Friday, June 01, 2007

London LibDems in Uproar Over GLA Selections

The LibDems have selected their London Assembly candidates and they're not happy. The full story is HERE on LibDem Voice. Do trawl through the comments. They make happy reading for non LibDems. Just shows what a valuable site LibDem Voice is and why I am glad it has been saved from extinction.


  1. Don't be too quick to criticise them though.... Cameron is probably going to agree not to stand against them.

  2. L/D's in uproar.Pot/Kettle/Black.
    Attend a Con branch meeting these days.Smell the coffee.
    What do you do with a problem like Dave.

  3. When you get to the stage when Smethwick Bob might be right for once it's time to ask some searching questions about Dangerous Dave.

  4. If the Cons fail to field a quality candidate Dave is toast and a Leadership election in the autumn should not be ruled out.

  5. A good story, which I have publicised on my blog. I guess some of those comments might return to haunt individuals during the election.

    Their all white list contrasts with our own decision to select James Cleverly for our safest seat - Bexley & Bromley - entirely on his own merits and without any positive discrimination.

  6. But will he fight or run?

  7. Iain - the Liberal democrats are showing themselves in this and other stories to be institutionally racist and sexist for that matter. There are so many issues about equal opportunities within the party and the messages sent out from HQ that if you aren't a certain sort of person you don't fit. This is the tip of the iceberg. And very sad

  8. Also it is worth considering the Conservatives are unlikely to have any women on the GLA after the next election.

  9. Astonishing. Not any debate about policy, merely the colour of the applicants' faces. No wonder they feel so ignored. They deserve to be.

    Sod policy, as long the person looks right.

  10. PIPER - Don’t be too quick to criticise yourself Brown is planning to offer Ming Foreign Secretary and Clegg the environment either before or after the election as well as PR in some form. ( So say the New Statesman).Ideological battles are over they say and yet state managed expenditure has crept from 38% to 45% over the last ten years a , a massive shift to the Public sector and away from struggling families.
    I see today ordinary working people like me will not only not be able to have a fag in the pub but will also have some little quisling Council Spy in disguise to report them if I do. Then will be fined £80 if I stub out a cigarette outside which is the only place left. Well done
    The reason for the Conservative difficulties across London is the coalition of benefits scroungers and anti national elements encouraged by rampant unchecked immigration concentrated in the Metropolis and vast slums full of unremitting dependency required as election fodder.
    You and your stupid Party of bougeois bossy Public Sector leeches have ruined this country in large ways and small .It defeats me that you can show your face in public.

    Resquiat in Pace England , Unto the grave we consign his mortal remains— earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust BUT NOT ON THE PAVEMENT

    Hang your snowy topped grizzled head in shame Piper

  11. It's not an "all white list", Roger - it's 18% BME. It's also roughly 50/50 male/female.

  12. Shock, horror - newmania reads the New Statesman. Even more perplexing, he apparently believes some of what he reads. You can fool some of the people most of the time...

  13. That picture of ferrets in a sack that Guido had seems appropriate here. When will the electorate realise that there are at least four Liberal Democrat parties, and they ALL hate each other?

  14. Er....what's BME stand for?

  15. Bonkers Mad Extremist?

  16. I thought it was Bisexual Male Escort.

    I `m surprised they are only 18 %.

  17. @Roger Evans: 'Their all white list contrasts with our own decision to select James Cleverly for our safest seat'

    How many women have the Tories selected in winnable seats Roger?

    And do you think that just one black or Asian candidate in a winnable seat is a fair reflection of London?

  18. Priti Patel has been selected as a Conservative party candidate from Witham in Essex. The constituency is overwhelmingly white and she got it by being the best and not for any other reason. Witham, by the way should be a pretty safe Conservative seat at the next election. So 'el rio' you can see that Tories don't just talk about equal opportunities.

  19. 'So 'el rio' you can see that Tories don't just talk about equal opportunities.'

    I'm talking about the London Assembly, the matter under discussion. How many women selected by the Conservatives in winnable seats?

    And is one black candidate enough?

    Why is the Tory candidate in the most diverse part of Europe - Brent - white?

    Why is the Tory candidate with one of the largest Asian communities outside India - Ealing and Hillingdon - white?


    Delight if you will in the magnificent contribution made by Blair`s quota babes.

    Bon Appetit

  21. The problem is that by worrying about every exclusion except class all you do is end up with Priti Patels who are the right colour but have nothing special to add on the experience of different races in this country. You also further alienate the vast majority utterly excluded from politics. The assumption seem to be that people who have this or that skin pigment are in some way a homogenous poltical entity . Well you should hear what my wife has to say about Dianne Abbot if thats what you think .

    I really don`t think as Conservatives we should play poltically correct ping pong with self loathing Liberals who may sometimes pick candidates as if for a Benneton commercial , but conspiciously ensure their children do not attend schools struggling with eight languages . T

  22. The LibbyDem mess does not surprise. They may cosy up to the 'ethnic minorities' but do not have a good track record of selecting any in 'safe seats'. I remember the LibbyDem squirmer Nigel Jones not answering questions as to whether his Party played a 'racist' campaign against the Conservative candidate John Taylor in Cheltenham.

  23. The Lib Dems didn't need to play the racist card in Cheltenham 1992, there were quite enough Tory activists already doing it...

  24. Ken Livingstone is quoted on Mayorwatch saying:

    "The LibDems' failure to select any black, Asian or other ethnic minority candidates in winnable positions on the Assembly list is simply not sustainable."

    and: London "deserves an Assembly that reflects that fact, which means not just selecting black and Asian people as token candidates but selecting them in winnable seats. Unless the LibDems step in to correct the selection of their list candidates they will be totally out of step with London."
