Monday, May 28, 2007

Esther is Smitten by Barack Obama

Esther McVey is smitten by Barack Obama HERE.


  1. I don't blame her. I think Obama is good news. I like him.

  2. "audacity of hope"
    Oh dear! the phrase could only be written by a professional (aka hack).
    Obama may or may not be a good prospect, but young Esther sounds like a star-struck teenager.
    Let's see how the guy does in any future Primaries.

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  4. I was about to ask "who is she?", I had a look and she is nice!

    Obama is good news too imo.

  5. So it's OK for Esther to be rude about Obama but none may hoist her with her own petard!

  6. Dream on if you must but don't believe everything you read in the Guardian and Independent.

    Obama is unelectable as President. In the extremely unlikely event he wins the Democrat nomination another Republican presidency is a certainty.

  7. Yes indeed, a Cheshire Girl all the way through...

  8. Maybe Chuck that's why the Essex Boy has a similar spot for her? They're of an age, too.

  9. falling like leaves says "Obama is unelectable as President."

    I disagree with you - however, Obama would make an excellent vice-president as well - and that idea is not too far fetched... :)

  10. what was that saying?

    "You can take the Essex Boy out of the Cheshire Girl but you can't extract the Cheshire Girl from her own aaalbum of newspaper cuttings."

  11. The only authentic conservative candidate for the presidency is Ron Paul, all the rest are neocons:

    Here's Ron Paul in action on YouTube:

    Interestingly, Paul's campaign is going great guns on the internet because of his platform, but obviously, as a non-neocon candidate (ie patriotic Republican), he is being kept out of the mainstream media.

    Is somebody going to tell Esther that Barack is not a Republican or does she have some other criterion?

  12. Ron Paul is a Truther, is that conservative?

  13. At the risk of sounding like Michael Winner: -

    Calm down dear!

    Obama just doesn't have the policies. "Get out of Iraq" isn't going to be enough to get people to vote for him. He's no MLK dear.

  14. I ndays gone by- well the 1950s and 1960s- Conservatives got on well with Democrats e.g. MacMillan and Kennedy. It was Maggie and Ronnie's friendship which cemented the Conservative/Republican relationship.

    Or maybe it's a case of getting on well with winners of elections?

  15. Michael Bloomberg for POTUS!

  16. northern monkey is a liar. That is a smear that has been propagated by people who do not like what Paul is saying about American foreign policy because thay do not put the American people and their Constituton above their own treacherous agenda.

  17. I'm sorry Esther but this is how politics works. Yesterday I loved you but today I loathe you. To puff a Democrat is bad, to puff a wet and unprincipled Democrat is loathsome and to my mind a betrayal of conservatism. Hang your head in shame. You need to grow up young lady.

  18. "You need to grow up young lady."

    She'll take the tail end of that as a compliment!!

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  20. Obama is a charismatic but empty politician: like Clinton, Kennedy and Blair, he comes from the second-hand car salesman brand of politician. In America, the President is the human embodiment of the nation (i.e. the head of state) as well as the head of government, so there is something to be said for having such a man in the Oval Office provided he is a good manager and has good policy ideas. As he has so little experience and such an undistinguished record in the Senate and hasn't made any concrete policy promises I don't think we should buy his rhetoric just yet.

  21. Why not go there for yourself everybody, read Esther's remarks and decide for yourself which of the two pictured together (Obama is 45) looks the closest to their years?

  22. Obama certainly could be elected. America is rapidly becoming a true multi-racial society whether she likes it or not: nearly 1/3 of Americans are non-white, and that will easily become a majority in another few decades. I don't think Obama's race dooms his candidacy. Indeed, should he secure the nomination (I think Hillary -- or Gore should he enter -- are still sizable favorites, but Obama's securing the nomination is hardly an impossibility), odds are he'll win the general election, because odds are it is the Democratic nominee who will become America's next president.

    From my vantage point as a moderate/centrist American, I would certainly concur that Obama is both likable and inspiring. Moreover, he's obviously an intelligent and gifted politician with substantial leadership qualities. I have no doubt he would discharge his duties with a greater degree of common sense and competence than the current, underqualified occupant of the White House.

    What bothers me about Obama, though, is his ideas: the man is a certifiably loony left, doctrinaire "progressive" (I believe that's what we're supposed to call socialists these days in America). Every opinion that comes out of his mouth places him at the far left of the American political spectrum. He recently criticized a Supreme Court ruling that gently nudged abortion back toward the states (heaven forbid voters -- instead of the judiciary -- should actually have a say on a contentious moral issue). He also recently came out against school choice -- calling it "darwinism" - but naturally (naturally!) like any good liberal sends his own children to private schools. And just the other day he attacked the utterly sensible idea of moving America's immigration policy toward the Aussie/Canadian model that puts skills and education ahead of family reunification concerns (FWIW the proposal would still allow generous immigration terms to unite under 18 children with parents, and to reunite spouses; it just wouldn't be quite so generous to, er, second cousins and in-laws as current regulations, and it would wisely use the extra slots for those with skills beneficial to the economy).

