Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cruddas Targeted in Labour Dirty Tricks

The Mail on Sunday today contains a puff piece on Hazel Blears and a piece on Jon Cruddas which he will find very embarrassing. I am sure there is no link between the two!

The Cruddas story accuses him of buying a second home in Notting Hill to enable his child to be educated there. It was clearly leaked by one of the rival deputy leadership camps. I have no idea which campaign is responsible, but the man with most to gain from damaging Cruddas is Peter Hain, who has lost no time in slagging off Alan Johnson and repudiating much of the government policy he has got collective responsibility for. Cruddas has sewn up a lot of the left of centre vote which Hain is targeting. Hain knows he cannot win unless much of Cruddas's support transfers to him, and he's willing to do what it takes.

It's turning nasty.

PS Nice to see the Mail on Sunday take my Clive Betts McJobs story a little further HERE.


  1. While reading the Cruddas story in today's Mail my first thought was this is Hain's dirty work.

    Just confirms what a bunch of hypocrites Cruddas and the other Labour "lefties" are though.

  2. Yes, Hain has that little sh1te Phil Woolas runing his campaign, who hung on to his seat in Oldham after running what even the local papers who backed him later described as 'the dirtiest campaign in history'.

  3. Am i right in thinking hains choice of facial creosote has changed to a lighter shade?.

  4. Perhaps an early day motion proposing that the word McMuppet be included in the Oxford English Dictionary should follow directly after the Betts / Keen motion?

    By the way is the rumour true that the reason nobody knows what Tony Blair is doing after he leaves office is because nobody can work out how long his first confession will take?

    Weeks? Months? Years?

  5. I have always contended that one would have to earn at least £60,000 pa to afford to be fully socialist.

  6. The mail really does dress crap up as news. There is an issue over London MP's from "outer" London claiming the housing allowance but MP claiming allowance which he is entitled to claim that really is the non story of the year.

  7. Hain to follow prezza. What future do we have??

  8. The inference in the Mail story is that the claim by Cruddas is 'allowable' (because the rules are deliberately very lax) but effectively fraudulent, ie the pretence that the Dagenham council house is his 'main home' is beyond belief.

  9. "It was clearly leaked by one of the rival deputy leadership camps."

    Based on what exactly? It benefits one of them? So what? I think you're getting carried away.

  10. Cruddas has already been ditched by the left after stitching up John McDonnell.He's toast.......

  11. If it was leaked, then why bother with the Mail? No Labour person ever reads the thing.

  12. mitch said...

    Am i right in thinking hains choice of facial creosote has changed to a lighter shade?.

    Not content with boring everyone over at Guidos' with your pathetic whimpering, I now find you posting your boring comments here.

  13. mitch said...

    "It was clearly leaked by one of the rival deputy leadership camps."

    Thought you were emigrating,if not why not !

  14. "No Labour person ever reads the thing."

    Dummy! The whole point of getting it into any tabloid is to get it so that it is talked about on TV and radio. So you give it to the tabloid who will run it big.

  15. Well at least Cruddas spared his child having to share a desk with an asylum-seeker in Dagenham.....a good Catholic School should be able to select out the non-English speakers.

    If only we had more Labour MPs like Diane Abbott and John Cruddas we wouldn't need to vote Tory for hypocrisy

  16. Anonymous [9.05 PM] You say, "If it was leaked, then why bother with the Mail? No Labour person ever reads the thing."

    I am not so sure. I think they may read the Mail for the same reason I read the Guardian, viz. to increase my blood pressure.

    (I do not, of course, BUY the Guardian. That would be going too far.)

  17. Why not Brown? Cruddas maybe the most independent of the bunch and the Mail were used to run the Reid story.

    Brown & wife are friends with Dacre and wife.

  18. Good piece on the FT site today, detailing that the coronation tour and dep leader vote is costing nu lab £1m. They are so skint they are charging £10 entry and £6 for commemorative mugs.

