Saturday, May 26, 2007

Return of the Flapping White Coats

ConservativeHome reports that four ex Conservative MPs have written to the Daily Telegraph in support of grammar schools. What they don't say is that the four are now prominent UKIP supporters. They are Piers Merchant, Sir Richard Body, Christopher Gill and Roger Knapman. John Major once said that when he saw Sir Richard Body approaching he could hear the sound of flapping white coats. That could equally apply to the other three, and it's the reason why UKIP will always be a fringe party.


  1. Hmmmm............

    "Yond Iain has a lean and hungry look (not). Methinks he doth protest too much".

  2. The threat from UKIP is manageable right now. UKIP still lack depth and professionalism.

    But if a number of sitting MP's defected then all bets would be off. Now which corner of the Conservative party might break off ?

  3. What they don't say is that the four are now prominent UKIP supporters.

    They do...they mention it in the text of the letter itself

  4. Observer, you are not being very observant today. I said Tim Montgomerie didn't mention it, not them.

  5. Is someone trying to Currie favour?

  6. "flapping white coats"

    but Iain, the coat in your picture is not a flappy job - more of the furry model which David Cameron took with him on hiscarbon-burning photo-opportunity trip to Lapland.

    Does he still believe in Santa (and I don't mean Tara's sister!)

  7. couldn't quite work out who you seem to think are mad. UKIP supporters? Grammar school supporters? Both?

  8. Iain, You are missing the point. This country needs selective education in the state sector.

  9. First blazers, now white coats. You can choose to dress UKIP up in anything you like Ian, but at least we have clothes whereas the emperor Dave doesn't! Fruitcake anyone?

  10. Iain , could you send an XXXL white coat to Prescott please, since the dirty old bu**er is departing from the scene shortly!

  11. "Does he still believe in Santa (and I don't mean Tara's sister!)"

    Well if it was Tara's sister, at least Tara could provide him with [Bill Deedes] the Right line!

  12. "Fruitcake anyone?"

    Yes, where is young Osborne?

  13. Now now, you know you need to take the happy pills when writing about UKIP, otherwise we see the frothing at the mouth.

    Don't know about the other three but Sir Richard Body is a cultured knowledgeable man who has written some interesting books. Major was a decent enough chap, but over-promoted, and no doubt hated to be opposed as he "delivered Maastricht" by people OF PRINCIPLE (dirty word, I know) who knew what it was all about and exposed the fraudulence of his government's position.

  14. Observer, you are not being very observant today. I said Tim Montgomerie didn't mention it, not them.

    You have a point Old Man....but I read the primary source and never noticed Tim M.....but you make that point in your intro I see now

  15. For every ukipper lost, there are four libdem converts to cameronism.

    Christopher Gill is a nice chap, and is not white coat material. It's just that being right all the time is not the point of politics. It's winning that counts. Being right and powerless ain't gonna sort any shit.

    Cameron might be covered in the stuff, but at least he'll get to spread some, later on for his pains.

  16. Glad you've had a dig at Tim Montgomerie, Iane.
    He and Paul Dacre (bestest friend of Gordon Brown and editor of the Daily Mail) are the biggest enemies of the Conservative revival and should be treated with extreme prejudice.
    I've already junked the Mail, with a suitable abusive missive to Dacre, Alexander, Platell, et al, and The Telegraph is next for the chop.
    I urge readers to stop buying these rags until they start supporting the Tories instead of knocking them.

  17. When they get some Tories to support etc,etc

  18. "For every ukipper lost, there are four libdem converts to cameronism"
    That should read - "For every 6 tories lost to UKIP, there are four libdem converts to cameronism"

  19. The way Cameron is going he will be losing people who want the real thing to the libdems and labour, while losing others to UKIP.

  20. That coat you pictured is quite fetching Ian. One of yours?

  21. I used to work for Sir Richard. He is a kind, thoughtful and honourable man.

    He was a 'Green Conservative' at least thirty years before it was fashionable, and a Eurosceptic rebel on principle about twenty five years before the little grey cells of others began to spark.

    It also happens he used to have a couple of grammars in his patch, one of which I went to...

    Less cheap jibes, please.

  22. UKIP represent right thinking people in the UK more closely than the Tories do. The current two party system is becoming stagnant, and needs to be broken up before it begins to smell bad.
