Tuesday, June 19, 2007

America's Next President?

Senator Fred Thompson has been in London today and have a speech at lunchtime to Policy Exchange. 18 Doughty Street filmed the whole thing and will be broadcasting it tomorrow night at 7.30pm. Here's a two minute highlights clip, with some suitable musical interludes. Fans of Law & Order will recognise them.

I will put a link on this post to the full programme when it is uploaded to our archive tomorrow.


  1. If the Americans are going to elect a television actor for president again, couldn't we have one of the hunks? Say the smart one from Prison Break? I'm just saying..

  2. It's going to be Clinton and Obama... hope so anyway.


  3. Why do you support so many homophobes Iain? (ie. 95% of the Republican Party).

  4. Fred Thompson gives good speech when he's not sticking his foot in his big fat homophobic mouth. But he's a no-hoper politically, not just for President; utterly sidelined. They keep him alive because they enjoy having someone with a great future behind him to look down on.

  5. run Fred run - ha, ha!

    Fred's from my hometown (or I'm from his) - I wish I'd known he was in town yesterday - we could have chewed the fat (he knows my family fairly well - though we've never met) Unfortunately, even if I had known, I'm stuck at home with a new baby and a weeping c-section incision.

    Fred's a lot more than a tv actor - and he got into acting because of his long time political hackery rather than getting into politics because of his acting. (He played himself in a movie about a Tennessee political scandal and did such a good job the offers came rolling in).

    Fred's a pretty complex fellow, don't underestimate him.

  6. I didn't know he was homophobic. Other than that, I can't see any other reason to vote for him.

  7. Clinton winning would be the worst thing for Dewmocratic politics in America. Obama vs Giuliani would be one of the greatest election contests since FDR!

  8. A contest about what, Ben Sherreard?

    And as for HER...

    Elected by nobody and confirmed by no Congessional committee, Hillary Clinton was a key figure in the administration that gave the world NAFTA and GATT, bombed Yugoslavia to pieces, forced Britain and the Irish Republic to surrender to the claim to sovereignty made by the Provisional Army Council of the IRA, and failed to deliver universal health care (or anything remotely approaching it). She must be stopped!

    Where's Jim Webb when the world needs him?

  9. Fred Thompson is the neo-cons' and Israel's patsy. Bush hasn't the balls to pardon Scooter Libby so they hope that Thompson will. He is just another Guiliani without the transvestism.

  10. I wrote basically the same at Ross Douthat's blog as I will write here.

    I was an early enthusiast for Thompson, but his continuing calls for the pardoning of Lewis Libby are a dealbreaker for me. Bush has been great on pardons, but Thompson's "perjury doesn't matter" approach to his buddy getting jammed up turn me right off. Being as I am, you know, a fan of law and order as well as Law and Order.

  11. Hmmm...overseas visitor here (though I lived in London for eight years) - still too soon to tell - the primaries are 9 months away, and anything can happen --

  12. I think it will be Clinton as P and Obama as VP.

    I would prefer Obama as President though.

    The US Democrats have far more in common with David Cameron and the modern Conservative Party than the Republican Party do.

    I think The Republican Party will be punished for at least an entire generation. The Republicans are DEEPLY unpopular!
    Rightly so.

  13. Get real Canvas.

    The Republicans will go very close in this election. Cameron's Tories have far more in common with the Republicans...don't you get it? Cameron's Tories would like to be as right-wing as the US Republicans, they just know it isn't something the UK electorate would go for. It isn't some kind of conversion you know, it's entirely pragmatic.

    A joint ticket of the Clinton woman and Barak Hussein Obama will scare the shit out of most Americans. I suspect such a duo would be defeated against a half decent Republican pair.

    And rightly so.

  14. Thanks Reinhard, I agree. Although Hillary Clinton has a very good chance at the presidency with the political machine + money behind her, it would set back America economic-wise and free speech-wise several years if she was elected - far better a Republican candidate who would keep taxes low and the market flowing. Also, Hillary Clinton has plans to limit the amount of free speech on the radio with the "Fairness Doctrine". Wonderful!

    As for Barack Obama, if you listen closely to his speeches, he has nothing productive to say - he spouts a bunch of cliches - and hasn't introduced any new legislation the few years that he has been a senator. In fact, he has done NOTHING as a senator...

