Sunday, June 24, 2007

Exterminate! Exterminate!

From today's Sunday Telegraph TV listings.

BBC3, 8pm,
'Doctor Who: Part one of two. A new prime minister begins a reign of terror'.

What do they know, that we don't?


  1. Never mind the Daleks, the smurfs are coming...
    (follow my link)

  2. This was discussed in detail on another thread Iain!!

  3. It's Cameron or some other Tory alien. Not Brown, not Blair, a lightweight with no policies.

  4. And endorsed by Ann Widdecombe in a hilarious guest turn!

  5. The endorsement by Ann Widecombe was a clear attempt by the biased BBC to imply that the evil PM was a Tory. Unless I failed to spot a Nu-Lab endorsement.

  6. The world divides between those who hold that the real names of The Doctor and The Master are respectively Peter and Christopher, and those who hold the reverse. I am, of course, of the former school of thought. Which are you, and why?

  7. "The endorsement by Ann Widecombe was a clear attempt by the biased BBC to imply that the evil PM was a Tory."

    Actually, I think it was Ann Widdecombe's attempt to imply that he was a Tory. Unless you're suggesting that the eeeevil BBC put a mind control device on her.

  8. The endorsement by Anne Widdicmbe was a clear sign that she has a sense of humour.

    Physically & in his variety of nuttiness he pwed more to Blair than either Brown or Cameron.

  9. Harold Saxon would be a better PM than both Gordon "Macbeth" Brown and Dave "Blue Labour" Cameron combined.

  10. 'Harold Saxon would be a better PM than both Gordon "Macbeth" Brown and Dave "Blue Labour" Cameron combined.'

    And there was I thinking that a policy of randomly exterminating 10% of the population as part of a massive alien invasion would be unpopular. This centre ground thing is more difficult to grasp than I thought.

  11. Once they are dead they don't vote against you and the pro rata housing availability goes up 11% & lots of people inherit money as does the government through death duties.

    I'm not so sure about the alien invasion - they should go back where they came from.

  12. I'm not so sure about the alien invasion - they should go back where they came from.

    Bloody Poles (LOL!)

  13. If Harold Saxon's 'The Master', what is Gordon Brown?

  14. If Harold Saxon's 'The Master', what is Gordon Brown?

    The C***!
