Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Smell a Rat in the House

The Member's Tea Room in the House of Commons hasn't done very good business today. It seems the unmistakeable tangy smell of death is in the air. Some are blaming a dead rodent. My mole, however, reckons that the culprit may be more human. He says it reminds him of the Katyn massacre and thinks that the Brown Death Squads may have prematurely started their cull of Blairites. Anyone seen Ruth Kelly this afternoon?


  1. I heard she is in Scotland fraternising with her pal (relative?) the execrable Terry Kelly, probably the best example of retarded socialism in the west of Scotland.

    Just google and goggle.


  2. Well that's obviously a tasteful joke. Guess its part of your right to offend.

    How about this: you're an idiot.

  3. Ian come clean on what has really happened

  4. I bet you had to look Katyn up as well.

    What, no Auschwitz jokes?

  5. hopefully she has been followed by that arrogant "Tony Mcnulty" (given your new ban on swearing) Patricia Hewitt. She lied, swerved and was generally ugly today in parliament. She really does need to be humanely put down.

    This government is dead.....long live the government.

  6. RK was in the commons today, getting mauled over HIPS.

    However, that said, its about time McCavity started doing something...

  7. Iain, why aren't you on the blower to Ben Brogan to get the latest on the Ruth Kelly / Yvette Cooper spat ??

  8. Ho, ho. Thousands killed at Katyn! Hee, hee.

    At least they were Poles and not Jews, eh? That wouldn't be nearly as funny. Arf, arf!

  9. Remeniscent of the Katyn massacre eh? Not having another "nihilist" moment are we Iain? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and recommend that you check out the details of the events of the Katyn forest before posting an apology. Otherwise I'd have to assume that you are more than happy to make (or restate) truly sick analogies.

  10. Why Katyn ?? Why not Srebrenica ?? Or the Shatila Farms ??

  11. Disgraceful! Reichsmordwoche makes for a far better comparison.

  12. Hey you squares, get a life. Dead Poles are funny, right Iain?

  13. Spotted her on the BBC News announcing the latest on the HIPS fiasco.
    What was she thinking (or taking!) when she choose that outfit?

  14. Oh, I agree. Ruth Kelly looked awful - like a Polish refugee, in fact.

  15. A dead Polish refugee, I hope. They're funny.

  16. It is a long held tradition to make light of terible things (albeit eventually).

    The disgrace of Katyn lies (still) at the door of Stalin. Heard of anyone likened to Uncle Joe recently?

    I believe the reference is intended to allude to another act of treacherous cowardice where a strong bully uses his goons to opress helpless individuals who collectively may pose a threat.

    For many years I have heard used the expression "The Biggest Hewitt* Since Gallipoli" to indicate a poor opinion of something and where no offence to the ANZAC dead was intended, or taken.

    * Iain's ban on profanity could well spawn an entirly new variant of non-rhyming slang. Remmeber the fleeting popular usage of "A Right Sir Anthony" after the traitor Blunt. No prizes for what "Hewitt" can mean?

  17. PS

    I realise that there may be a flaw - a Balls-up is still a Balls-up whatever you think of him, I mean them or something.

  18. That's fine then, Sniper.

    This blog is a right load of Dachau. All those deleted comments - they're like Jews really, aren't they?

  19. Leaving the choice of metaphors aside, I don't think the Brownites are making their move too soon. It seems smart for Gordon Brown to have as much of his team in place as soon as possible in order to give an air of competence and purposefulness after six weeks of drift. After he returns from the Palace, he'll be able to announce a new team, ready to govern and that should provide a fillip to Labour overall.

  20. No, the deleted comments are like 9/11 victims leaping to their deaths to save themselves from the flames.

  21. dnpiper: No? Is that not funny? Educate me.

  22. anon 7:46

    Too late

    But this the wrong forum. If you have a personal beef with me that's fine. After all you are anonymous - that's a stand against Man's inhumanity to Man. Nor do I intend to get into a Reid contest on someone else's blog. However, I think I have now detemined the meaning of the word Milliband.

    Iain, I have finished this particular exchange.

  23. The boot boys are out in force today; fresh from their courageous battle with information and the freedom thereof.

  24. Is it Tom Watson? His ideas stink.

  25. That freedom of information act was looking at me funny...

  26. I know what Katyn is, I've been there and so has my grandad, but he didn't get to return. I don't think there could be anything like Katyn that our beloved MPs could be suffering right now. I disapprove of the reference to Katyn in this post.

  27. Freedom of information is slavery.

  28. wow, lots of lefty sock-puppets in this thread picking up the opportunity to attack Iain.

    no surprise.

  29. So Iain will be banning sock-puppets?

  30. How did you get in the Tea Room, Dale?

  31. wow, lots of righty sock-puppets in this thread picking up the opportunity to suck up to Iain.

    no surprise.

  32. The HIPS scandalous waste of time ,thought this pack was to help buyers in all aspects of house purchase , but seemingly has become a way of employing another 9,000(now very anti Labour discontents) & thermal insulation!
    Mesdames Kelly & Cooper are seen to have told a few fibs along the way, most of the melodramatic(oscar special) speech by Cooper last week was full of them.
    Methinks Kelly has been well & truly shafted by her ever -so helpful Minister & Y. Cooper will go on to bigger & better things!(was she smirking at yesterdays u-turn in the HOC). & R Kelly dumped! A grubby business is our Gordaqs Politics.

  33. HIPS = Another ill thought out Tax, and More Bureaucracy.

    Wasn't Kelly's grandad alledged to be an active member of the IRA?

  34. brown and his goons said - "That freedom of information act was looking at me funny..."

    Let me see if I have this straight....

    You're referring to a Tory idea, made possible with Tory votes, which somehow is Brown's fault, so he entrusts his hitman Tom Watson (and his team of lefty bloggers) to pretend to be offended by a joke about a massacre to distract us from the core issues.

    Is that about the way you see it?

  35. Yes, we're done here.