    Anyway, I've grown increasingly comfortable with the idea of a Democrat in the White House, but I just hope the Democrats manage to offer up the sort of sensible centrist they used to seem to produce with regularity.

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  24. You see these types of ladesses in night clubs all the time. Saying things like

    "Men are all lying selfish pigs only interested in one thing "etc etc etc. While downing their tenth pint of larger.

    But as soon as a hansome fitt coloured chap comes close armed with the suspected 10 incher in his pants......Brains morals pride and most of all knickers go straight out of the window.

  25. Jasper, if you've grown comfortable with a Dem in the WH, just hope the Dems don't also control the Congress - remember the Carter years ? Never again !

  26. jasper
    Dont talk like a arse and expect anything but shit to come out, you sound like Tony Blair on heat.

    If the Republican Party in the USA did not gain Black or hispanic or asian or many many non white votes it would not have got into power for over 150 years.

    It is far more likely the first black president of the USA will be a Republican then a Democrate however much that fact may put you off your breakfast.

    Our Labour party used to talk that type of racist bullshit just like you when not in power. However after ten years of government there are no Jews blacks or in fact any members of racial monorities in the cabinet whatsoever. And to my current knowledge only 2 women, which is better then the none there has quite often been in the last ten years.

    Left wing parties only USE black people because they can buy their votes more cheaply with other peoples hard earned cash.

    Then pay as much notice of the black mans real personal aspiration to be treated just like everybody else as they do their own conscience.

    As for your crazy assumption that the next president of the USA will most likely be a Democrate whoever is the leader. Dream on buddy the real sexists and racists in the USA are Democrate party voters. A fact that even a blinkered Democrate partisan like yourself, would be a complete fool to deny.

  27. Please someone correct me if I am wrong.

    The first member of an ethnic minority. (Disraeli)

    The first women (Thatcher)

    The first working class (Magor)

    Prime Ministers of Britain where all Conservative Prime Ministers.

  28. Interesting thread on who succeeds Cameron if he falls under a bus

  29. I had not previously heard of Miss McVey, (but then I had not heard of Gilllian Merron until some recent codge up, and she is a minister). I does strike me though that ‘The Audacity of Hope’ is the sort of political piffle that Tony Blair might well have uttered in 1997. The dishonesty of his rhetoric has now been well exposed and I would urge Miss McVey to treat with care similar tosh from aross the Atlantic.

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  31. Obama is certainly now the soundest of the Democratic nominees on foreign policy after the fact that Hillery has within the last ½ year gone even softer.
    Either of them though will be absolutely squashed by Mccain and rightfully so.

  32. I have to catch up to speed on this - which one is Obama - is that McCain the frozen chip millionaire?

    Just asking for tip - but if I was thinking of standing for the Presidency - and I am not saying I am - how well do you think I would do?

  33. wxfwuI am really surprised at some of the comments above. Why do some people think that a 'Conservative' could not support - or like - a 'Democrat'?

    Are people forgetting the 'special relationship' between Labour and the Republicans? Bush and Blair had no trouble bonding.

    The world would be a much better place if Cameron and Obama were in power. They are very like-minded - and they are the future that we all secretly want. Bring it on.

  34. I am really surprised...

    (Why can't we edit on this blog?!) LoL

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  36. Gary Powell 5.06 AM

    However after ten years of government there are no Jews blacks or in fact any members of racial monorities in the cabinet whatsoever. And to my current knowledge only 2 women, which is better then the none there has quite often been in the last ten years.

    There are 8 women in the Cabinet and one of them (Baroness Amos) is black.

  37. Gary Powell 5.31 AM

    The first member of an ethnic minority. (Disraeli)

    The first women (Thatcher)

    The first working class (Magor)

    Prime Ministers of Britain where all Conservative Prime Ministers.
    The first working class (Magor)

    Prime Ministers of Britain where all Conservative Prime Ministers.

    Ramsay MacDonald (Labour) was working class.

  38. canvas clearly has not understood that the reason for Bliar having no difficulty getting into bed with the current American Neocon Administration is that they both believe in the same things, Big Government, Big War, Big Brother and Mass Immigration, all total anathema to a true conservative/Conservative.

  39. ebForthurst says "canvas clearly has not understood that the reason for Bliar having no difficulty getting into bed with the current American Neocon Administration"

    Of course I understand. That is my whole point. That is why I find it strange that some of the comments on this post seem anti-Democratic. The modern Conservative Party and the Democrats are very like minded - and that is a good thing.

