Friday, May 11, 2007

Quotes of the Day

"And what the hell are the Tories doing? Nothing. They ought to be raising Cain. They ought to be impeaching the guilty men. Opposition? There's more fire in the belly of my Marans hens" - Author Frederick Forsyth on the failure to provide British front-line troops with the equipment they need.
"Until the demise of the old currency, the British people were unbeatable at simple mathematics. This was due to two things - pounds, shillings and pence, and darts" - Geoffrey Booth, of Wareham, Dorset, in a letter to The Daily Telegraph.
"Someone wrote me a letter the other day saying 'Dear Mr Cameron, if you care so much about climate change and carbon emissions why don't you stop breathing?'" - Tory leader David Cameron.
"For those interested in details, it weighs about the same as a medium-sized banana" - Broadcaster Andrew Marr tries out the latest thing in reading: electronic books.
"Getting a laugh out of this Prime Minister has been like trying to open an oyster with a plastic fork" - Political pundit and broadcaster Simon Hoggart.
"Try as I might, I cannot actually dislike him" - Former Tory leader William Hague on Tony Blair.
"The most threatened group in human societies as in animal societies is the unmated male" - Germaine Greer.
"Do not feed contents to fish" - Warning note on a bottle of dog shampoo.
"I have come to the conclusion that it is dogs, not wives, that men choose because they are like their mothers" - Labour peer Lord Hattersley.

1 comment:

  1. "Until the demise of the old currency, the British people were unbeatable at simple mathematics. This was due to two things - pounds, shillings and pence, and darts".
    Concurrency or causality? Global warming actually causes atmospheric carbon concentration increase and not vice versa.Of significance to numeracy was the destruction of the grammar schools and progressive failure of discipline and consequent failure to recruit qualified teachers throughout the maintained sector. Otherwise why would East Asians (in Asia) be so proficient when thy have never used £sd (except HK)? They take excellence seriously and so should we.
