Monday, June 11, 2007

Craig Murray is Silent

It does seem a bit of a coincidence that Craig Murray's site is down, just at the time when extraordinary rendition is back in the headlines. It could, of course, be server failure. We all have them from time to time. I have emailed Craig to ask what's happening and will let you know if I get an answer.


  1. Google cached it on Saturday to it was up then.

  2. In this legal environment its not a good idea to tell the truth and be proved right is it?

    Goldsmith is literally destroying the fabric of trust in our legal system single handedly.

    We all know it happened, we all know Bliar knew about given his answers in the house, we all know something should be done about it, but so far police investigations into other obvious crimes are still ongoing, and the police report that found no evidence of flights in England is as laughable as it is scary.

    Parliament and police sorted, only the judicairy to go. This is the reason nothing ever gets to court because thats the only venue where the truth might emerge.

  3. anon @ 1:08

    IMHO the ACPO report is rather more scary than it is laughable, I'm afraid.

  4. He must really wind up the powers that be...they hid his "Reid's new best friends" on Comment is Free, so you have to know it is there to find it.

  5. Verity

    my point exactly.......i can just see PC Plod getting help from the CIA!!! As long as it means it gets nowhere near an indpendent judge they are safe. Once the first case gets to court its going to explode obviously.

    Another Lord Nobody appointed to Bae ethics committe to ensure that business practices are ethical IN THE FUTURE!!! I look forward to the report on compliance procedures for ethical arms dealing.

    We should introduce a "Goldsmith Star" that to anyone still in public life thanks to his interventions

  6. Hope you can get in touch with him Iain .... he's been commenting for a while that many of his emails aren't getting through either!

  7. It reminds me of when I was running the Deselect Portillo campaign in Kensington & Chelsea. Neigbours mentioned that people were watching my house. Emails went missing, and ordinary mail too. There is no doubt in my mind that it was deliberate interference - by who I have no idea.

    There is big money in politics and it doesn't costy much to harrass private individuals.

  8. Iain, I suspect Craig is on the same server as Tim Ireland and myself and if so it is down because of a spam attack at the moment.

  9. A spam attack on the server hosting Bob Piper, Tim Ireland & Craig Murray .......

    surely it could not possibly have originated from NuLab wonks ... could it ?

  10. Tapestry, I had my post intercepted and read in 1984...because of the CND activities of the people I moved in with(?) And the phone would be cut off randomly for 24 hrs here and there too. I expect its all a lot more widespread today. With all this interference and snooping you would have thought HMG would have very superior intelligence wouldn't you? 500,000 intercepts last year was it? Its a shame, I expect most of them were law abiding people objecting to Tony B Liar...Craig Murray better watch his back...he may find he has committed suicide one fine day..

  11. How long has this spam attack been going on Mr Piper? Craig has bee unreachable since at least very early this morning, like 6.30 BST.

  12. If these agencies are British, it would be one thing, but it seems likely that the CIA operate here as well - and no doubt the EU has its own lot watching for potential resistance.

    IDS was media assassinated. Pim Fortuyn was actually assassinated. Antone who stands to get out of the EU gets it one way or another....Airey Neave? No wonder politicians are so keen to swear allegiance to the total corruptiona and boredom of the bureuacrats. The programme comes with a bullet for you if you vote against.

  13. I hope you were joking Iain.

    Sadly whether you were or not it has rather unleashed some entirely predictable delusional paranoid police state conspiracy theory nonsense. For example this piece of tripe.

    “500,000 intercepts last year was it? Its a shame, I expect most of them were law abiding people objecting to Tony B Liar”

    If you were joking please don’t, you’ll only encourage them as they don’t get sarcasm.

  14. Pity that Tim Ireland's site is down. You can still read about his bizarre activities here.

  15. as usual, it seems that it is cock-up, not conspiracy.

    Not that anything will stop the conspiraloons...

  16. hatfield girl, I think the server went down overnight sometime.

    Rachel is dead right. At one time it was the left that were accused of having loony conspiracies about spooks running everything. Now the newspaper editors don't ring David Davis and we have a conspiracy, Craig Murray's server goes down and the government have 'got him'. Are you people still looking for the second shooter on the grassy knoll?

