Sunday, May 06, 2007

You Know Someone Loves You When...

... Your two year old God dauighter sees you on TV, goes up to the TV screen, and then kisses it and hugs it. Bless.


  1. Don't tell Labour, they'll make it compulsory. I can see it now, a new initiative for working parents - A live cam at work which beams on to the home TV for the child to watch.
    "It keeps parents and children together" a spokesman said.

  2. I think you are probably a lovely godfather, although perhaps a little inclined to spoiling ...

  3. Iain, hosting a blogsite you can't refuse.

  4. I put a videocamera up behind the TV so my 2 year old nephew saw himself - he was very confused

  5. Just as well it wasn't a plasma screen as I understand that they can get hot and burn lips.

  6. Your two year old God dauighter sees you on TV, goes up to the TV screen, and then kisses it and hugs it. Bless.

    Really sad....poor girl thinks Iain is a Teletubby......which one ?

  7. My two year old saw me on television once, and when I came home she said "I saw you on the television and I saw the teletubbies. The tellytubbies waved to me, and you didn't." In my defence it is quite hard to wave at your daughter on ITN lunchtime news!

  8. Iain - a Teletubby? I do the fat bloke jokes!

    It's the only reason I watch 18DS so I can feel slimmer than at least one person on the planet. (Mind you, Donal runs a close second!)