    You couldn't make it up

  19. What's this about Derek Conway in the Sunday Times? Who's trying to smear him? Or is it all true? Will he be going on 18Ds to deny it?

    I thought he was adecent sort of chap when he was on last time.

  20. Henry Kissinger's remark on why academic politics are so vicious, "because the stakes are so small", applies equally well to the contest for deputy leader of the Labour party. It will make no difference even to Labour whether Cruddas, Blears, Hain or anyone else wins.

  21. We are subjected to Labour hypocrisy almost every day. Why do I have to send my child to a failing state school where he has to wait to borrow a text book because there's not enough to go round whilst most Labour politicians send their children to a fee paying school or a good school out of the catchment area.It's just not fair.I still can't bring myself to vote Tory though. Am I a fool.

  22. Anonymous said: It's just not fair.I still can't bring myself to vote Tory though. Am I a fool.

    I think you have answered your own question!

  23. This type of stuff is not just hypocritical it is sadly very very normal.

    Where in the world of left wing governments democratic or otherwise do the leaders live by the rules and conditions they set for ordinary people?


    None whatsoever, and they never did have the intention of so doing.

    They live in palaces and there party members and supporters in government live a quality of life that the ordinary citizens can only dream of. Useually in houses stollen from small ex working class business men, like myself. That seem to have 'accidently' shot themselves up against a wall somewhere.

    This is in my opinion is the whole point of socialism for the despots that propose its elitist ideals.

    They cant get rich or powerfull any other legal way. This for intellectual socialist megleomanics like Brown Castro Stalin Chevez Cruddas etc etc etc etc etc etc,is very frustrating and over time seriously messes with their minds.

    Socialism relies on the elimination of the lower middle classes. When it becomes impossible for the poor to clime in financial and material life, socialism has won and won for good. Capitalism has failed the people and freedom has already disapeared, although it MAY take several years for anyone working hard or a bit thick to notice.

    When the likes of Brown Chevez Castro have the media finally eating out of their hands it takes just about long enough for enough to notice that not even god herself can save the ordinary peoples desperate one party dictatorial authoritarian socialist situation, that they will inevitably and permanently find themselves.

    Go to CUBA where the only and I do mean the ONLY thing that shines is the thousands of very tasty police motor-cycles. Wages for a Cuban policeman are 10 times the national salery which is a seriously poverty promoting $20 or 20 Cuban pesos a week. The vast magority of Cubans have not eaten meat for years, even if they work on the farm that produces it. The place possitivly stinks of polution everywhere but on the tourist beaches. Which are as nice and as pleasent as any elitist tourist beaches can be. However the ordinary people live in shit and helpless hopeless shit at that. If you go there you will soon see that that is a massive massive understatement.

    This is a place that the mayor of the greatest capitalist capital city in the world Ken Livingstone described as "one of the most important developments of the 20th centuary."

  24. More Cruddas hypocrisy. This one didn't need to be leaked.

  25. BTW
    Very slightly less odious megleomanic socialists getting quietly stabbed in the back by very crazy even more ambitious and smarter megleomanic socialists is so completly 'NORMAL' that it is hardly worth commenting on.

  26. Don't ever forget that Lenin's father was employed as a Tsarist Schools Inspector......

  27. Seems like Gordon likes Hilary Benn. Both are keen on subsidising poor african countries with high taxes on the rich. Benn is reassuring the EU that Gordon is OK in media today. How would he be saying that unless he was 'close' politically?

  28. I wish I was rich enough to be a left wing Labour MP.Seriously,my wonder is that it takes so long for the truth about these vile hypocrites to emerge.Presumably,had he not decide to stand for Deputy Leader,Cruddas could have carried on pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and parading his left wing "conscience" ad infinitum.

  29. Tapastry
    Its worse then that HB is just a cowardly missguided upperclass twit like his father. The public are being 'informed' by the BBC that Gordon Brown is just like Tony Blair. Which is a not so closeted Thatcherite.

