Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rawnsley on Blair on Channel 4

If you're not watching Andrew Rawnsley's account of the Blair years on Channel 4, switch it on. Now. And that's an order. It's compelling.

UPDATE: Rawnsley really understands Blair, who did not emerge from these two hour very well. If you missed this, make sure you catch the second part on Monday.


  1. I was watching Doctor Who.

  2. I'm watching. His book "Servants of the People" was one of the best I've read on "new" Labour.

  3. Correct. I do believe that is the first time we have agreed on anything...

  4. His Grace was captivated by Dr Who.

    Ann Widdecombe was in it.

    His Grace is a huge fan (of Ms Widdecombe, though Dr Who has done much to redeem Saturday evenings as well...).

  5. I've just been watching Paddy's gushing tributes to Blair. I bet Gord is kicking himself.

  6. cranmer - but hasn't Widdy been flirting with Catholicism as well?

    Or was that just a threat over the ordination of women ?

  7. I hope Hurd And Rifkind and Major watched the Kosovo stuff.

  8. Mr Anonymous,

    His Grace does not respond to anonymice.

    Flirting? Not at all. In good old Widders style, she boldly jumped in with both feet. And yes, it was over the ordination of women, though the hither and whither of the Church of England may indeed drive one to seek out a foundation...

  9. "I'm watching. His book "Servants of the People" was one of the best I've read on "new" Labour."
    Excellent programme, as good as his book "Servants of the people" which I have just finally got round to reading. In fact some of the chapters are even more compelling or damning viewed at the end of his premiership than when it was first published.

  10. Archbishop, what does Your Grace think of Mr Tony's impending conversion? Will he have red lines and demand opt-outs from the Pope where he has uncertainties?

  11. Yes Doctor Who was quite interesting - it showed quite cleverly how easy it is to subvert our democracy!

  12. Dr Who AND Ann Widdecombe. All my Christmases came at once.

  13. Archbishop, what does Your Grace think of Mr Tony's impending conversion?

    Mr Genuinely Curious,

    His Grace has vented his thoughts over at Mr Fawkes' place, but he doesn't mind repeating them here:

    The Church of England will be all the stronger for his defection.

    As for Roman Catholicism, Mr Blair has done nothing towards protecting the unborn child, excelled himself in embryo experimentation, gloried in gay partnerships, destroyed the foundations of Catholic adoption agencies...

    Is he aware of what he has to swear when he is received into full communion with Rome?

    What a hypocrite.

    Good riddance.

  14. Gaing access to diplomatic politics special advisors was fascinating watch.

  15. But Iain we'll all be watching 18 Doughty Sreet on Monday evening - especially if Zoe is on.

    Does that mean I have to get someone in to programme the video-thingy? More trouble!

  16. Who's this Blair chap you keep going on about?

  17. Those who saw Dr Who were watching a very similar story about a bloke who gets elected as PM by promising what people want to hear and mesmerises them - but ends up selling them out to foriegn powers.

    Only difference was in the case of Saxon (aka The Mater) it was metal football type aliens, in Blair's case its been the US, EU & the Vatican.

  18. Cranmer said....

    "Is he aware of what he has to swear when he is received into full communion with Rome?

    What a hypocrite.

    Good riddance."

    norman says....

    Presumably, the Catholic church then admits the hypocrite and allows him to continue with his hypocrisy whilst they continue with theirs.

    Catamites anyone?

  19. Here in SA we don't get Channel 4. I was faced with a choice between a selection of bad movies, a locally made drama about Aids orphans and yet another documentary on the tribulations faced by nubile young lesbians in California on the channel for which I have to pay extra.

    Will the Blair doccie (and Dr Who) be out on DVD any time soon?

  20. If Blair does convert before leaving office it says alot about that vile creature Cherie and her mindset, which does RC no favours.

    The UK Prime Minister should bow before two people - the British and their Sovereign, no others.

  21. Clearly most of the best people were with Dr Who.

    I thought about taping the liar documentary but a total of four hours on Blair is at leat three too many.

  22. The really entertaining bit was Peter Mandelson twisting and flapping about in the wind, desperately trying to come across as some sort of wise and objective commentator.

    The mask over his deeply weird personality slipped a bit when he was asked how he 'helped' Blair to pull out of his alleged 'Im going to resign now' crisis last year. Mandie just could not resist the invivation to ego ride, and smirked as he proclained 'oh I just told him to pull out of it'

    Incidentally, here on BBC radio Scotland this late morning we have just had programme (Red, White and Blue) by the much under-rated Isobel Lindsay on Brown's previous politics. I recommend you to log onto it through the 'read again' facility - it is an extraordinary series of under-stated revelations about the guy's politics (and especially the ones he has moved on from).

  23. Sorry, I should have typed the 'listen again' facility, re the BBC Scotland radio programme

  24. Hang on, this was an awful programme. Completely loaded with the standard leftish snide comments about unproven oil interests/motives, and a very weak commentary on Blair.

  25. "Saxon"? Was that the Welsh geezer who writes "Dr Who" having a sly dig at the English?! Excellent.
