Saturday, May 19, 2007

Neil Hamilton: The New Jeremy Clarkson?

I'm delighted to tell you that after ten years of being a TV tart, former MP Neil Hamilton has got a job. Tomorrow sees him start a new job as a weekly coluumnist for the Sunday Express. Neil and Christine are good friends of mine and I could not be more pleased that they have survived the traumas of the last few years.

Neil is a superb and witty writer and I have no doubt his column will be a great success. Indeed, having read his occasional columns in The Spectator I suspect he could in time rival the success of Richard Littlejohn and Jeremy Clarkson. Now there's a prediction for him to live up to.


  1. Wonder if he'll get paid with cash in brown envelopes? Anyway, i think Hamilton comes under the catagory of 'mostly harmless'. He comes across as a perfectly nice chap but a touch out of sorts with reality- his column should make for interesting reading! I'd like to read his thoughts on Nouche labour and LibbyDem sleaze!

  2. "survived the traumas" - "profited from corruption"

    prezza is more of a feminist than naughty neil is a wit - let's hope he has a good ghost writer

  3. I thought with Neil that it was the case of having a 'strong woman' driving him.

    Their responses to Bell back in '97 summed up all that was wrong with the attitude of the Conservative Party then.

  4. Thanks for post. Nobody ever proved NH took cash did they? His financial records were turned over in the uttermost detail and no proof was ever found. Nobody ever needed to take cash for questions anyway. Just ask your local MP and if the cause is just and suitable he will raise the matter for you in the appropriate quarter. The whole sleeze thing was grossly distorted mainly by the New Labour machine - and look where their hubris got them. As we write Prescott is in the US/West Indies on a 5* trip to no point whatsoever. Pity it has to be the Express though. I could no more buy that paper than the NoW. Mr Fayed is as distasteful as that employer of many many Labour people - Helen Liddel, Alaistair Campopbell, Lord Donaghue etc.; the 'glorious' Robert Maxwell. His reincarnation Mr Brown is about to take Office. Four words can sum up New Labour "Cool Britannia, Lord Levy?"

  5. ANyone "convicted" on the unsupported word of Fayed has my FULL support - after all, the ONLY people INNOCENT of Diana's death were him, his son and all his employees.

  6. Express - Diana - Dodi - Fayed -Hamilton - Express.

    Neat, innit?

  7. He is a very funny -- and utterly amiable -- chap. What a pity he'll have fuck all readers.

  8. "fuck all readers"

    the gospel according to St David of Sheffield, St John of Hull Kingston Rovers and St John of Tird Lanark to name but three.

  9. Will anyone take him seriously? I doubt it. I hope Sunday Express readers turn away in their droves.

  10. Good luck to the Hamiltons. I was still in the Labour Party at the time and I remember feeling ashamed of the witch hunt against them. It was, and remains, perfectly clear that he/they did not get a fair trial.

  11. What might be a "fair " trial?

  12. "What might be a "fair " trial?"

    Any trial where Fayed is not involved ?

  13. Heard him speak in a downstairs bar once -started by saying "THIS IS THE FIRST TIME FOR AGES I GAVE A SPEECH IN A BIER KELLER....Oh how we laughed.

  14. "What might be a "fair " trial?"

    One where the decision has not already been determined by M.P's and the press trashing the reputation of the defendant for their own reasons.

  15. He spoke well and wittily at the memorial service for Ralph Harris at St John's Smith Square. It was one of the few occasions when his introduction as 'former MP' was not preceded by 'disgraced'. For which, no doubt, he was grateful.

    He's really not quite as thick as he sometimes likes to make out.

  16. By your friends shall we know you.

    I think we know you now Mr Dale.

  17. Anonymous said...
    "By your friends shall we know you.

    I think we know you now Mr Dale."


  18. Chris Paul wrote "survived the traumas" - "profited from corruption"

    Hmm. I've been watching your comments on these blogs for a while now, some vaguely sensible, some a bit daft.

    That comment more than any other you've made marks you down as a paid Labour stooge... Nothing you say can change that now.

    This one takes the fucking biscuit. If Neil Hamilton was corrupt, what adequate words are there for this lot of lying scum fuckers we're lumbered with now?? Cash for Honours? Prescott? Mandleson, loans, Ecclestone, Robinson? What the fucking fuck are you talking about man? You just blew any credibility you may have once had!

  19. Iain - why do you persist in posting annonymous responses to comments on your blog i.e.12.04pm, 3.11pm?

    Surely you're big enough to take it.

  20. I didn't post them , readers did. And you aren't anonymous either, I suppose. Prat.

  21. Iain Dales Rabbit you are a twat! I'm pleased though that you thought my reply to Chris paul (3.11) was up to Iain's standard! (Though I would have thought the words "What the fucking fuck" would have given away the non-Iain-ness of the post!)


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