Saturday, May 12, 2007

Cornerstone Launches Blog

I bring joyous news. To coincide with the relaunch of Hammer Horror Films, the Tombstone Cornerstone Group has launched a blog HERE. I feel I shall need to keep a close eye on this welcome venture and report back from time to time.


  1. Mr Dale,

    Such sarcasm is unbecoming. This group stands for about 99% of what you yourself profess to believe in.

    It is unfortunate that Cornerstone boasts just two female faces among a sea of men (constituting a mere 5.7%), no ethnic minorities, and little else to conform with the Cameron image... and His Grace is baffled that Ann Widdecombe is not a member...

  2. "We represent traditional Tory themes of nation, family, enterprise and compassion, founded on Judaeo-Christian ethics."

    And what could be wrong with that ?

  3. Edward Leigh should be hung, drawn and quartered. :)

  4. But it has your friend Nadine Dorries on board ? I thought you approved of her policies ?

  5. But Edward Leigh is the man exposing all the incompetence and waste of the public purse on failed IT projects ?

    Why all the vituperation suddenly ?

  6. Excuse me while I go and find a bucket to heave into!
    "We represent"........... Says it all really.
    They just don't get this united team idea do they, I mean if David Cameron does something they disagree with will we be seeing their criticism on this blog quoted back at him over the despatch box?

  7. People here have got very touchy!

    His Grace regrets such sarcasm. I thought it was quite mild and I am sure would have raised a smile on the faces of several friends of mine who are members of Tombstone (as it is affectionately called).

    His Grace is baffled by Miss Widdecombe's non membership. I am not.

    Nadine is indeed a friend and she and I agree on much. But not all.

    Edward Leigh does indeed do a fine job as chairman of the PAC. What's that got to do with Cornerstone though?

  8. “We have a most attractive, young and personable leader, whom we support as the democratically elected leader of our Party.”
    “Support the Labour Party like a rope supports the hanging man”.

  9. "Isn't the Internet the Devil's work?"

    My latest venture is Web 2.0. I think it's shaping up very well.

  10. "Edward Leigh does indeed do a fine job as chairman of the PAC. What's that got to do with Cornerstone though?"

    You tell us - you know far more about this organisation than we do. Or I do, really - many of your readers may be familiar with it, but this is about the first I'd heard of it.

    Is it just a 'ginger group' like Compass within Labour, or is it a 'party within a party', like the old Militant tendency, who refuse to accept the discipline of the leadership of the party ?

    Remember, not all your readers are Tories who are familiar with the machinations of the party.

    Good luck for tomorrow by the way.

  11. The Cornerstone Group are right wing Tories who wish for the days of old. It will never happen. Those days are long gone. They constantly undermine David Cameron and the modern Conservative Party. They are a pointless organisation.

    I've never voted Conservative in my life. But I like Cameron and I feel let down by Labour.

  12. I thought Iain Duncan Smith was part of this crew. So glad to be a Lib Dem!

  13. . . . and where are the Wintertons? Have they been excluded by the Cornerstone group for being too reactionary?

  14. Iain Duncan Smith isn't exactly a member of Cameron's inner circle. I think John Redwood, Edward Leigh and Iain Duncan Smith are all hopeless.

    Oh how I wish David Miliband would challenge Brown. Lol

  15. unlike anon 12:12, I have no idea what "Judaeo-Christian ethics" are.
    It seems a contradiction in terms to me: turning the other cheek while plucking out the other bloke's eye. Surely more a tactic than an ethical posture. If Christiany is a descendent of Judaism, so is Islam, but we dont hear about Judaeo-Islamic ethics much.
    Since when have Christians made such a fuss over food? What is ethical about inflicting cruelty on animals for human consumption?

    Perhaps it just means putting on a blazer and talking in a load voice about 'buggers'.

  16. Fantastic stuff.

    These guys are your equivalent of John McDonnell.

  17. Sound principles from a sound group of men and women.

  18. forthurst
    Since when have Christians made such a fuss about food?
    Since the formation of the Christian Vegetarian Association.

  19. Although he'd probably better not announce it while campaigning, PM Brown should invite each of the Cornerstone Group and the Socialist Campaign Group to nomiante one MP, on Privy Council terms, to sit on each Cabinet Committee, and one (most obviously Edward Leigh and John McDonnell) to sit in Cabinet, though without voting rights, on those same terms.

    All in return for never actually voting against the Government (although abstention would be all right, at least for Tories and so long as they didn't speak in the debate).

    A similar deal would be harder to strike with the Crossbench Peers, but would still be possible with enough will.

    Not only would this all be good in itself, but it would sod the Lib Dems, and with them the BBC's obvious campaign to revive New Labour's founding aspiration of a Lib-Lab merger entirely on the Lib Dems' terms. That, in turn would have a significant knock-on effect on the Cameroons. Or rather, a significant knock-out effect on the Cameroons.

    How many elections do the Lib Dems have to lose before the BBC stops trying to turn the other parties into them?
