Friday, June 01, 2007

Shaping Harriet Harman's Radical Realism to Face the Challenges of the Future...Blah...Blah

I'm not a fan of Harriet Harman but her deputy leadership campaign has been rather well organised. She did very well in the Newsnight debate and she writes a half decent blog. Well, in a strictly partisan way, let's look at the non decent half of her blog as exemplified by THIS blogpost where she uses more bits of jargon in one paragraph than I thought humanly possible. Take a look...
The Tories have said they are the heirs to Tony Blair and that the deputy leadership contest shows a lurch to the left. We will decide how we take the country forward by listening to the people of Britain and responding on the basis of Labour’s values - not in response to the latest political tactics from the Tories. We would be mad to let the Tories shape our agenda. And the centre ground is not a fixed place. Thatcher moved it to the right and we have moved it to the left. I think we should be radical and at the same time realistic. And radical realism will help us take Britain forward to face the new challenges that face our country. Most people are not interested in political labels. they want a strong economy and a fair and peaceful society with good public services. That is not clinging to the centre ground, nor a lurch to the left - it’s just progress to the future.

Wow. Profound stuiff, eh?!


  1. I will truly despair if Harman gets a sniff at power. I did think that Newsnight should have arranged the lecterns so that our little chipmunk didn't look quite so tiny...

  2. My delicate sensibilites shrivelled in pain

    Robert Graves wrote:

    Gone are the drab monosyllabic days
    When "agricultural labour" still was tilth.
    And "100 % approbation", praise;
    And "pornographic modernism", filth -
    Yet still I stand by tilth and filth and praise.

    This style of writing is constructed by nailing slabs of cliche together . Like a prefabricated chicken house.

    (Orwell ..ish)

  3. Alan Turing proposed his test to detect machine intelligence; I do not think he anticipated the possibility of humans talking like machines, thereby undermining his premise. On the other hand...

  4. Why is everything suddenly profound? are you on a bet to mention it in every post?

    I hope I have not made a fool of myself and missed a joke.

  5. Did you not realise this blog is the home of profundity? :)

  6. forthurst:

    Surely all NuLabour apparatchiks are just malfunctioning androids?

  7. Onward and upward!
    Forward, not back!
    The future is ours!

    I give up. It's beyond parody.

  8. More disturbing than the language (which is no great surprise to those who live under the yoke of corporate marketing) is the perception that a change if stance isn't achieved by moving oneself from the middle ground, but wrenching the public perception to make the desired position into the middle ground.

    Its not about taking a position anymore, its about manipulating the public into thinking your position is the default one.

  9. "That is not clinging to the centre ground, nor a lurch to the left - it’s just progress to the future." (Harman)

    We know what sort of ground you're clinging to Ms Burke & Hare Harman; burial grounds, where there is now, thanks to you, not just a lurch to the left - and right - but upwards and downwards too.

    Anyone wondering what body snatcher Harman's concept of 'listening...'radical realism...'fairness' and 'progress' really involve, need look no further than her ghoulish decrees in respect of our deceased parents and grandparents.

    This woman will do anything for a few measly quid, even steal the pennies from the eyes of our deceased families. So they were patriots who made huge sacrifices for our freedom and their graves on hallowed ground - so what!

    Ooh, look at all of those corpses and graves taking up valuable development land - lovely jubbly! Dig them up, exhume the lot, screeched nulab's grotesue Cruella de Ville.

    Is it true that the young flesh falls off her yellow bones at midnight to reveal a hideous old hag?

  10. The English is awful, but the content is meaningful. That's a lot more than one can say about a lot of this Government's output.

  11. After a phoney 'consultation', during which Cruella refused to listen to anyone but her nulab grave snatching accomplices, Cruella rode as roughshod as a crazed horsewomen of the Apocalypse over the many objections to her disgusting policy - from which politicians and their families are doubtless exempt.

    So now countless English (not Welsh, or Scots, or Irish) dead patriots are, on body snatcher Harman's orders, shamefully exhumed and 'compacted', i.e. dumped into a large grinding machine, where they are tumbled around and ground into pellets the size of rabbit droppings.

