Friday, June 01, 2007

May Figures: Another Record Month

This week I posted my 4,000th post on the blog! May saw a healthy 20% rise in unique visitors to a record 231, 901 and there was also a record 388,935 pageviews. May 4th also saw the highest ever number of visitors in one day - 12,298. The following week saw a record 60,603 unique visitors.

Here are my top 50 linking sites (ie incoming hits) for May. All these sites referred at least 100 people here. The arrows denote whether a site has moved up or down or stayed static since April...

1. Guido Fawkes 19.34% ↔ 2. ConservativeHome 11.27% ↔ 3. PoliticalBetting 6.74% ↔ 4. Biased BBC ↑ 5. Daniel Finkelstein 1.19% ↔ 6. National Review Corner 1.02% 7. Dizzy Thinks ↑ 8. An Englishman's Castle ↑ 9. Spectator Coffee House NEW 10. Blamerbellbriefs ↑ 11. West Ham Till I Die NEW 12. Paul Linford ↑ 13. Witanagemot ↓ 14. Islington Newmania ↑ 15. Prague Tory 16. Daily Referendum ↓ 17. Adam Smith Institute NEW 18. Prisoner's Voice ↓ 19. W4MP ↑ 20. Blairwatch ↓ 21. Croydonian ↑ 22. Tartan Hero ↓ 23. Slugger O'Toole ↓ 24. Luke Akehurst ↓ 25. Bel is Thinking ↓ 26. UK Polling Report ↑ 27. Dr Crippen NEW 28. Justin Hinchcliffe ↑ 29. Hot, Ginger & Dynamite ↑ 30. A Conservative's Blog ↑ 31. Devil's Kitchen NEW 32. Mikey's Tent of Reality ↔ 33. Peter Black NEW 34. Tim Worstall 35. Recess Monkey NEW 36. Kerron Cross ↑ 37. Ordovicius ↓ 38. Liberal England ↓ 39. Glyn Davies NEW 40. Web Cameron ↓ 41. UCL Conservatives ↓ 42. Nadine Dorries NEW 43. Labour Watch ↓ 44. Cally's Kitchen NEW 45. Ach Gut 46. Chris Paul NEW 47. British Bullshit Foundation NEW 48. House of Dumb ↓ 49. Hoby Cartoons ↓ 50. Luke Young NEW

Among those dropping out of the top linkers are LibDem Voice, Bob Piper, Campaign for an English Parliament, Tim Blair and Nogbad's View,

Link exchanges are really important in driving traffic to other sites. A big thank you to everyone who links to me. Remember, if you have a link to me and you don't see one to you on my blogroll, just let me know in the comments and I will rectify it.


  1. According to my local paper - my site gets 1 million visits a week!!

    I WISH!!

  2. been linking to your blog for about 6 months. haven't received one back. not a problem though because I like your blog and will continue linking.

  3. Did you outdo Guido this month?

  4. I think I started linking you about a month ago. Cannot remember. I don't mind not being on your blog roll either :) The reason I linked you because Iain Dale's Diary was the first political blog I read and it inspired me to create my own.

  5. Very impressive. Why not celebrate by removing the picture you have up of that chap with flowing chestnut locks and replacing it with a picture of you :)

  6. I think you might have linked to the wrong An Englishman's Castle.

  7. Well done and do keep up the good work. Regarding your invitation, I'm a blogging Conservative Councillor linked to your excellent site at

  8. Hmmm.. Isn't the fact that April wasn't such a good month, with May being a scorcher, and that April was sunny and May got the showers an interesting coincidence..

  9. Very kind Iain - you will find my link to you at (though I'm afraid I can't promise you 100 visitors!)

  10. No need to make a link Iain, but of course it would be most welcome. Mine's at (and there is a link to yours there on a very select blogroll!)

  11. I'm not surprised 'Libdem Voice' (sponsored by Dewhursts- mince) has dropped out of your top-blog chart. It is mindnumingly dull ( so the site suits the Party to a tee), and it's 'editor' ( The Fenwick) a humourless numpty who could give the Chinese lessons in censorship. It is essential reading to gauge the inanity of the Libbies. Will it improve now that 'The Fenwick' has 'stepped down'.... For those of you that like a chuckle and have not visited the site do so, and tighten your corsets!

  12. I am a relative newcommer to blogging but yours was one of the political blogs that inspired me to finally start blogging as opposed to just shouting at the radio and TV news... is my blog if you want to link to it.
