Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Quentin Davies Then and Now

26 JUNE 2007
"a leader I have always greatly admired, who I believe is entirely straightforward, and who has a towering record, and a clear vision for the future of our country which I fully share."
16 MARCH 2005
"the Chancellor has been losing control… His projections… have been consistently wrong. He has been wrong about both revenues and expenditure… The Chancellor took risks… he is imprudent… a great worry… very worrying… he simply wanted to win the next election—if he can… it does not matter what happens afterwards… the Chancellor went in for an orgy of self-congratulation… deceiving other people… complacency… he is not prudent and responsible, and not a person to be entrusted with the management of anybody's finances, let alone the country's finances… unattractive and frankly problematic… an absolutely devastating misjudgement and mistake—the destruction of our pensions system… We have not had a word of apology from the Chancellor… He was just incredibly imprudent… extraordinarily incompetent… extraordinarily naïve… desperately complacent… As a result of that self-congratulation and complacency, the Chancellor is becoming so cut off that he is beginning to underestimate the intelligence of the electorate… I trust and believe that something nasty will happen to the Chancellor in electoral terms before too long. He will have no one but himself to blame.
Quentin Davies MP, HC Debs, 16 Mar 2005: Column 309-318


  1. Oh, come along now, Iain - you know that a good lawyer will be able to put both sides of the case equally well - that is why they have debating societies at Oxford and Cambridge..

    Not that you would know having done your education at Tunbridge Wells Technical College..

  2. Now Camerons losing his wets. You could expect it from a right winger but Davies is pro Europe. Regeretably he is correct, just what does the Tory party stand for anymore.

  3. Now that's more like it, Iain. :)

    If you don't mind my saying so, a much more constructive post than the previous one.

    Back to Quentin Davies. So much for consistency. He's not much different from what he accuses Cameron of, then? Saying whatever is convenient for the moment. I wonder how he'll explain that.

  4. The Rapid Re-Butt-al Unit is up and running..

  5. Very good Iain, thanks for this. Get prepping for the 4-7 other tories about to switch lines...

  6. Quentin. Isn't that a slang euphemism for a...

  7. Sounds like he was in love/in denial with Gordon way back in March !

    Alan Douglas

  8. His Defection is good news.

    The sooner the party reALISES THAT Cameron is All talk and nothing the else the better.

    William Hague it is time to make your comeback, just make sure that you don't involve Coe this tme.

  9. Still looks like a cunning stunt by NuLab and Davies to join Gordon Broon and his st...

  10. William Hague it is time to make your comeback

    I seconded that!

  11. Cameron hasn't come out strong either, his words sound like a man who just broke up with his girlfriend

  12. Does he have a butler?

  13. Iain,

    Let's hope that Gordon doesn't see this post, or whatever he has promised Quentin may go out of the window.

    Quentin didn't just criticise Brown, that was an out and out attack. The man obviously has more faces than Big Ben's clock tower.

  14. How can Cameron expect loyalty from his MPs when he himself shows no loyalty to conservative values?

    I agree - come back Hague.

  15. He should fit in very well with Nu Lab, like Harriet Harman he must suffer from split personality.

  16. There is more joy in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth...

  17. That was scathing, untempered vitriol, will Brown now forgive him? Harriet's has proven you can say or do anything no matter how outrageous or contradictory in Nu Lab these days!

  18. Splendid letter to Davies from David Cameron "Thank you for your support in the past. We will watch your future career with interest"

  19. Quite a character assassination! I'm sure benevolent Brown won't bear a grudge. Ha!

  20. So, Iain, how well do you think Call me Dave is doing to bring the party, and their 'hearts and minds' with him on the 'change journey' ?

    New leader, same old tory losers..

  21. No not Hague! The Hague reforms have been a disaster: giving our party an unsusable france style constitution.
    Hague is also at heart a liberal democrat style conservative (as he was branded during his time as leader though recently this has been totally forgotten).
    If we want to win: Liam Fox or best of all Boris Johnson. The labour middle classes will vote Boris even if he is shown up to be totally incompetent: they love him.

