Sunday, May 20, 2007

The State of the Welsh Blogosphere

Matt Withers has written a good feature on the state of the Welsh blogosphere HERE in today's Wales on Sunday. The last few months have seen Welsh blogs come into their own. Until this year I don't think I regularly looked at any of them. Here are my top Welsh blogs (in no particular order!)

Glyn Davies
Arsembly (mysteriously disappeared tonight!)
Blamerbell Briefs
Peter Black


  1. Wot ?! No Betsan !?

  2. 'Mysteriously disappeared'

    Are you sure you haven't mis-typed it, as you've done with poor blamerbell and his briefs..

  3. nope the whole sites gone 'private' his bosses found out and is now clinging to his job

  4. what are there no Labour blogs(unless you count arsembly) in wales or are they too lefty for you Iain?

  5. Notice how none of them are in the Welsh language, despite the tens of millions we English pay each year to keep it on life support. Presumably that's because they want people to read them?

  6. I've just noticed that one of the ones linked to in the blogs which Iain mentions,, is.

  7. Notice how none of them are in the Welsh language, despite the tens of millions we English pay each year to keep it on life support.

    There are Welsh language political blogs, but they're for Welsh speakers, who form the majority of the population of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire. And the 600,000 Welsh speakers in Wales as well as the c. 200,000 in England also pay tax. We've been here longer than you have, so get used to it.

  8. Ordovicius, you might have been there longer but we own you. You may grumble when we give you permission.

  9. New Plaid AM Bethan Jenkins has a bilingual blog

  10. I amsurprised thereare not more as we give Wales enough English money you would think everyone in the whole place could have a blog. Oh -no - you have to be able to read.

  11. PJ, just for the record I have a Welsh language political blog that averages around 2,000 hits a day. On the Technorati rankings it is higher than some of the blogs Iain lists.
    Why would Iain link to blogs he himself can't read? It doesn't mean they aren't there.
    And do you think seriously think that Welsh speakers don't pay taxes? :)

  12. Bahhhhhh! A lot of bleating from the Welsh blogosphere. Arsembly was too overrated, no loss there.

    Whatever happened to Liam Murray's blog?

  13. jailhouselawyer said...
    Bahhhhhh! A lot of bleating from the Welsh blogosphere. Arsembly was too overrated, no loss there.

    Whatever happened to Liam Murray's blog?

    He was axed because he asked for more coal.

  14. Non Welsh speakers should avoid Blamerbellbriefs like the plague, unless of course you fancy a slagging.

    It's an English language blog that, at the drop of a hat, changes to Welsh with no translation offered

    One poster on there politely asked for a translation and the Nationalists were all over him like a rash. They claimed that he was anti-Welsh and were quite rude.

    He stood his ground well and just pointed out the discourtesy of it but that just encouraged more rudeness.

    I was going to jump in to support him with some of my particularly well thought out insults but he seemed to fend them off with solid debate.

    Even Blamerbell was not blameless in this cowardly attack

    Thoroughly nasty people. Not a pleasant place.

  15. I got on only for it to be cut for bloody rod richards' article!

  16. marcusian, what did you get on?

  17. jus' passin' thru': You sound like a bowel movement...

  18. pj - there are welsh blogs you imbecile, just that Iain has had the intelligence to only link to the English ones, as [surprise, surprise] his readers are English !! Buffoon !

  19. Why does every mention of Welsh politics digress into a baiting of the English Vs. Welsh, who owns who etc?

  20. jailhouselawyer said...
    jus' passin' thru': You sound like a bowel movement...

    May 21, 2007 11:00 AM

    Takes one to know one pal!

  21. Why does every mention of Welsh politics digress into a baiting of the English Vs. Welsh, who owns who etc?

    I don`t know why don`t we ask the sheep shagging medicants to come up with a considered response .

  22. Blamerbell has recently been added to my blogroll... it really is brilliant.


  23. no welsh women bloggers in your list Ian ,sad there are a few well worth reading
    One is very new but she is starting to make a mark Valleysmam at least she isnt into just dissing people and does get some good comments
    and what dreary anti welsh comments so sad

  24. Cheers Mr Snob. I shall return the compliment.

    There are plenty of blogs. And as someone rightly points out, with Glyn Davies leaving the assembly, Bethan Jenkins must now be considered one of the top politician bloggers. (But then I would say that!).

    Wurzel, you can come along and speak whatever language you like. If I speak it too I'll do my best to reply.

    Unfortunately, though, I'm not fluent in irrational prejudice so you'll have to keep that to yourself...

  25. Blamerbell said....

    Wurzel, you can come along and speak whatever language you like. If I speak it too I'll do my best to reply.

    Wurzel says...

    Thanks for the invite, Blamer. Thank 'ee koindly Zur. I would gladly take it up but what happens when the Welsh speakers refuse to provide translation. Are we Wurzels to be kept in the dark?

    I wouldn't like to be 'flamed' like all you Nationalists did to that other chap for asking for a translation.

    I were brung up proper like to show consideration and courtesy to all but there don't seem to be much of that on thine blog.

    Shame really.