    Gordon Brown and Labour can keep cosying up to George Bush and the Republican Party. Both parties are LOSERS> and the next general election will prove this. :)

  40. That should have read 'Anti-Democrat' - not anti-democratic! Sorry.

  41. There's a little bit of Esther McVey bashing here.

    I know Esther quite well. I'm also a huge supporter of our relationship with our sister party - the Republicans.

    Esther is a conservative down to her core.

    She gave up her journalism career to concentrate exclusively on politics.

    She is from the Wirral. She refused to apply for the A-list because she only wanted to fight her home seat - they put her on it anyway.

    And for those people who just think she is a pretty face might like to dwell on the fact that Esther is working hard behind the scenes for the find Madeleine campaign (she is a family friend) and met Obama Barack while she was in the US trying to generate more media coverage for that campaign. Naturally, she is not publicising her involvement in that campaign - just getting on with the job.

    I wish we had more Conservative candidates like Esther McVey.

  42. Blimey, not only is she a Cheshire Girl but we now hear she's 'a conservative down to her core'.

    She'd be a bit difficult to keep on top of, eh? I'm not sure I've got the stamina, myself...

  43. Any of you remember the old 1989 CCF poster of an attractive young blonde girl? The title was "Life's Better Under a Tory!"

  44. Mark Clarke says " I'm also a huge supporter of our relationship with our sister party - the Republicans."

    Sister Party?! I don't think so.
    That party ended with Thatcher. Times have changed - Labour and the Republicans are in bed with each other. Let them get on with it.

    It's perfectly clear that the Democrats are the way forward - as is Cameron and the modern Conservative Party.

    PS> I notice there are a lot of sexist 'Tories' commenting on here about Esther... It's pathetic and it proves that Cameron has a very difficult task in modernising the Tory Party...

  45. Mark Clarke is bang on the money. Esther is a brilliant candidate. I have been very disappointed by some of the comments on this thread, but I doubt they are all from Conservatives. One thing i have noticed on this blog is that whenever I mention the name of a Tory candidate, there are anonymous people willing to trash them. I have culled some of the comments here already, but I'm now going to cull some more. If they;re anonymous they will probably go.

  46. You seem to have to stimulated some crisp and pithy critisisms of the tory PPC from the Wirral. Or maybe you have too many boorish and humourless whingers as posters. Which could it be?

  47. 2:58 PM Anonymous said...

    Any of you remember the old 1989 CCF poster of an attractive young blonde girl? The title was "Life's Better Under a Tory!"

    What is wrong with you...?Can a women not make a comment without a judgment being made on her sexual appeal or availability rather than the content and quality of the statement.

    There are rather a lot of sexist comments being thrown at Ester. Are the men responsible simply unable to engage and add to the debate without making irrelevant and disgusting sexual remarks.

    Pathetic. The same sort of comments were made in relation the Mellisa Kites article a few weeks ago. Instead of exposing the flaws in her arguments certain commentators decided to have dig at her femininity and make sexual threats. I can only assume they are too dim to intellectually convey their dislike for her and her point of view.

  48. This was misposted last night:
    Anonymous said...

    "maybe Esther should concentrate on her constituency
    In 1997, there were 9 Tory Councillors in Wirral West Constituency and 2 in the adjacent seat of Wallasey
    In 2007, there are 7 Tory Councillors in her Constituency and 10 in Wallasey
    She's a first class candidiate but there's something deeply wrong up there "

  49. Really, some here need to get out a bit. The article purported to be written by this lady is really quite awful. It's the breathless enchanted teenager style that particularly gets me.

    Esther McVey may be a stunner - candidate-wise. But she needs to get herself a decent copy writer pretty smartly if she's even halfway serious about a political career.

    As for exposing flaws in the Kite's arguments, well how long have you got? If she writes like a brainless air-head then it's hardly surprising that she's perceived that way.

  50. I do wish esther could be smitten more by Barak. Could we provide him, perhaps with a large sausage to perform this smiting task?

  51. I read Ron Paul is a truther is that conservative? Is it just me or do we need a little more truth from the people that we elect to represent us? Now I could sit here and write for a few days on this subject, but I'm not. I will say that if the person that you elect to represent you has a track record
    of integrity and honesty throughout his time as a representative that is vital. In a time when there is the potential for WWIII and a North American Union, no right, no Constitution, National ID card? I'd say that someone somewhere needs to let the people know what the end game is here. A war based on lies, the Patriot Act, executive orders galore, trillions missing at the Pentagon. We'd better dfind someone willing to do the right thing and make changes, protect the Constitution or it will be lost forever. Seeing the forest for the trees.
