Friday, May 11, 2007

Gordon Gives Himself a Shock

Great moment on 5Live Breakast just now. Wilf Stevenson, the head of the Smith Instutute was waxing lyrical about Gordon's record and what a fantastic man he is. This isn't a direct quote, but the exchange went something like this...
NICKY CAMPBELL: But you have to admit, he's still using spin. When he reads
his budget speech you'd think we were living in a golden paradise, yet when you
read the small print.
WILF STEVENSON: Ah but contrast that with what a great man he is. He's the
nicest man I know. When I went to visit him he burrowed away in a cupboard and
found a Scalextrix for my kids to play with. He even have himself electric
shocks in the process!

You really couldn't make it up.


  1. next time he should try it while standing in a full bath.....

  2. HefferWatch
    "I have just published a book of 50 great speeches by famous Britons. If it runs to a second edition, I may have to see whether it can expand to 51." Simon Heffer, DT

  3. you couldnt spell it properly either Iain!

  4. Is Gordon going to give us a shock by showing that he knows how to behave?

    I.E. this Blair individual tells the nation that he is going to see the Queen on a certain date. It is not for him to say when he is going to meet the Head of State -she invites him.

    I for one, would like to see her away on a visit and he left kicking his heels until she returns!

    Will Gordon show the way and ask HM for an audience?

    ...ah well just a thought.

  5. Why couldn't you make it up? I don't understand what's so shocking about "man gets toy out of cupboard for children"

  6. It was classic evasion! The question focussed on Brown the politician, not the man. I'm sure TB is a very nice person, but as a politician, he's still a c@#*!

    Picture this scene:

    Gordon's Mum: ''What do you want to be when you grow up, son?''

    Gordon (playing with train set): ''I too can be the Fat Controller one day Mummy''.

    Gordon's Mum: ''Stop picking your nose ya dirty wee bugger!''

  7. Iain what are you implying, either Gordon is a horder or he keeps toys in his house to entertain young boys?

  8. What about the claim that Brown is planning a written constitution that will enshrine proportional representation?Mentioned in the Express today.

  9. Why would he keep electricity in a cupboard. Too Scottish to throw it away?

  10. The words "bread" "buttered" "knows" and "side" spring to mind.

  11. Anyone know at what time the Great Clunking Fist will speak to his adoring public today? Can't seem to find any details!

  12. Is it just me or am I the only one already sick of al-beeb's wall to wall coverage of the fisters coronation

    Talk about bias

  13. Gordon needs to wake up to the fact that not everyone has the "X-Factor" to be PM.

    If he had any sense he'd resign and bring the new-lab experiment to a close.

    Greed trumps memory with Gordon: Old labour's going to get him nowhere.

  14. Are you sure it was a cupboard and not a closet?

  15. So, Mr millionaire Broon's a bodger - and so mean and hopelessly impractical that he gives children dangerously faulty electrical toys to play with.

    God help us when he's PM.

    Little wonder then that Broon the Bodger doesn't have a clue about the practical realities for SMAs and how hard these 4.3 million small companies - 99% OF UK's businesses - are forced to struggle to survive under Bodger Broon.

    At least 60% of Broon's regulatory morass is a hugely damaging red tape minefield which blasts the guts out of UK businesses.

    Auntie Flo'

  16. Just tells the working man that Brown couldn't have cut it as an electrician....

    But it's alright, because Tony says he has what it takes to cut it as PM.

    Sums it up, really.

  17. surely groping around in the dark and coming up with something that isn't new at all but has a certain distracting novelty value is a fairly good description of the role of chancellor?

  18. Broon's never run a company or held down a real job has he? Throughout his entire working life Broon's enriched himself by sucking parasitically at the life blood of hard work of SMAs and hard working people.

    What a fraudulent sponger he is!

    Auntie Flo'

  19. Electric in ECT?

  20. Oh dear. Some not so nice nor very subtle comments here - starting to read like the comments on Guido's blog. Cheap, tacky, tedious but ohh so telling - for which Labour should be grateful.

  21. anonymous..... please don't kid yourself for all our sakes.

    This morning I went shopping and met two people from both ends of the spectrum - one whitecollar job, not badly off - the other blue collar job, lifelong socialist, council house tenant...they both said the same things..

    a) what country is Tony Blair living in -its not the same one as I am

    b) the only thing this lot care about is their own paycheck and status

    c) why is there talk of Prescott and a peerage when he has camapigned for years on doing away with it all

    d) the country is in a worse mess that after the war because at least then education was good and hygene observed in hospitals and the English were not 2nd class citizens

    this from someone who has been a lifelong labour member

    Take the blinkers off and if you really care then get some mps who have the guts to actually do something and are not scared of either the PM or human rights lawyers (well that is if we srill have a judicial system left)

    I don't care what party they come from as long as they get snouts out of the trough and restore the things that made us proud to be English -educated children, hospitals that work with nurses and Drs not managers, decent wages not people on the dole because of gang masters employing slave labour, police that are on the beat not at a desk, street where one can walk unafraid. A country where forced marriage is punished as an insult to women, where christians can wear a cross etc, etc, etc,
