Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Horny Handed Sons of Toil...

Spotted on the 2.17pm train to Liverpool, for the Labour north west hustings, one Jon Cruddas. In First Class.

In standard (second) class, one Hazel Blears. And she still got change out of a farthing...


  1. Is Cruddas a member of the union-formerly-known-as-the-TGWU? They get breaks like free upgrades on the nation's railways (if it were the airlines, now that might be worth caring about ... )

  2. Do midgets get a discount?

  3. Was she sitting in the luggage rack?

  4. It's only a tenner to upgrade off-peak. Shows he's more switched on than image-conscious Hazel!

  5. I have just cast one of my votes for Jon Cruddas: a simple number 1, thus ruling out any possibility of redistribution in subsequent rounds. At least one other ballot paper should be arriving in the next few days.

    Whatever else you do, do not vote for Harriet Harman. Give her no preference. She has been nominated both by Gisela "Vote Bush" Stuart and by Denis "Vote Sarkozy" MacShane. So, as was Cameron in the Tory Leadership Election, she is the candidate of the party that is The Henry Jackson Society and the Euston Manifesto Group, the purpose of which is to secure the imposition of its neoconservative entryists as MPs for safe Tory and safe Labour seats respectively, there to do the bidding of foreign powers (which are not necessarily states).

    Don't vote for treason. Don't vote for Harman. Or for any other Jacksonite or Eustonite candidate for anything, ever, come to that.

  6. Ed, is that what your valet told you? Cos it's rubbish. You mean at the weekend - and I think it's £15 on Virgin, but then the Daimler takes you Tories everywhere.

  7. The Labour candidate in my home seat at the last election tried to making an issue out of the fact that the sitting Lib Dem MP sometimes travelled first class by train from the constituency to London, boasting that he ONLY EVER TRAVELLED STANDARD. The fact that the Labour candidate was a 21-year old student with little need for such comforts, and our MP was a legislator trying to use his time effectively to scrutinise fairly important statutes, was lost on him.

  8. dynamite, how does travelling first class (as opposed to standard) translate to an effective use of 'time'? Is it not the same train that contains both the first class and the standard coach?

  9. Dynamite, when I was a student in Hull, I had to commute to London, and the 1st class upgrade cost £10. £3 more an hour to sit in a big, single seat, with free tea and a proper table to work on.

    That candidate didn't just look foolish, he was *being* foolish ;)

  10. Sorry, Dynamite. Copied your name into the wrong field there...

  11. It's probably more expensive to go by train at peak times than to take the Daimler.

  12. bel, I think that some people find it easier to work on the train with a little extra legroom and quiet that is offered in 1st. I only ever pay for my own tickets so it's Value Advance tickets all the way!!

  13. Love the way Labour do STV internal elections but then tell the country with a straight face that first past the post is best. If so let them practice what they preach

  14. 4.43 That's the point about that kind of pr isn't it? Never vote for more than a single candidate, never express any further preference.

    The heart sinks at the thought of the pr incomprehension and vote manipulation that is steaming towards us.

    I don't even want to understand pr, never mind be forced to use it.

  15. Book in advance with Virgin TRains and you can get a first class ticket that's cheaper than an on-the-day standard class one.

  16. Bel, if someone is using their time to scrutinise or even help initate primary UK legislation, I don't resent them having a table to sit at and write, rather than resting papers on the flap down, or their knees.

  17. 5.12 says 'Labour do STV internal elections'

    You go out to vote and find a VD clinic rather than a polling booth.

    STV is a form of pr, no wonder no-one wants it.

  18. Re anon Do midgets get a discount?

    No, and not sure if she is a midget or a dwarf, although these days we have to call them persons of restricted height.

    Even if they are a dwarf or a midget!

  19. The last time the hitch paid "full" first class was manchester to london peak return 2001 £250 , A decent breakfast , cramped seats and the chatter of corporate drones talking bolocks about their meetings , on the way back I got a "free" G&T and a biscuit.
    Not value for money.
    Flying by regional airlines is even worse , in 1990 two of us paid £400 each for a return to Bournemouth via 6 seater ,on board catering was a flask and a packet of custard creams.

  20. Labour don't do internal elections by STV. They do them by exhaustive ballot or preference ballot (ie AV) or by a simple plurality (FPTP) system.

  21. I would want to sit next to Hazel in 2nd class, do not put her off please.

    It would be better than the fat lump, eating smelly food, who usually comes to sit next to me when I travel by train these days.

    Sorry being rather grumpy, as I have been on the phone to some mindless bugger at BT tying to sort out my phone.

  22. Anon. 6.30pm, Thank you for clearing that up; I rest my case.

  23. If this proves nothing else, it is that there are a sufficient number of well-heeled (or well-expensed) individuals in Liverpool to justify a First-Class rail service.

    And before some southern "wit" makes the suggestion, they're not all drawing the dole...!

  24. Well, this one never took off, did it?

  25. No doubt prudent Hazel simply paid a child's fare, after all without makeup she could certainly pass as one, especially if she speaks.

  26. children are generally more obviously honest and intellignent

  27. Iain, most people travel business class for the extra legroom. Since Hazel is a leggy 3 foot 2 in her stilletos, she doesn't need to travel business as even in cattle class, her feet wouldn't touch the floor (ever seen the Dennis Waterman sketch in Little Britain?)!

    In fact, I was in Portcullis House yesterday and she was being carried past the Dispatch Box Cafe in a small plastic bag being held by one of her aids!

  28. Just imagine if you were one of the poor sods who had paid £250 to travel from Manchester to London in 2001....

    ...and found yourselves sitting next to a raping and pillaging Viking, for God's sake?

  29. First class, second class - travelling by train is like asking somebody to shit in your mouth and then write a glowing review of its gastronomic value for The Times*

    I understood that all MPs get a first class warrant to travel to their constituencies. Who really wants to sit next to a stinky student with a hissing I pod or be smeared in goo by a passing toddler? Give 'em a break - the poor sods are trying to run the country.

    This absurd fixation about how MPs get to work has resulted in Dangerous Dave pretending to go to work on a bicycle, but being trailed by a car with his stuff in it. Next they will all have to drive cars that run on Yak's urine and carry a lesbian in the back.

    *So, OK, one Lib Dem might be up for that sort of thing.

  30. 2nd class is probably all Hazel could afford after spending a small fortune on her handbag...

  31. Cruddas...Cruddas? Hang on, ain't he that Champagne Socialist wot lives in an expensive house in Notting Hill?
    Well, he must be worth a few bob, so you can't expect him to slum it can you?
    What is it about these left-wingers? It brings to mind Michael Meacher, the voice of the Left. AKA The people's landlord.

  32. Did they swap tickets to get a top blog story? Might even get picked up in the Diaries ...

    Elliott is probably on the money with his free upgrades ... or on many services there are very cheap upgrades anyway ... as Ed already said.

    David: I'm not sure too many people reading here have voted or have a vote.

    Harriet will be disturbed at your analysis.

  33. I am glad Hazel was in Standard class.

    Less chance of bumping into the patronising, rancid monster.

    I am certain it is all show - if she was voted in she would be grasping for all the privs almost as rapaciously as Cherie.

  34. "David: I'm not sure too many people reading here have voted or have a vote."

    On the latter point, Chris, my inbox suggests no shortage...