  17. Thank you, BP, for the information about the server.

  18. "as usual, it seems that it is cock-up, not conspiracy.

    Not that anything will stop the conspiraloons... "

    change the record Rachel, the world is not as fluffy as you would like to think. If you think MI5 & co are really there to 'protect us' you are living in cloud cuckoo land.

    It's almost as if you have no grasp of the world you inhabit - have you never heard of COINTELPRO for example?

    As for Craig's whereabouts, he was last seen on Comment is Free slagging off the Guardian in the comments section underneath his own blog..

    Link here:

    Craig, where are you?!

  19. Is it usual for servers to do this? BP @3.36 said he suspected he is on the same server but that must be a mistake because his blog is there but Craig's is not. It seems a long time to be unavailable

  20. hatfield girl, I suspect you are looking at the old blogger site. The current site is on a different server.

  21. BP, I wouldn't be a bit surprised, usually my computer has to take me by the hand and point me in the right direction. Is Craig up and running again then?

  22. No, if it is the same server spam attack as mine they are hoping (?) to have it back up and running this morning (Tuesday).

  23. Mary,

    I don’t usually agree with Rachel but on this occasion she is absolutely right. In fact your puerile response simply proved her point!

    As for your idiotically absurd slur “If you think MI5 & co are really there to 'protect us' you are living in cloud cuckoo land.”
    It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetically sad. So by MI5 and co I take you mean MI5, SIS, GCHQ, Special Branch and those in the Home Office and Foreign office that work with them. So you are therefore claiming well over ten thousand people are involved in a massive conspiracy where they obscure the real work of the intelligence agencies and merely pretend to be there to ‘protect’ us? Ten thousand people and not one has gone running to the press with this incredible news. Not even Katherine Gunn. I suppose you imagine Crevice (to pick one from a plethora of examples) was all a set up and that the young men convicted were all innocent?

  24. Oh goody, Craig is back online, having clearly managed to shrug off his black hood and handcuffs and escape from the M15 stationery cupboard or wherever he had been bundled off to....

  25. As I thought. My blog returned at 1pm and Craig's is also now up and running.

  26. That's good news; when someone goes incommunicado it's best to keep asking where they are till they're back.

  27. Crikey! Who rattled RK's cage? - "I don’t usually agree with Rachel but on this occasion she is absolutely right" Who says?

    I don't think it's paranoia to be concerned for Craig Murray's welfare. Not if you are one of his regular readers.

    We here may wish him well, but not everybody does. Here's one example:

  28. “Crikey! Who rattled RK's cage? … Who says?” I spy,

    I spy,

    You’ll usually find that my cage is rattled by idiotic conspiracy theorists. I went on to explain why I thought Mary’s contribution was facile rubbish.

    Be concerned about this unsuccessful ambassador if you want but come on be serious. The Uzbeks may have wanted to do him harm but now that he is no longer in their country I imagine they have other things to worry about .. oh I dunno .. something like a long running insurgency by the Islamist Movement of Uzbekistan allied to Al Qaida. His impact on their domestic political scene was only meaningful when he was there, providing sanctuary and making statements with the legal protection of a diplomat. When you’re a totalitarian regime suppressing human rights and democracy a single western critic is of little importance unless he’s directly agitating in your country. Furthermore given that his agenda has shifted to a broader anti-war on terror agenda I suspect their interest in him would diminish even further.

    Well what about big brother in this country? Frankly, the Intelligences services in this country could not give a monkey’s arse about him. He’s hardly unique and believe it or not voices of political dissent are not the concern of the Intelligence agencies. Unless that is in the incredibly unlikely event that the Uzbeks send over someone with Polonium or Ricin, in which case they will seek to protect him.

    P.S. I say unsuccessful because while he was ambassador diplomatic relations with the country markedly deteriorated for no discernible improvements in the human rights record of the country. His goal was valid and principled but he went about it in a naïve and destructive manner. You can quibble with the unsuccessful label from the perspective of Hizb ut Tahrir but then that is not something to be proud of.

  29. After my daughter and her friend played the Sims for two hours the card reader stopped working on my PC and it won't recognise USB flash memory drives any more.

    If MI5 are monitoring this, could they fix it remotely please ?
