Saturday, June 02, 2007

Appearance on The Panel & Media This Weekend

I see RTE have now uploaded my appearanceon THE PANEL on Wednesday. I just watched it with my hands in front of my eyes. They didn't edit it too much, although all the Eurovision references were excised! At the time I thought I hadn't done too well and wasn't funny enough, but then again, when you are up against five professional comedians, what do you expect? Click HERE and then click on Part Two of the programme. I come on about 9 minutes into it.

UPDATE: Labour MP Tom Watson thinks I had a 'Guido' moment. Can't remember it myself, but if he says so, it must be true. Remember he was the one behind the Sion Simon Youtube video, so he knows what he is talking about!

And if you can't get enough of me, I'll be reviewing the papers tonight on News 24 at 11.45pm and will be on Radio 5 Live for three hours tomorrow morning on the Worricker Programme starting at 10am.


  1. Who was the scouse comedian ,I can't say Iv'e seen him before,watched it last night enjoyed part1 and part2.

  2. John Bishop. He's very good, isn't he? In fact they all were. I'd love to see the show brought over here.

  3. Iain
    I'll be sure to catch you on one of your many appearances- keep it up. Don't you mean 'excised' rather than 'exorcised'?

  4. from a Seattle-based Hibero-Teuton Anglophile Fenian:

    Iain, think you did a pretty good job on The Panel.

    You stuck up for yourself (something an Irish audience will always respect) without in the least coming across as arrogant (which the Irish hate like sin, especailly from a Brit from south of the Wash).

    For example, you got points (for courage & sincerity) by lauding Maggie Thatcher, who is heartily disliked by many (perhaps most) Irish people, because she made her own loathing of the Irish (of all classes, conditions, politics & religions) so obvious.

    You also laughed - genuinely - at the jokes against Cameron and the Tories, and that was a big plus. But you DID miss an opportunity by not mentioning John Major's role in getting the Northern Ireland peace process rolling, in partnership with Albert Reynolds, Dick Spring & Bill Clinton. Also could have pointed out that Jonathan Swift was a Tory!

    Of course the real crowd pleaser was at the end of you appearence, after your exchange with John Bishop, when one of the other panelists interjected: "Can't you Englishmen just get along?!?"

    So it's no wonder that the audience gave you a big hand at the end, Iain. Bet you get an return invitation.

  5. Very good performance, Iain. But was there alittle proky about 18DS being a 24/7 internet TV station? Or was that the editing?

  6. I thought you were doing really well until you rather lost your senses and started rambling about how Mrs T had put an end to inflation and suggesting that, before she came along, Britain was controlled pretty well exclusively by evil trade union barons. But it's a jolly little show isn't it and I thank Bob Piper for bringing it to our attention...

  7. UPDATE: Labour MP Tom Watson thinks I had a 'Guido' moment. Can't remember it myself, but if he says so, it must be true. Remember he was the one behind the Sion Simon Youtube video, so he knows what he is talking about! ~ Iain Dale

    He also has genuine blogging credentials...

  8. "when you are up against five professional comedians, what do you expect?"

    Which would make you . . . . ?

  9. BBC 24 tie comments suggest you should always wear one as your trademark. But I'd leave off the mascarra!

  10. I thought you did fairly well- by the way one of their best episodes I don't know if you've seen it was with Ben Goldacre- the guy who writes the bad science column in the Guardian- and its true genius.

  11. Bob Piper calls you a media whore - shock horror!!

  12. "He [Tom Watson] also has genuine blogging credentials..."

    ...and is the heroic scourge of freedom and information.

  13. If this was produced in England I could say serve you right, as the panel would be packed with New Labour luvvies; but you weren't and I can't.
