Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Waiting For the Clunking Fist to Fall...

Just to show how much this government is in a state of paralysis pending the takeover of the Dour One I bring you news from an MP who my acquaintance who received an invitation to an event with the Park Homes Parliamentary Group on 25 June at which the Local Government & Communities Minister Minister Baroness Andrews is due to speak. The invitation, from lord Graham of Edmonton concludes with the words...
In view of the current political situation the Minister is unable to confirm precisely if she is able to attend.

I wonder how many other government ministers are not taking diary commitments at the moment...


  1. *Sigh* STILL no posting on Blairs "Feral Media" speech.

    This is a dangerous annoucement that threatens the freedom of speech of bloggers and new media - which Blair now wants to "regulate".

    AND you didn't even post my comment from yesterday asking why you hadn't posted anything?

    What's your problem Iain?

  2. Anonymous, I didn't have time to do a proper post on Blair's speech as I was busy working from midday until midnight. I intend to write something this morning. And I certainly did not censor a post from you. All posts yesterday were allowed through except for 2 which contained swear words.

  3. Whatever happened to continuity of policy?

    Every change of Minister over the last ten years has led to drastic changes in policy. No wonder the country is in such a state. I've lost count of the number of changes to the NHS, education, laws, legislation, 'interpretations', 'initiatives' etc. There must be quite literally thousands. Of course that all makes nice work for the 'consultants' and 'advisors'.

    Now Brown is about to start tinkering. As every fule kno, you keep buggering about with the machine - it'll never run.

    And while we're at it, can the anonymous morons posting here please make some attempt to keep roughly on topic? Or are you all ex Labour Government ministers, too, with the attention span of a fruit fly?

  4. It's like waiting for the s**t to hit the f*n - or like watching a car crash in slow motion!

    Keep up the good work Iain the blog has been excellent recently despite anonymong comments such as 9.33.

  5. anon - when it's all over the media, what's the hurry. Iain will find a different more interesting angle, no doubt.

    Park Homes? In the US and many other countries, homes built elsewhere and delivered on a truck house above 5% of the population. In the UK only 1%.

    People could sell their red brick 4 bedroomers, move out to a Park Home, and they could live on the cash, hand some over to children to buy houses, and enjoy a solvent retirement.

    Or first time buyers could buy at maybe £50,000 not £150,000.

    The problem is partly membership of the EU which controls use of agricultural land (Patrick MInford) - and also the attitudes of Councils to Park Homes. They imagine Trailor Park Trash. In fact they are all peaceful happy places where people are relxed becasue they can afford to live.

    There is a great need for 1,000,000 more of these in the UK - which would come about without any need for government to control the process. The market would do it all, if only planning would let it happen. It would stop Prescott's ideas of carving up Britain's turf to build yet more suburbs.

    It would be like Maggie's Council House sales all over again.

    Paralysis is caused by fear. Gordon's primary method of control seems to be to keep people in fear. What a lovely country this is going to be. Can't wait.

  6. I await the arrival of this man with some trepidation.

    I do however urge Cameron to treat him as a serious threat because this man knows how to destroy people even in his own party.

    Treat with great care D.C and lets start to see fully formed Policy!!

    G.B is ruthless.

  7. Oh for god`s sake he is just a nasty little plodder . Do stop this " He never sleeps " nonsense. No we do not want fully formed Policies because Labour will only steal them.

    Go get i`m Dave , he`s a sitting duck

  8. Blair surrounded himself with strong characters - Campbell, Brown, Cherie, Mandelson and let them get on with it. He found strong overseas leaders to obey - George Bush (Yo Blair) notably but also Chirac. He allowed Rupert Murdoch to control his European Policy. Blair concentrated on appearing nice competent trustworthy and unstressed, confident that he would play others off against each other. (Triangulation, middle way etc). On real issues, Blair passed the buck, or did nothing.

    Brown will not be like that. He will surround himself with people he believes are no threat to his position, who will do what he thinks is right. Civil servants are unlikely to threaten his position so he'll be happy to pull them back into Downing St.

    He will probably be frosty with international leaders who try to make his decisions for him, and micromanage every crisis. Blair was all calm and played it easy. Brown will keep those not in his clique in constant fear, and he will be a hands-on PM. At the moment any policy which is the opposite of Blair’s seems to appeal strongly to him. His Prime Ministership so far (before it’s started) seems to be about using his Great Clunking Fist to repay the slights of the last ten years.

    It’s a case of ‘Be in the Clunk’s clique, or keep head down’.

  9. With all due respect to the Local Government & Communities Minister, Baroness Andrews, I've never heard of her. Does the fact that she is unsure about attending an event on the 25 June mean that the government is "in paralysis"?? Come off it Iain. Brown announced his key advisers today (including some former Blair advisers, Tapestry) and nipped over to Iraq a couple of days ago. He's already indicating how he'll conduct antiterrorism policy.
    Doesn't look like paralysis to me.

  10. The Stealth Chancellor becomes PM by means of a stealthy coup. Signs are that he will become a Stealth Dictator. More here.

  11. They may not be taking appointments (or at least making them tbc) AFTER G Day but this is before so it seems queer.

    It is well known that every time there is a cabinet or even minor ministerial reshuffle there is some effect on ongoing projects. Print and policy needs to be owned by the incomer to an extent and so there is generally a bit of a hiatus.

    This is not the same as Chuck's idea of total turnovers every time there's a change. But any fool would acknowledge that print should be held for a week or two ahead of a change so that the right name is on the damned print and it doesn't get pulped at great expense.

    Is that not the case? So what's the story?

  12. So Blair wants to regulate the 'feral' blogosphere?

    How, exactly? Quite apart from the fact that it would be an infringement of free speech (which would bother him not the slightest, I imagine), how would he actually do it? The servers, for example, are in America, beyond the reach of UK law - and I don't think Bush owes Blair quite enough favours to overrule the First Amendment...

    In any case he'll be gone in a few weeks. What this really is, is him venting against those who have had so much to do with his fall from power, and who won't stop until he is behind bars.

    This is another mall prison/marching crims to cashpoints to pay fines/rip-off Britain initiative - noise for the sake of noise...

    Ian Westbrook, Apocalypse Times
    latest posting:
    "Blair attacks a 'feral media'. Pot, kettle, black..."

  13. Chris Paul: "But any fool would acknowledge that print should be held for a week or two ahead of a change so that the right name is on the damned print and it doesn't get pulped at great expense"

    Since when have these buffoons ever concerned themselves with 'printing costs'?

    Obviously some 'policies' continue - such as the HIPS charade and any number of other 'initiatives'. Then they're quietly withdrawn, the printed material pulped, and the 'overheads' absorbed by the Ministries - which just happen to be funded by the taxpayer, of course. It's a well established game - the 'moving on' game.

    Worse than that, these cretins seem to believe we can't see exactly what they're up to. Talk about insult and injury...

    Oh, and while we're at it - did I mention 'total turnovers?' Did I mention apple turnovers, for that matter? 'Remedial' reading classes are clearly necessary.

  14. WHo cares?
    It's an interregnum.
    Nothing happens in a short one. Once GB is PM, then we'll all hav eplenty to talk about.

  15. I know Comrade Hewitt is because I've had confirmation of a meeting I am attending with her.... or perhaps that should be she with me.
