Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Gordon Brown Celebrity Watch

Many people seem to have been taken in by Gordon Brown's assertion that he doesn't like the celebrity culture that now infects our politics. Indeed, in his speech announcing is candidature for the leadership of the Labour Party, he said this...
As a politician I have never sought the public eye for its own sake.
I have never believed presentation should be a substitute for policy. I do
not believe politics is about celebrity.

I've taken Brown to task before for his conflicting record in this area (see HERE), but he really has taken the biscuit this time. Just before his glitzy launch he paid a visit to Michaeljohn hairdessers in Mayfair for a £100 hair cut. Nothing wrong with that - Michaeljohn did a very good job. But Michaeljohn is the most famous celebrity hairdresser in London. If Gordon hates celebrity so much, why did he not pay a visit to his local barber shop and get a short back and sides for a tenner? You don't just go to Michaeljohn for a haircut - you go to be seen.


  1. I doubt many of his constituents in Cowdenbeath or Lochgelly would approve of 100 pound being spent on a haircut. Bless- he's trying. He's just spent hundreds on new teeth ain't he? Botox will follow! Then we'll se Gord jogging the streets of Westminster! I can't wait!

  2. littlejohn just hit the nail on the head re that scumbag brown. Brown spent 14million pounds on the 2005 election campaign when he knew they had no money. Did he never ask where it came from- cash for peerages INVOLVES brown and all the Labour players who stood and watched that happen and were happy to get re-elected as a result.

    people are not stupid....

  3. Oh yes they are! look at Scotland. More than 150,000 can't fill in a bloody ballot form! och aye tha noo! Wot am i dayin? Where's me bevvy ya ken?

  4. We had a builder in recently who looking at an ugly angle in our wall said " Make it into a feature ". That is what Brown has done . look at what he is , not as a poltician but as a man
    Gordon Brown denied himself sex until he was fifty ignoring the alleged rocking horse rumour . He is a freakish , terrifying cadaverous travesty of a human being who was chosen , not elected , noone would elect him . A Scottish Socialist who is culpable more than anyone in the great migration of resources out of private and into public hands . A fairground turn whose shtick rests on idiot and idiot savant being indistinguishable to the casual observer. A deeply self loathing and fearful Bad King John,who, in a process somewhat less democratic than the Norman Conquest ,now assumes the Throne . His political thinking and Marxist error are intertwined like copulating serpents but worse still his autistic magniloquence hides a cynical use of public money for electoral purposes. Via invidious regional grants and direct injections into the Smith slush fund into the New Statesman and PR lackeys from whose cooing sluttish cohorts he recruited the cardboard cut out Mrs. Brown . The mepihtic nexus of putrefying not-very -soft, funding from the public purse was only partially disguised by Blair`s perfumed warbling. Now we have the beast itself frightened and snarling in the light. He has culled and slain in the Kremilinesque gloom of the Labour Party now like the Russian thugs of old he is stuffed into a Western suit and given a haircut as if we couldn`t see what he is

    He is reptilian repellent and breathes through his mouth whilst he digests insects . No wonder he wants to take personality out of Politics .

  5. Michaeljohn is his regular place, not just for this occasion.
    (Friend of mine has her hair cut by the same guy.)

  6. if you read the report properly, it said that the haircut was done at home, not in the salon, which kind of ruins your 'to be seen' argument.

  7. Aren't Gordon Brown and his wife supposed to be pally with J.K. Rowling? I can see him milking that for all its worth just before a general election. In fact, one of my nightmares is that Gordon reduces the voting age to 16 and then brings in all the pubescent Harry Potter fan vote.

  8. Gordon is trying to be seen on all the celebrity sofas on TV at the moment. He is stinking liar that makes women's skin crawl.

  9. newmania 12:33

    Spit it out man (or woman). Don't sit on the fence like that.

    PS £100 for a haircut? How prudent is that?

  10. That's petty Iain. Splitting hairs? Spitting fur? Whatever. The poor man got seen by a blogger's mate. Is there no peace?

    Where does Dave-id Cameron get his complex comb overs sorted?

  11. Correction. The poor man didn't even get seen by a blogger's mate. C'mon, spill the beans on DC. Who does his weave?

  12. charlotte

    JK Rowling based lord Voldemort on Brown , Peter Mandelsohn was the inspiration for septimus snape.

  13. You don't just go to Michaeljohn for a haircut - you go to be seen.

    Thanks for the tip Iain...I shall throw away the voucher that came through the letterbox

  14. jilted john - usually the most obvious questions are the one missed by the MSM, although littlejohn looks like he has it figured.

    Brown was on the NEC - it is simply not credible to believe he was not party to management accounts, cash flow projections etc. which showed the state of the party finances leading upto the last election.

    This is supposedly a guy who pays attention to detail.

    He would have known that the Decemeber 31st 2004 accounts said the LP were in deficit £2.4M for the year, bringing the total accumulated deficit to £11.6M, and that they were facing extraordinary campaign expenditure of around £15M required to fight a forthcoming election.

    When the monies and promises came in, he would have been aware of their receipt since it made a GE possible.

  15. Newmania (or anyone).

    I have been reading the blogs long enough to have spotted lots of references to GB and rocking horses, but not long enough to know what they refer to.

    I hate to appear ignorant (I think I'll go anon on this post), but will someone let me in on the secret.

    Hope you don't mind, Iain. I love your serious stuff as well, you were excellent on the radio this morning, endogenous growth theory etc etc. So this rocking horse thing is...?

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Thank you, Bristol Mafia! I can now go around making knowing allusions. And probably will.

  18. As my old Granny told me....You can't polish a turd.

  19. bristol mafia

    "more plausible" than the other scenarios you describe isn't rally saying much is it?

  20. On the Have Your Say on the BBC website "Its just possible that Gordon has something different to offer" flashes across the webpage.

    I'm not sure that a substantial number of the 5,000+ comments were as supportive. Most I've read have a deepseated distrust of Broon and his actions. BBC bias in action, or is it pure incompetence?

    So much for making NHS dentistry 'more' widely available, Broon still had to go private.

  21. newmania, you are spot on and put it so eloquently.

    Three years of Brown as PM are going to provide us with nightmares for years to come. The pillaging and trashing of our country that he has perpetrated over the past ten years will be as nothing compared to what's to come.

    Stagflation anyone?

  22. Chris Paul


  23. Newmania

    So you don't like Gordon Brown - we already know.

    You are sadly mistaken if you think that your diatribe - which you know would stand no serious analysis (GB a Marxist - what would that make Mrs Thatcher under whom Govt Spending as a % of GDP reached a higher figure? etc etc) - is going to convince anyone either way you are very mistaken.

    How do you know that GB didn't have sex until he was 50 and so much about his bodily functions? Now that would be an interesting.

    Oh well at least you made laugh!

  24. simon said;

    botox will follow

    I think he's already had it...in his lower jaw, to control that gape and gasp tic of his...though it's wearing off now, he needs a top up

    Auntie Flo'

  25. newmania said:

    His political thinking and Marxist error are intertwined like copulating serpents

    You've caught the Bigfoot brilliantly with this. Ace, piece, newmania, it shines the searchlight of truth into Broon's dark and horrible crevices

    Auntie Flo'

  26. tory boys never grow up said to

    You are sadly mistaken if you think that your diatribe - which you know would stand no serious analysis (GB a Marxist - what would that make Mrs Thatcher under whom Govt Spending as a % of GDP reached a higher figure? etc etc) - is going to convince anyone either way you are very mistaken

    Hit a raw nerve, eh? That's because newmania's piece evokes your man so bl**dy well

    Auntie Flo'