  22. Gosh, this chap seems to speak in some sort of incoherent stutter... series of apparently unconnected adjectives...

  23. And to think Iain was worried of the effect a 'slow-news' day would have on his traffic stats...

  24. I'll get my coat

  25. Ouch! Good job Broon isn't the thin skinned type.

  26. There may be trouble for Quentin ahead after that! What was the Ferguson put down? Go and rot in the reserves...

  27. In 2005 Quentin Davies was elected as CONSERVATIVE MP for Grantham and Stamford.

    Given that the Labour Party were not just beaten but thrashed in Grantham and Stamford in 2005 I believe that Quentin Davies should resign the seat immediately and let the people decide.

    He is an absolute disgrace who I have no respect for.

    I am absolutely sure that the electorate of Grantham and Stamford feel the same.

  28. ‘The fact that grammar schools continue to improve at a faster rate shows how wrong it is for Labour to continue undermining them.’

    David Cameron
    Sunday Telegraph, June 26 2005

    ‘I think the prospect of bringing back grammar schools has always been wrong and I've never supported it. And I don't think any Conservative government would have done it.’

    David Cameron
    BBC Sunday AM, 15 January 2006

  29. Ambition makes a fool of him,
    Exciting scorn of honest men;
    Only the greed of office
    Turns his coat.

  30. In an interview on PM with Eddie Mair, Quentin Davies seemed to be fingering Alan Duncan as the architect of NuCon. That explains everything. Why is the towering Cameron taking orders from that little short-arse.

  31. Rumours Gordon tried an exchange involving Harriet Harman

  32. Desperate Dan said...
    In an interview on PM with Eddie Mair, Quentin Davies seemed to be fingering Alan Duncan as the architect of NuCon. That explains everything. Why is the towering Cameron taking orders from that little short-arse.

    Oh, oh, I know this one! Is it because he's marginally less thick than Dave?

  33. Amusing. Tory MP has a swing at Labour but when he defects he admits that he admires Brown more than Cameron. I should stop digging Iain.

    Just for a little parallel could you look up some of the things Mr Cameron was writing for the Tory Campaign in March 2005 versus what he is saying now? That would be a useful service.

    Wasn't he dog whistling like a good old boy?

  34. PS Alan Duncan has just been on News 24 being an uncuddly little Tory sourgrapesbag.

  35. chris paul - does this help?

    ‘The Blair government continues to be obsessed with their ‘fringe’ agenda, including deeply unpopular moves like repealing Section 28 and allowing the promotion of homosexuality in schools.’

    David Cameron
    Oxford Journal, 5 May 2000

    ‘One section of our community did feel discriminated against by Section 28, and so I'm glad on that basis that it's gone.’

    David Cameron
    BBC Politics Show, 13 November 2005

  36. No one can save us now but Wild Billy Hague.

  37. Hair splitting Harriet's shown that there's quite a precedent for this kind of bizarre schizophrenic flip flopping in Labour.

  38. Labour do attract 'em! Just look at Gordon. Will anyone vote for him?

  39. Must be Gordon's newly discovered charisma and magnetism that's brought about this, nothing short of Damascene, conversion. Ok I'm joking, I'm as stumped as everyone else.

  40. I suspect the QD's words "He will have no one but himself to blame. " may in the end be prophetic, but not in the way he expects.

  41. The weak spend a long time in politics!

  42. " what does the Tory party stand for anymore. "

    Ladies on buses - except Tories don't ride on public transport.

    The National Anthem

    When a South African playing cricket for England scores a 'six'.

    That's all folks!!!!


    if you can't/won't post the photos on here, try Guido?

  44. Anonymous 5:19: Thanks, that's great.

    Cameron famously authored/coordinated/bullied through the 2005 manifesto with all its dog whistling on race and negativity towards improving public services.

    As for the by-election question? I'd like to see Tories provide a list of defectives at all level TO Tories and give the dates on which they did their by-elections.

    If that is indeed the practice in Tory circles you have an excellent point. If it isn't then you are in fact the most appalling hypocrites.
