Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Gordon's First 100 Days on 18 Doughty Street Tonight at 8pm

Tonight at 8pm we're starting a new show called the Doughty News Hour on 18 Doughty Street. We'll be looking at Gordon Brown's First 100 Days with former Downing Street Press Secretary Jonathan Haslam and Brown biographer Francis Beckett among others. Click HERE for more details. We're aiming for a Newsnight level of discussion, but an elongated version. Hope some of you might tune in!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It hasn't been a hundred days yet, Iain. It just feels that way

  3. I'll be there, but I hope the streaming has been sorted out. Last night was like a Norman Collier sketch.

  4. I notice Sky have attached their collective lips to Brown's butt

  5. So is the server able meet demand this time ?

  6. Is it me or are the BBC for once giving an impartial view of McBroon? No fawning, no wide eyed pandering to the great new PM....the BBC must be getting ready to chang horses

  7. Iain

    One item noticable re Brown entering Downing Street "barging in" in front of his wife !!!!


  8. 18DS not viewable at all tonight - stop/start video & audio all the time.
