Monday, June 25, 2007

What Should David Burrowes Ask Tony Blair?

Well here's a Facebook first. Tory MP David Burrowes has sent a message to his Facebook friends asking their advice on what he should ask Tony Blair at PMQs on Wednesday. He is first in the ballot. Here's his message...

I have been allotted the first of the last questions to Tony Blair at PMQ's
on Wednesday... Now the obvious questions that come to mind are:Does the PM
think "The trial of Tony Blair" is going to become reality?or Will the PM become
the next Governor of Texas?Somehow I don't think the PM would want to answer
that! So, I though I'd ask you to suggest questions to be put to our esteemed
outgoing PM! If you have a burning question, send it to me, you never know, it
might be put to the PM!

The last message I had from David was asking advice on what to call his newly born baby! Sometimes there should be self-imposed limits to internet interaction! Although I'm a fine one to talk...


  1. Anyone whose name is so close to that of David Borrow MP, is prettier than him by a long margin and cannot even decide what to call his kid should not be in the House of Commons let alone questioning the Prime Minister.

    How about "Can I have your autograph mister?"?!

  2. Yes, this is ridiculous. He should resign. Or at least ask his constituency association rather than blog muppets and facebookies.

  3. If as reported you are intending to convert to Catholicism how long do think your first confession will take - 1 month?, 6 months?, 12 months?

    This being the case is this the reason why you have not announced what you will do once you leave Downing Street?

  4. He needs to ask someone about contraception.
    Blair is not the man.

  5. The very simple: "is it true that you were considering sacking the Chancellor of the Exchequer before the last election" would make for an interesting question

  6. 1) As Bertie Ahern and many EU leaders believe that the new European mandate is 90% or more of the rejected EU consituition, is the Prime Minister's denial of a referendum commited to in his and his parties manifesto, his last deception?

    2) After touring the world saying goodbye and spending a reported £6M of taxpayers funds doing so, does the Prime Minister feel that he has "Left the crowds wanting more"?

  7. Would the right honerable member like to break with the tradition he has so firmly established in the last ten years and finally answer a question with a simple yes or no ?

    Alan Douglas

  8. Q. I cannot think of a worthwhile question for you. Shall I get my coat?

    A. Yes

  9. Since he won't admit to being a war criminal or anything like that:

    What is the present Prime Minister's itinerary for the next 20 years?

    Followed by - In his travel plans will he be taking account of the attitude of differnet countries to the extradition of those accused of war crimes & genocide?

  10. "Will you be making a comeback?"

  11. Does the Prime Minister believe his canonisation will take as long as that of Cardinal Newman, or longer?

  12. What was the biggest lie you told in the last ten years - and do you think you got away with it?

  13. "Have you secured Papal optouts on the bits you never really agreed with?"

  14. Would you like me to visit you when you are in chokey?

  15. Do you like prison food?

  16. Does the Prime Minister think Facebook is overblown?

  17. I have a question " Tony,whats's it like to be the last British Prime Minister."?

    (Some of you might get that)

  18. As one Jesus freak to another, may I ask the Prime Minister for his reaction to the news that the “Exclusive Brethren,” a religious sect which believes that computers are evil and that the world is the domain of the devil, has been in talks with Lord Adonis with a view to sponsoring a City Academy?

  19. I'd ask for 50 more questions.

  20. Can I join the Labour Party? Please?

  21. How does it feel to be the most detested Prime Minister in history? Any worse than being the Prime Minister who sold his country to the EU?

  22. how about if he asked for a lesson in politeness? the other day he barged right in front of me at the entrance from the tube into portcullis house just so he could get to work one microsecond quicker. i was not impressed.

  23. 'Why have you bothered to come in today?'

  24. Prime Minister:

    Who is this prat "Chris Paul" and why the hell won't he stay off Iain's blog?

  25. When he leaves number 10 for the last time, will the outgoing Prime Minster find the decency in his heart to meet the families of 152 British soldiers killed in Iraq and 61 soldiers killed in Afghanistan, whose requests for him to meet them he has repeatedly turned down throughout the past three years - and who are currently in Downing Street in the hope that he will speak to them?

    Or will he continue with his cowardly and shameful avoidance of these families?

    If he refuses the last request of these families, is he aware that his lasting legacy for the history books will be photographs of the families of service personnel in Downing Street, holding up photographs of their loved ones who were killed in action he initiated, while he, the departing Prime Minister, sneaks out of the back door of 10 Downing Street like a common criminal?

    I have just received the following from Stop The War:


    Military Families Against the War, representing families who have lost relatives in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, will be in Downing Street on Tony Blair's last day in office, Wednesday 27 June. They will be holding pictures of their loved ones who have died as a result of Tony Blair's war crimes. The Military Families are inviting everyone who is able to join them to come to Downing Street between 10am and 12 noon, when Blair will leave for the last time. Stop the War Coalition will be supporting their protest, to help ensure that Blair's last day is marked by a protest against his war policies, which have lead to the deaths of up to one million Iraqis, countless Afghan civilians, 152 British soldiers in Iraq and 61 soldiers in Afghanistan.

    Rose Gentle, whose son Gordon was killed in Iraq almost exactly two years ago, says, "Let our photos be the last thing Blair sees when he leaves number 10."

    In the afternoon, the Military Families will hand a letter for Gordon Brown into Downing Street, asking him to meet the families of those soldiers who have died in Iraq, a request which Tony Blair has turned down repeatedly over the past three years.

  26. Another Conservative MP showing he can do his best to live down to the reputation of his party for lack of ideas.

  27. Did you watch Panorama on Monday and if you did are you ever so slightly miffed that Gordon Brown is a more accomplished liar than you.

  28. Two questions he can ask;

    "What can the Prime Minister remember of his first election leaflet in Sedgefield?" (I'll publish it in Curly's Corner Shop tomorrow for old time's sake).

    "What hold does John Prescott have over the Prime Minister, such that he was deemed sackless?"

  29. "Is it true what they say about women with a big mouth?"

  30. MPs need help doing their questions. They need to be narrowly aimed and short. How often do MPs run out of time when the Speaker cuts them off? On Wednesday, they should all be serious and issue-focused. Ignore the fact that it's his last day, leave that to the Labour benches.

  31. Q: What does it feel like being the last person to complete a full term as Prime Minister of an independent, sovereign Britain?

    chris paul: blog muppets

    Speak for yourself, sweetheart.

  32. Whatever the question it needs to be brief. A sharp punchy question always has more impact than a waffler.

  33. Can I join the Labour Party?
