Monday, June 18, 2007

Simon Mayo at 1pm

I'm going to be on the Simon Mayo show on 5 Live from 1pm to 1.45pm talking about David Cameron's speech in Tooting this lunchtime on progressive conservatism.

UPDATE: Well that was a first - four Tory guests on a programme on the BBC and not a discordant note between them. Three of us had been David Davis supporters (John Strafford and Andrew Percy being the other two) but were positively glowing in our Cameroonery - as was Sheila Gunn. I really must put a tie on next time :)

UPDATE: Just been interviewed by Mr Crick for Newsnight. Asm I shalle bon 18DS when it is on, please do let me know what I said!


  1. You could wait until he has actually delivered the speech..

  2. David Cameron steals lots of his ideas and 'catchphrases' from the forum on Webcameron. LoL :)

    I am happy to hear that the Conservative Party is now a forward thinking and progressive party. The modern Conservative Party has far more in common with the US Democrats than Labour do. Funny how the times have changed...

  3. Sorry was that David camerons speech IN Tooting or ON Tooting?
    If the latter I thought that was never to be mentioned.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Cameron correctly said in his Tooting speech -

    'Brown will not commit to a referendum on the Constitution.'

    The Daily Mail page 4 headline - 'Brown To Allow Referendum On Europe' - is not correct, as the article itself demonstrates. He has clearly not yet decided whether to 'allow' one or not.

    Before he decides whether we are 'allowed' a vote on Europe, shouldn't there be a vote to decide if we want to 'allow' Gordon Brown to be Prime Minister.

  6. Was Chamberlain's policy of appeasement a "progressive policy" from the centre right of politics?

    I am progressively going off Chamberlain, I mean Cameroon.

    England needs another Hugh Dowding not another Tony Blair.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Well ask Simon Mayo about the BBC Bias report !

  9. You can progress down hill, that's one way of looking at it. Being progressive going down hill. Let me know when the Tories reach rock bottom.

  10. If a rugby jersey is good enough for Eddie Mair..

  11. I think I'm going to throw up...

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  13. Iain, I listened to much of the programme. Can't really remember what David Cameron said. Mostly I recall some noticeable circling of the wagons by yourself and the other Conservative commentators.

    As a Conservative I'm looking for some one to believe in and trust.

    I trusted Lady Thatcher - you didn't need to remember everything she said, you knew who she was and what she stood for.

    I wish I could say the same for David Cameron. Maybe it will come with a bit more time.

    Frankly I think there will have to be at least two heads and three brains rolling before the membership feels happy again.

  14. David Cameron was VERY welcome in Tooting. Many local activists were there who have put in years of hard work to make sure that Wandsworth delivers the best public services for the lowest council tax in the country. It was a great morale boost and his speech was incredibly well received.

  15. Simon Mayo programme on BBC Five Live's website.