    And all in order to crowd together many more deceased remains in one grave, sell off graves over and over and free up development land and further over crowd the unsustainably stressed South East.

    What an odius policy from an such a malodious woman.

  12. I was thinking of leaving the comment "Bingo!" on Harriet's post but thought better of it.

  13. I realised when my eyes glazed over that I am totally at home with New Labour speak, and I felt all cosy and warm at the sheer drab tediousness of it all. Truly I am a child of the 21st century. Thank you so much for passing this on.

  14. Pot. Kettle. Black. Iain.


  15. Jack Dromey championed HH in the Manchester hustings on Thursday as she couldn't be there.

    Jack for Deputy! Jon and Peter represented themselves and the other deps were all quite good too. Among friends, far more policy information.

    But it is almost beyond belief Iain that any Tory blogger could analyse that bit of prose and find it a problem ... when your man Dave-id who is allegedly the leader of your party cannot better it in any way shape or form.

    For DC this would have counted as PROFOUND.

  16. why do these people use words like radical to describe old policy and invest where they mean spend? do they have a bullcrap generator on their laptops, press f1 for soundbites.

  17. All you can really say is that if Harman is the answer, then you really are asking the wrong question.

    I can only dream that Labour will be stupid enough to elect her.

  18. I thought that was how how any corporation or corporate drone speaks or writews these days. read anything from the police, NhS or other public sector and you will see the same. The Corporate wold have been using this drivel for years. There is a game called 'Wank Bingo' played by employees of the police who have to attend meetings and who tick off the current buzz words and note down the new ones. it is the only way to relive the boredom of these complete waste of time events and to get through the rest of the day.

  19. Harriet Harman has failed in every government job that she`s had So has Prezza , must be the necessary qualification for the DPM`s role. At least she can string an intelligible sentence together without people falling about laughing. Oh how we`ll miss Mr Toad! What a shower of self serving morons.

  20. For Harriet and Sarah Harman's role, together with the delectable Margaret Hodge in the demise of the expert medical witness, see this week's British Medical Journal.


  21. So,

    No joined-up, blue-sky plank-page new-chapter, open-book thinking then!

    Up without this, we will not put!

  22. Should have been 'blank-page' dammit!

    All elements of surprise and cunning wit lorst now.


  23. British Medical Journal 2nd June 334: 1139-41

  24. Tomorrow belongs to me...mmmmmm where did we hear that one before?

    Gordon would prefer a girl. Less threat to his 'tiny' ego.

  25. The good thing for the Tories is that this is probably the best Labour have to offer now. None of the deputy leader contenders come over as competent, ethical individuals. Scandal and internal attacks have got rid of most of the real talent.

  26. Chris Paul - Your ventriloquist’s dummy drivel is driving me bananas ,why don’t you realistically radically progress somewhere else .( Take the first left and keep going until you reach the "dust heap of history")

  27. Newmania 1 - 0 Chris Paul.

    Not much come back from that. Enough to make me look at the Newmania blog.

  28. I just love that 'progress to the future'. I'm not sure how one could do anything other than PROGRESS to the future.

    Tin ears.

  29. Iain is interesting because he knows a lot about Westminster. On the other hand, he's so far in there that his definition of jargon is a bit narrow:

    "The Tories have said they are the heirs to Tony Blair and that the deputy leadership contest shows a lurch to the left. We will decide how we take the country forward by listening to the people of Britain and responding on the basis of Labour’s values - not in response to the latest political tactics from the Tories. We would be mad to let the Tories shape our agenda. And the centre ground is not a fixed place. Thatcher moved it to the right and we have moved it to the left. I think we should be radical and at the same time realistic. And radical realism will help us [to] take Britain forward to face the new challenges that face our country. Most people are not interested in political labels. they want a strong economy and a fair and peaceful society with good public services. That is not clinging to the centre ground, nor a lurch to the left - it’s just progress to the future.

  30. I enjoyed the story in the Evening Standard yesterday about Harman and Blears apparently having a difference of opinion about how much it was acceptable to pay for a handbag.

    The caption read: "Harriet Harman, yesterday" or something -- but the picture was... Tessa Jowell, carrying a handbag!

  31. are a secret admirer of Ms H Ian methinks you give lots of space and photos.

