Friday, May 18, 2007

Ruth Kelly v Yvette Cooper

Catfight! If what Ben Brogan says is remotely on the ball I think it is safe to say that Ruth Kelly will be looking for a new job soon.


  1. Spotting what Ruth Kelly is doing at PMQs is a bit of a hobby of mine.

    Invariably she is whispering in a colleague's ear, frowning and then following up by folding her arms and looking like a bulldog chewing a wasp - I feel slightly sorry for her, in a way. I don't think she has ever recovered the composure which even her critics would concede she once had when the furore over her son's special educational needs kicked.

    I suspect that she is another one who will be joining Patsy on the backbences in the not too distant future. Although to be fair, she is times as competent as Harriet bloody Harman..

  2. I assume this all means that Yvette is after Ruth's job as Local Government and Communities Sec. Shame - I had her marked down for greater things than that.

  3. I do not like either of the two ladies politics but my gut instinct tells me that of the two, only Ruth Kelly is sincere

  4. Nice to see that sisters are doing it for themselves (for a change).

  5. Ms Kelly from Education to the Chief Secretary job at the Treasury.

    That's going down the snake rather than up the ladder. She started there as she cra@pped on Equitable Life policyholders.

    What Ruthie needs to do is borrow some of Yvette's anorexia tablets so she can still fit in the ministerial car

  6. she wont find one, it will be taken by a polish migrant

  7. Frankly, who cares? But if anyone did care Brogan seemed to be saying Yvette DID NOT threaten to resign over this.

  8. Pity they can't both lose. But then in a couple of years' time, they both will.

  9. "It's regime change - stupid. "

    "Blairites - OUT ! Brownites - IN !"

    Any Minister with an ounce of sense would have either "jumped ship" and switched allegiance to Gordon i.e. Jack Straw or have lined up their media job for next 2 years and decided to spend more time on "constituency matters" hoping that Gordon comes a cropper in 2009/10.

  10. Are you sure that Yvette hadn't nominated Kelly for the worst dressed woman in the history of the world award...

  11. I advise everyone to read this damning analysis of the British economy after 10 years of Blair and Brown.

    If you believe the hype about a strong economy then you've got a lot to learn and it ain't very nice.,,2082749,00.html

  12. Kelly against Cooper-Balls: Whoever wins, we all lose!

  13. Yvette Cooper has a face like a football.

  14. If Yvette Cooper is so determined to flog the dead horse that is HIPs, I suspect she will do well in NeueComintern.
