Thursday, June 28, 2007

Polly Toynbee Wants to Be Editor of the Daily Mail

Yes, folks, it's true. This is from this week's Press Gazette...
I would only leave my job for one other - editor of the Daily Mail. I would
love to show that a popular newspaper doesn't have to do the evil damage that
the Mail does.

So here's a challenge to Paul Dacre. Let Polly edit the paper for a day. I'm sure we'd all enjoy the fallout.


  1. toynbee is amazing a "liberal" who thinks that people who disagree with her are evil.

  2. Toynbee doesn't think people who disagree with her are evil - she thinks the Daily Mail is evil. So do I. So should anyone.

  3. We might enjoy the fall-out. We just wouldn't buy the paper. Why is it La Toynbee wants to edit the Mail? Are there not enough lefty newspapers?!

    I love the remark from anonymous. EVERYONE should think the Mail is evil...


    F***ing mong...

  4. "evil damage" is what the right wing does through its nazi shock troops in the mail and torygraph, as opposed to 'creative destruction' as performed by the left through such thoughtful loss making organs as the grauniad and indie.

    I agree, why cant we have more creative destruction, after all look at the success of the Bolsheviks and Mao, the greatest creative destroyers in history. Why do great minds arise only left field? Those who have the ability to profoundly change the lives of the meanest mortal like me. Polly has one of those minds, she is touched by greatness - give her a chance.

  5. As a Guardian reader all I can say is, 'Yes please, the sooner the better'.

  6. Well if David Cameron can be head of the Tory Party why shouldn't Polly Toynbee edit the Mail?

  7. Can we not all at least agree that the Mail's former position as an appeaser - vocal supporter even - of Adolf Hitler was evil? Or is that just "political correctness"?

    I'm sincerely interested in understanding the inner-workings of the swivel-eyed loony-right mind. Please help educate me.

  8. I propose a swap -- let dacre edit the Guardian whilst the parrot gets to squawk in the Daily Mail.

    I wonder how she'd spin the story of the immigrants squatting in the loos -- perhaps she'll start a collection OXFAM style? And will Dacre start (just to compete) a charity action, say, 'Give the Gift of Sight or Mind to a British Pensioner' and get the Guardianistas to open their purses so we can buy our old folks Aricept and other medicines?

  9. Well anyone's preferable to Paul Dacre, except maybe Richard Desmond. The fact is though, we all know the Mail's hysterical & hypocritical, but it's no worse than any other 'red-top', and does at least contain some news among all the articles slagging off 'celebrities'.

  10. Well Mr Graham, as soon as I can understand the swivel-eyed loony-minded left, and get over wondering why what the Daily Mail did more than 70 yrs ago is relevant to today (and no, I don't read it), I'd be happy to help you.

  11. The Mail's pre-war support for Hitler is about as relevant to today's right as was Bernard Shaw's for today's left.

  12. I do not see why Tonybee gets the coverage, even to rubbish her. Melanie Philips of the Daily Mail seems to me to be farcleverer & to have a far better grasp of constitutional & economic principles.

    It may be that the political classes look on the Guardian, which seems to survive on advertising for government jobs, is a real paper & the Daily Mail which is merely read by large numbers of the common people as not counting.

    This seems to me to be the big fault in Cameron's attempt to make the Tories popular - that he has chosen to try to become popular to Guardian readers & media executives (of whom he is one) rather than being popular to the populace.

  13. I would only leave my job for one other - editor of the Daily Mail. I would love to show that a popular newspaper doesn't have to do the evil damage that the Mail does.

    No, she will make an UNpopular newspaper that does evil damage.

  14. Be a big pay rise for her from a Supplement to Auto Trader to a subsidiary of an Investment Trust

  15. The comments provided by readers to La Toynbee's pronouncements (decapitate the rich, soak their children in lye, introduce 89% tax rates for anyone earning more than £100K, wealth tax on property etc) are far more interesting and incisive. She is such a parody of a champagne socialist that it is almost like reading Private Eye. In fact...

  16. How can a newspaper do "evil damage"? What a complete fool.

    The Mail sometimes makes mildly offensive comments but IMO better represents public opinion than Toynbee. This is what she dislikes.

  17. my mother in law would cancel her subscription in protest!

    That would never do!

  18. chris @ 11:05, good one! And so right!

  19. If that Woman even gets a job at the Daily Mail cleaning the Floors... I will cancel my subsription... It's a joke I hope.

  20. Toynbee is a good example of how journalists can build a career by being "controversial". Much of what she writes is ill-thought out, economically illiterate, nonsense.

    Contributors to CiF invariably savage her, and the great majority of posts responding to her articles are hostile. But she thrives on that, just as Bernard Manning used to thrive on controversy. It is her life blood.

  21. If that woman get to be editor of the DM, I shall stop buying it. Annabel.

  22. I don't care.
    Polly is a nonentity.

    I thought readers of the Daily Mail were just one read away from complete illiteracy and inability to think for themselves. (The illiterate and incapable of self thought read the Sun of course)

  23. Great idea-if you wanted to kill off your readership.
    Is dave one of her referees

  24. In Paul Dacre, the Mail already have a NuLab editor.

  25. James Graham - Oh, yes! I remember. It was only yesterday that The Mail supported Hitler wasn't it? Oh, no; wait a minute! What? Sixty years ago? Four generations ago and you're still in a huffy quagmire?

  26. Did someone elect Polly Toynbee to something? If so, I must have missed it. Why should anyone care what she says? The Guardian can't spell and she can't write, so they are obviously made for each other.

    The Mail actually has to sell newspapers in order to stay in business - it can't rely on the Government and the BBC spending taxpayers' money on advertising non-jobs to support it, unlike the Guardian.

    All those nasty evil Daily Mail readers putting their hands in their own pockets to donate to the Tsunami appeal, the Alzheimer's Society Court Case - to name but two - how dare they do that when Polly doesn't approve of the paper...........
