Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Two young American females overheard on the tube...

Girl 1: Every girl would sleep with the President of the United States, wouldn't she?
Girl 2: Yeah definitely...well, not Bush.
Girl 1: No, definitely not.
Girl 2: And not Reagan.
Girl 1: No...
Girl 2: And I guess not Roosevelt...

UPDATE: Jules Crittenden takes this a bit further HERE.


  1. Yeah, even Americans draw the line at the dead ones.

    But which Roosevelt? Teddy was a hunk, but he was a right-winger.

  2. Well actually: which Bush?

  3. Hahahahahaha!!!!! Classic!!!!

    God, that was funny.



  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. well, possibly, Eleanor

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. or Richard Nixon surely??

  8. Raincoaster "Yeah, even Americans draw the line at the dead ones."

    Oh! Really?

    That's not my information...

    After all, GWB could be regarded as the walking dead. Or at least, dead in some parts - certainly from the neck upwards. Not too sure about the other quarters but his backside is certainly quite active. It's just that when he is seated his voice is somewhat muffled.

  9. American women were asked if they would sleep with Bill Clinton:

    25% said "yes"
    75% said "not again"

  10. Sure fire way of getting Hillary elected

  11. And women call us shallow.

    I'm afraid Hilary is going to be disappointed.

  12. Iain;

    I seem to remember in your Clinton joke book: -

    "In a survey of females 18 to 45 when asked would you sleep with President Clinton; 75% responded "Not again!"

  13. but definitely Clinton. :)

  14. Girl 1 was probably thinking about Clinton and the Kennedys. And Dubya cos he's rich, he'd be good company and he'd be a good laugh. In fact Dubya ticks all the boxes so long as you ignore his politics.

  15. Bill, given the chance (thoughtful pause) mmmm

  16. Must be Young Republicans....obviously won't sleep with Democrats...fear of VD I suppose

  17. On two occasions Americans have told me that it is an honour that my home town was named after Abe Lincoln. Outside Buckingham Palace I overheard one American telling another: "..this sure is impressive, but I can't help thinking it's a mistake building it under Heathrow's flight path".

    Whilst having lunch in one of Florence's piazzas, I overheard one American women loudly asking of her friends..."what the hell is this "Firenze" thing? Everywhere you go it's goddamn "Firenze" this, "Firenze" that....I just wish I knew what the hell it meant"

    I still love America and Americans though. There's no way they'd have allowed themselves to be subjugated and humiliated by an organisation like the EU - they like their liberty way too much.

  18. Heard on the roof of the Duomo in Milan....American accent wonders what year it was built......noone had the heart to tell him it had been an ongoing project for 500 years

  19. No way would I sleep with Hilary Clinton - I do have some standards!

    You're a bit older than me Iain, what'd you say to a quicky in the Oval Office?

  20. Raincoaster:

    Do not know what sense TR was "a right winger", save in your own ignorant head. Save for being a Republican, and being somewhat of an imperialist in the Spanish-American war context, TR's record--outlined below--makes him one of the most 'progresive" American presidents ever:

    1. original environmentalist...responsibe for the gazilions of federal protected acreage of forests and parks.

    2. Was thorn in side of the fin de siecle robber barons, cartels, primarily responsible for anti-trust legislation that broke up Standard Oil, et al.

    3. When Republican Party of his sucessor as president strayed from above, TR ran against both--with aid of his newly formed Bull Moose Party, efectively handing presidencly to Democrats.

    So before you write drivel, a little education might come in handy. I recommend Edmund Morris' book, Theodore Rex.

  21. Ronald Reagan was a total hottie when he was younger(!) So I would say Reagan, for sure.

    Clinton...probably has too many STD's. I'd hate to see his doctor chart.


  22. "American women were asked if they would sleep with Bill Clinton:

    25% said yes
    75% said not again"

    ...and added that they had bought pepper spray.
