Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hazel Blears Calls it As She Sees It

Simon Mayo: Hazel Blears, were you surprised to hear that Harriet Harman said she hadn't said the Government shoul apologise for Iraq?

Hazel Blears: Well, she said what she said she said...

Just wanted to clear that one up for you.


  1. So Iain says Hazel said Harriet said what she said she said.

    If countries get the political class they deserve, we must have done some pretty bad things.

    Apparently Tony got a gift from the Queen...any guesses? A new wife? The taxi fare to Heathrow? Prince Andrew?

  2. I wish the Queen would do an anonymous blog - it would be great to know what she really thinks.

  3. Hattie Harman is really a Tory - she is after all a cousin of Neville Chamberlain

  4. cctv,

    Agree that she is really a Tory - secretly burrowing into Labour all these years to get to the top, where she will set about her cunning campaign of sabotage, chaos and confusion. Good start, lass.

    Who needs to worry about defectors when you have someone inside the Government, shoving a brick on the accellerator and pointing the party charabanc at a wall...

  5. It's all a question of whether she knows what she doesn't know .... or doesn't know what she knows - obvious really.

  6. Oooh She knows you know, I say I say , She knows you know ! It`s little wonder that them oop north are derided by "sartherners" what a complete airhead !

  7. That was an unusually straightforward answer from her, to be fair...

  8. She went to St. Pauls (female Eton) wonder if the unconvincing class war New Labour will now persist with their dreary and repetitive Dave the toff nonsense , after all they've virtually got an aristocrat as their Deputy?

  9. Hazel Blears would make an excellent dinner lady.

  10. Ed (on the queen)

    She does - it's called "Off with Their Heads"

  11. Er, ed, if the Queen's blog were anonymous how would we know that we knew what she really thinks?

    I heard the Blears quote, which just endeared the little chipmunk to me still further. Parsing her pronouncement should become part of the standard English Literature GCSE exam.

  12. Sorry, that should be English Language. (Not quite myself this afternoon. Went for a pub lunch to celebrate the arrival of the GCF.)

  13. Er, ed, if the Queen's blog were anonymous how would we know that we knew what she really thinks?

    Well those on the inside track (Iain, Guido etc.) would know and drop hints.

    If St. Paul's Girls is the female Eton, where does St. Paul's Boys fit in?

    I love all this class warrior cr*p, it's sooooo 1960s.

  14. God I hate Hazel Blears more than any other politician. Will we never be set free?

  15. I've just watched Gordon reciting his old school motto outside Number 10. It was the only time he remembered to smile during his speech.
    Is he going to keep pedalling this "I didn't go to public school,I went to a state school" schtick until the next election?
    Especially, as bloggers have pointed out, Harriet went to St. Paul's.
    I think it was a mistake to go on about his school background. It just makes him seems like the nerd he is. Gordon is the adult version of the geek at school who really wants to be in the football team or school play and everyone knows that they will be hopeless but the geek wants it so much that eventually people give in ... and the geek turn out to be as dreadful as everyone predicted.
    Gordon's body language during PMQs was very tense - I think he's having doubts already about his ability to cope.

  16. Cheltenham Ladies College (154 years old) and Roedean(122 years old) to name but two have a greater claim to the title of female Eton than jumped up come-lately St Paul's Girls founded in 1903.

  17. Off subject.

    But I thought the way D. Cameron waved his party to his feet at the end of PMQ's was touching.

    I think Cameron has come out of today well, he could easily of got dragged into a debate about the latest defection.

  18. Desperate Dan said...
    Cheltenham Ladies College (154 years old) and Roedean(122 years old) to name but two have a greater claim to the title of female Eton than jumped up come-lately St Paul's Girls founded in 1903.

    June 27, 2007 3:43 PM

    What has age got to do with it?

    The Royal Grammar school in Worcester was founded 1322 years ago (685 AD) but its still not Eton....and its not a Grammar school either so it is an independent school which is like Eton (just thought I would deal with that before anyone got started on that debate again).

  19. Hazel speaks weasel too ... though Harriet's agreement with Cruddas was ambiguous.

  20. "Hazel speaks weasel too ... though Harriet's agreement with Cruddas was ambiguous."

    That's a bit .. weaselist, isn't it?

  21. Bercow's taken his web site down.

    Has it been down for long or are you thinking what I'm thinking?

  22. Brown seemed very nervous during his speech. Is the job proving too much for his neurotic personality already?

  23. When Brown talked of a "Government of all the talents" in his speech this afternoon was that code for "a one party state"?

  24. is it true that Broon doesnt have a driving license?

    I think we should be told.

  25. Israel: I think his words were 'a government that uses all the talents'. I wondered if he meant talents in the Biblical sense.

  26. Jeremy Jacobs said...
    Hazel Blears would make an excellent dinner lady.

    Jerry...I hear Gerald Kaufman's looking for a new bitch.


  27. Gordon Brown always looks, and acts awkwardly. I was studying him quite closely this afternoon and I'm quite sure I could see a small steel hook sticking up behind his shirt collar at the back. Obviously this is some old Scottish quirk of leaving the coathanger in your coat to stop you slouching and make it appear as though you are awake.

  28. Surely I'm not the only one,
    Who, each day, grows so much sadder,
    That little pint-sized Hazel Blears
    Is moving further up her ladder.
    Leaving the comfort of her shoebox,
    In the yard, at number 10,
    She's now been placed in Cabinet,
    With the likes of Hilary Benn.
    For England, this is just not right!
    It simply is not fair!
    That we're forced to endure her insipid skin
    And her VERY scary hair.
    Indeed, spare a though for her colleagues,
    When she stands to take the floor
    And beats them to submission
    With her industrial, motorised jaw.
    For her, there are many issues,
    Labour itself can do no wrong,
    She never takes a breath for air
    And her answers are far too long.
    I, for one, have been driven mad,
    At times, to the brink of tears,
    By that annoying, gobby, know-it-all,
    Little, pint-sized Hazel Blears.
