Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Two Stops Short of Dagenham

Danny Finkelstein emails me to tell me he heard someone on the radio joking that as Jose Mourinho hasn't registered his dog, it would soon turn up as a midfielder for West Ham. Bloody cheek.

PS Still nothing on grammar schools, eh? I really must do better...


  1. "Two Stops Short of Dagenham"

    is that your description of the Finkelstein brain?

    As in 'two panes short of a greenhouse..."

  2. No doubt the MPs will soon be sporting red ribbons and helping to launch a website called

  3. PS Still nothing on grammar schools, eh? I really must do better... (Iain)

    Cameron's off on his arrogance trip again. If he keeps doing this utopian and pc stuff he's going to alienate middle Englanders all over again. Is he incapable of learning that he is not going to get the support of radical left wingers and will only alienate both Conservatives and Liberal converts with this sort of guff?

    Sometimes I think verity is right, the man is dumb as dumb as dumb can be. Look what he's done to his website too. As Guido says, he has destroyed a cutting edge format and replaced it with rubbish. Do Cameron and Hilton share death wishes, or something? Has Cameron swapped the Bullingdon for the Bulimia club?

    Auntie Flo'

  4. And well done those MPs whp are standing up to Cameron too.

    Auntie Flo'

  5. Iain, you said last week in your Telegraph article that the next three weeks would be Brown-time.

    Seems to me like this announcement is a way of 'decapitating' the Brown campaign before it gains too much public exposure.

    With it appearing more and more likely that Brown will be named the unchallenged leader, this announcement today seems to me like a good way of keeping Brown off the agenda.

    He has made little headway with his announcements this week (eco-towns, etc) and it is still the Tories that are setting the agenda.

    To the public, it would seem like business as usual from the Labour Party ... good news for Cameron.

  6. These posts seem to be leeching over from your football blog, which I never read because it is about football.

    Do be careful. Some of your readers may be sensitive, like me, to football-related topics.