  32. How do you "shape an agenda"? How do you "take a country forward"? Is it like being incandescent with rage?

    Looking on the bright side, she is easier on the eye & ear than old perma-tan.

    Deliver us from this evil, amen.

  33. I've seen a lot worse than that.

    "Most people are not interested in political labels. they want a strong economy and a fair and peaceful society with good public services"

    That particular bit seems sense that Dave, with his commitment to greenery & abolishing chocolate oranges could learn from. If you take "peaceful society" as meaning not getting mugged then it seems perfectly sensible. I grant the rest could have been excised without loss.

  34. Athos, 1.6.07 @ 11:42 nails it, as far as I am concerned.

    Thing is, Cameron is in part doing just the same - he is nudging opinion one way and dragging his party another to coincide at the same spot.

    There is nothing wrong with enlightening people, but spin, no, lets be plain and frank, propaganda is another kettle of fish.

    Harman has stood idly by while our constitution has been butchered, minced, extruded, shaped and injected with transfats.

    She makes me lipid.

  35. Socialists, it is clear by Harriet Harmans comments just dont get it.

    If she is claiming that the Labour party should gain its direction from what people want and ask for.

    Then she herslf is not a socialist and never was. She is a conservative. Which as she is clearly not a conservative,and does not claim to be one, makes her a lier pure and simple.

    What we clearly know about the British public is prooved by countless opinion polls and elections going back for years, for example.

    The overwhelming amount of the British public have repeatedly shown that they want.

    To own their own homes.

    Drastic reform of the education system.

    Drastic reform of the NHS

    Drastic reform of the welfare system.

    Drastic reform of this countries immigration policy.

    Truely democratic reform of the House of Lords.

    Honest government.

    The return of capital punishment

    The return of corporal punishment.

    Corporal or far greater discipline in our schools.

    Lower general taxation.

    Less interference in their lives from government in general.

    And thats just a few quickly off the top of my head.

    However, what we did infact get for ten whole years was the complete opposite or none of the above.


    What we the British public did not ask for was.

    A draconian ban on smoking from all public enclosed places and enclosed places of work, even if no other human being is present at the time.


    A castrated police service more likely to arrest normal law abiding citizens then any serious criminals.

    Higher rates of general taxation then anywhere in non-scandinavian Europe or the communist world.

    Speed camaras and many other cameras everywhere else but in your front garden or home....Yet.

    More rights and freedoms for terrorists homosexuals women the non-British born and government officials then is given to non women non-terrorists non-homosexuals, British born and non-government officials.

    A BBC that is clearly and allowed to be getting away with being pro the present state authoratarian socialist government, and an above inflation increase to help fund the BBCs media empire building.

    Our PRIVATE pensions being reduced to expensivly privatly funded pocket money, and an extra revenue sorce for the government.

    Our state pensions reduced to not even pocket money status.

    A revolving door prison service only good for habitual criminals and lawyers pay packets.

    A war in Iraq, and many other places.

    Forever larger direct and indirect taxes on the poorest people in the country.

    An armed forces that is without cash to buy proper equipment to either protect itself or do the almost infinite amount of impossible things the government expects and instructs it to do.

    Widespead and uncountered electorial polling fraud in national and local elections.

    An every increasing amount British people that dont trust the present government the electoral system or any government in the future it may one day elect.

    An ever increasing amount of people like me that are seriously wishing they had never been born here.

    An every increasing amount of recent and not so recent immigrant population that wish they had never come here, and dislike and distrust this place more then the place they come from.

    I could go on all day but my finger is getting worn out. However I think I have made my point.

    Which is the last thing socialists could or would ever do is listen to and do what the vast magority of people want. Not doing so is infact the whole point of what being a socialist is.

    Please dont just believe me on this one.

    Ask any not in power honest NICE libertarian socialist. Who would claim that they vastly prefure to be in opposition then in government anytime.


    That was brilliant ! I agree with every word.

  37. Eeeerm Roger ?

    Lipids:... are an amphiphilic class of hydrocarbon-containing organic compounds. Lipids are categorized by the fact that they have complicated solvation ...

    ( Hostage to fortune there I think )
