Saturday, May 26, 2007

Poll: Most Incompetent Labour Minister Since 1997

About a week ago I asked you for your nominations for the most incompetent Labour Minister of the last ten years. You duly obliged and here is the poll I promised. Please vote for the THREE Ministers you consider to have been the most incompetent.

Who is the Most Incompetent Labour Minister Since 1997
Stephen Byers
John Prescott
Patricia Hewitt
Dawn Primarolo
Frank Dobson
Des Browne
Harriet Harman
Nick Brown
Ruth Kelly
Gordon Brown
Charles Clarke
John Reid
Margaret Beckett
Estelle Morris
Geoff Hoon
Peter Mandelson
Lord Falconer
Alun Michael
David Lammy
Free polls from


  1. One of the most difficult questions I have ever been asked. Just to look at those names is to be reminded of the abyss into which we have fallen.

    Another difficult question would be to name the three least admirable characters.

  2. Interesting. After 28 votes cast (presumably one person only voted once) it looks as though 8 out of 10 people put Prescott in their top three.

  3. Iain,
    This is so unfair. I want to tick more than one as they all have been incompetent in their own special way.

  4. Since when was Wednesday "about a week ago"? Is this yet another example of Tory cuts? Give us back the other 50% of our week you blue scoundrels.

  5. Iain,

    I can't see Blunkett

  6. Didn't some civil servants somewhere nickname Byers "Lady Jane Grey" because he was their boss for such a short time?

  7. Seconding anonymous, a poll on incompetence isn't complete without Blunkett.

  8. did you realise the poll quite happily accepts someone voting for ALL of them? although come to think of it, this just reflects the sad reality...

  9. where is david blunkett

  10. Only three? Very difficult.........

  11. My TOPvote would have bee for the most incompetant of them all, the one whose decision it was to have ANY of this cheap mob in a ministerial job in the first place, but it seems Teflon Tony gets away with it yet again ?

    Choosing all (or even ANY) of these nincompoops must surely be the greatest incompetance of all time ?

    I suggest you cancel this thread and rerun with Blunkpitts and T Bleaugh included, please !

    Alan Douglas

  12. I think after due consideration, I will plump for Cameron.He's the only chappie in your mob whose name I am aware of.

  13. Disappointed to see Alan Johnson missing from that list :(

  14. I can't see my name.

  15. It clearly has to be David Cameron since in policy terms he seems to have been governing for years yet nobody knows him as a Cabinet minister!

  16. Is there some way Prescott can be forced to pay for his latest Junket?

    It really is an INSULT to all TAX PAYERS.

    Isn't Lord Black on trial for something very similar?

  17. I trust You will be personally presenting the winner with a fitting award.

    An apology to Mr D Blunkett is also in order, he must be gutted at not making the finals.

  18. Infant mortality in Iraq soars as young pay the price for war
    By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
    Published: 08 May 2007

    Two wars and a decade of sanctions have led to a huge rise in the mortality rate among young children in Iraq, leaving statistics that were once the envy of the Arab world now comparable with those of sub-Saharan Africa.

    A new report shows that in the years since 1990, Iraq has seen its child mortality rate soar by 125 per cent, the highest increase of any country in the world. Its rate of deaths of children under five now matches that of Mauritania.

    a good reason to vote for bliar.more of his legacy im afraid.

  19. bloody impossible to narrow it down to three!

    excellent poll

  20. Can you add an 'all of the above' option please?

  21. All of the above, actually no, the most incompetent isnt on that list, the most incompetent is the PRIME Minister - aka the grinning inept traitorous megalomanical idiot due to step down sometime soon, closely followed by his neighbour in McDooning Street.

  22. I am UTTERLY STAGGERED that 'Buff' Hoon appears to be getting away with it so lightly. Including him in the list really makes this a 'two most incompetent labour ministers plus 'Buff' Hoon' contest.

    Incidentally is the political world aware of the recent exchange in Iraq between an unnamed squaddie and the current Defence Secretary 'Swiss Des' (compare his hairdo with the Fast Show's Swiss Tony and you'll see the point:

    Squaddie: "What qualifies you to ber a politician?"

    'Swiss' Des (riled): "What qualifies you to be a soldier?"

    Squaddie: "I don't lie".

  23. Sorry about my spelling in the last post but I think you get the point...

  24. I have to agree with Mr Douglas; one ACL Blair put them in a position to display their incompetence. Surely he must take the ultimate responsibility and be named "Most Incompetent".

    As Pa Remittance often intones as he harks back to his days of military glory: "There are no bad troops, only bad officers".

  25. Where's Blair in the list Iain? At least two people nominated him in your previous thread on this.

  26. And WTF is Margaret Hodge? Surely shome mistake?

  27. Why not do an "of all time contest".
    Although I guess John Moore would get 100%

  28. Why isn't Tessa Jowell on the list?

  29. I voted for Patricia Hewitt for her recent handling of MTAS/MMC and the NHS budget deficits, and for Geoff Hoon because of Iraq.

  30. Iain - only three?

    Would have been easier to ask the question in reverse - please nominate the three 'most competent' ministers!

    That way, I might have been able to decide on at least 1!

  31. Clare Short (not on the list)

  32. Sorry, I was confused by the ballot paper and voted for all but one.

    Jock McSilly

  33. With each error of judgement the NHS slowly goes the way of Rover - it's a real shame you haven't added a facility to vote for Patricia Hewitt three times.
