#2 and who wants sloppy seconds?

  27. No wonder you are grinning in your photograph - all that praise and revenue, and you've certainly influenced me to pose more by resting my head on my hand in photographs. :>D

  28. WTF! William Hague!! That man who did so well in 2001! What utter nonsense. I'm an admirer of Hague, and he should have a senior Shadow or futrue government position, but he got the crap kicked out of him by the BBC last time. How many times did they show that speech at the Tory conference when he was 15? To most of the electorate he is a bald bloke with a very odd accent and the one they didn't vote for in 2001! If the Dirty Digger is backing a revolt against Cameron, it is because Broon wants to see the back of him. Labour are scared crapless by Cameron, they are desperate for the Tories to get rid of him and to be seen as lurching to the right so that the BBC can do their evil work for them.
    Cameron is the Tories biggest asset, Labour know it and that should tell any half-witted Tory that they should keep him. I can't believe that people are backing a Murdoch led assassination attempt. Do you really think he is doing that so that the Tories will beat his dining chum Brown and the craven Labour government who has been grovelling to Murdoch for so long?? Pleeeese get real.

  29. Geezer - you have the opportunity to "get real" yourself. What is the point of Cameron getting in if he is a socialist, as, indeed, he is? Who cares what socialist is in charge?

    I want a conservative and a capitalist. I don't give a crap about the underclass or these immigrants which are being afforded attention out of all proportion to their numbers (so far). None of these people are going to vote Conservative anyway, so why turn real Conservatives off by bending the knee to them?

    I will resist the weak temptation to join you in your "reality".

  30. That's about as real as Essex Special Constabulary celebrating their 175th birthday by agreeing to make 175 more arrests.

    No kidding on that, ESC have guaranteed us lucky people of Essex 175 more arrests this year.

    Enough to make you spew, isn't it?