    "But then what the hell its still better the Tories would be doing, they might start getting the BBC to be honest for a change or privatise or simply close us down."

    Neither TB or GB where or are anything like Thatcher GB least of all, in anything other then retoric.

    The clue is looking, as you have, at what types of characters in the socialist ranks have nothing bad to say about Gordon Brown right now. That should make you start reaching for the bottle or the rope.

    Has Ken Livingstone or even George Galloway said anything bad about Brown lately? NO. Because they are still talking about Tony Blair the "fall guy." And fully expecting the real leader to carry on doing his very REAL long and short term dirty work for them.

    Untill that is, democracy can no longer do anything about anything. Which is a time not as distant as some may hope.

    "The king is dead long live king Ken/George"

  30. I would say you can define a socialist by the way they climb up a ladder then destroy it so none else can follow them.they use every trick in the book to hide it but they are just power hungry hypocrits.After 10 yrs of nulab look around and ask yourself is this working?.They even protest their own policys.

  31. Praguetory's piece is a real eye-opener (totally agree with those pointing out the distractive, Hain-like nature of the MoS piece yesterday). I admit to being fond of Jon Cruddas, in that way that Tories can get fond of friendly seeming authentic socialists, and Praguetory's piece is a useful corrective, to remind us that he's a pro-ID card Chavez-supporter.

  32. The Zimmers.Another bit of social engineering by he BBC.They should point out Government failings in regards to pensioners and Labour's sneering attitude towards 'Tories' and the rich that perpetuates the (actually defunct) idea of class.It's Labour's sneering (just pandering to the perceived envy of certain of theie supporters)that gives the lie to their 'respect agenda' and is one of the real causes of pensioners and the elderly not being able to live in peace and safety.The BBC,not religion,is the opium of the people.It really should just be for Christmas and not for life.

  33. Well that's socialists for you ain't it, do as i say not as I do. Morally conceited control freaks the lot of 'em.

  34. "The Zimmers" is just another way the BBC/NuLab through that talentless slimeball Samuels humiliates and infantilises ordinary people.

    The "zimmers" and all the others set up by these scum should open their eyes and see how they've been ridiculed and made fools of.

  35. "Dummy! The whole point of getting it into any tabloid is to get it so that it is talked about on TV and radio. So you give it to the tabloid who will run it big."

    Stop being an idiot. Anything that comes out of the Mail is dismissed by Labour Members as automatically nasty. It might have been a bit more effective if it had come from the Mirror.

  36. You really are thick aren't you? Once something gets taken up by the broadcast media, any antecedents in the printed word get long forgotten. Then the Comment writers of the Guardian, Times and Indy start chewing you over - and then you fall.

  37. Having heard Cruddas on Radio 4's Today on Friday morning, suggesting it was perfectly OK for British born people to be permanently at the back of the housing queue so new migrants could have the houses - on the basis of "need", you understand - I immediately understood what kind of Socialist he was!

  38. Hazel Blears is carefully selecting the audience for her speach.
    Putting P smith name and address comes back with, we realy need your full names and address!
    Anyone with right of centre politics is then told sorry no more tickets!
    Oh how wonderful democracy is and how fortunate for some we have the database state!

  39. Even this wombat Walters from the Mail is not quite saying what you're saying Iain. He says JC has two homes, yes. But not that he bought the second to fiddle school entrance. In fact the article quotes Jon saying that his son was at a local primary that feeds Bishop Vaughans. The story is the fairly abandoned primary residence in Dagenham rather than the well-peopled secondary home in Notting Hill. Interesting discussion over at mine. Caroline seems to be rebutter and fan in chief for JC.

  40. Cruddas - the Essex "oik" who really cares about Dagenham, it's people and prospects. Yeah right.

    Cruddas - Prescott without "O" levels
