Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What's Going on in the Westminster Village & Beyond?

Have you discovered the 18 Doughty Street Events Calendar yet? It's a one stop shop to find out what's happening in the world of politics. Click HERE. If you or your organisation is holding an event which you'd like listed, just email events AT 18doughtystreet DOT com - the events may be anywhere in the country, but must have a political flavour to them.


  1. How about making a statement by supporting one of your local grammar schools - Skinners - at our summer fete 12-3pm on 30th June. . It's near where you live and ofsted found it to be 'outstanding' last week. Oh go on...

  2. The advert for 18DS has the awful Yasmin woman. You have been warned on this score already Iain - a lot of people won't be watching while you continue to air this bint.

  3. Iain, have you considered putting this onto Google Calender? They have a facility to make calenders public, and you can now add the events to your own personal calender as well (they show up in a different colour). Could be handy...

  4. when will there be any mention of Lord Pearson of Rannoch's Bill, about to pass over to the Commons - proposing a cost/benefit analysis of our EU membership?

  5. Spare some cash for a splendid libertarian project?
