Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Conservative Gains Top 900

Warwick Conservatives have made 7 gains this afternoon at a delayed count, with an 8th a distinct possibility. A recount is underway. This takes the total number of gains to 905. Obviously it continues to be a very disappointing set of results for the Conservatives :)

UPDATE: Warwick is confirmed as a Conservative gain. There are also 6 more gains in Breckland, which is the last council to declare. This makes a total of 911 Conservative gains. A truly terrible result for David Cameron... LOL.


  1. Blair's Board appears to have lost its Spring.

    So how many Labour councillors have walked the Plank now?

  2. The good folk of Breckland appear to still counting also.

  3. Oi Oi!

    Why are they so fecking slow?

    Does that make Warwick CON GAIN then?

    Trust the BBC will update their website.

    ..or will they?

  4. But we still haven't got Liverpool ,Manchester or Newcastle all you have is land ,if I remember didn't Chris Paul say that ?.

  5. Well, I imagine Cameron is resigning as we speak, quite dreadful all this winning of seats dear boy, I think the Party should be ashamed of itself doing LimpDumps and FagEndLabs out of seats!

  6. The BBC had the results summary until lunch time. They just replaced it with a postcode search. They just couldn't bring themselves to publish a figure of 900.

    Such sore losers. Not as sore as they'll be after the General election.

  7. Anon @4:46

    I like the spring board becomes plank walk analogy - very clever.

  8. Only topping 900? Cameron must go! :)

  9. Have just made a complaint to the BBC - please do likewise:


  10. What gets me more is Nick Robinson's BBC Blog (which we pay for), why doesn't he add posts which are pro Conservative (thus anti BBC stance) on the elections?

    At least here I can call him a tosser and know it'll get published!

  11. How much over 40% is it now or is the figure still the same as last year?

  12. 50% better than "excellent", not a chance that the BBC will say anything

  13. Javelin, you can still see it here...


  14. The full results are still on the BBC website, you just need to click on the "results in more detail" link under the postcode search.

    Fantastic to see that the highlands and islands of Scotland, given their vast area, can get a count done quicker than Warwick!

    Yes I do know it is becuase their electronic counting machines ballsed-up.

    Modern technology - dont ya just love it.

  15. You should all read the article today by dear Polly.Even she admits it has been a disaster for Labour because they lost so many activists/workers at the local level.

    Her solution was typical Labour.Change the voting system so it favoured them!!!

  16. Well, at least it wasn't a Labour wipe-out, eh? How relieved Blair and Brown must be!

  17. Actually BBC somehow has the Breckland as CON48(+6) LAB3(-5) OTH3(-1)...piling on the humilation on poor old DC (+911 I guess)!

  18. My maths must be worse than usual. 24 councillors out of 46 does mean that Warwick is a Conservative gain but that can't be right because Warwick isn't in the South East and the BBC and Janet Daley said that we're only winning councils in the South East.

  19. Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle are populated by benefit cheats; identity thieves; muggers; drug dealers; money launderers; embezzlers; fraudsters; pornographers and pimps. These people all vote Labour and identify strongly with Labour politicians. Labour knows perfectly well that the only people who vote for them are criminals which is why they are so keen to increase their vote by extending voting rights to the prison population.

  20. You mean that there was ever not a Tory-controlled council in Warwick? Next you'll be telling me that there was ever not one in Dover, Rugby, Windsor and Maidenhead, South Norfolk, Chester, or the East Riding!

    Meanwhile, huge gains for Derwentside Independents in the heartiest of Labour's heartland wards, an example of just how well a predominantly right-wing alternative to Labour can do, provided that it is not the Conservative Party.

    Similar groups are springing up all over the place, and actually run at least four English councils, including one (Teesdale) here in County Durham. Surely someone in the media must be interested in this striking and fascinating sign of the times?

  21. 911 - the American version of 999. What Gordon will soon be dialling for help...

  22. i lost by sodding 10 votes..........................

  23. breckland has to be taken with a strong pinch of salt. Firstly, brieckland spent a lot of council money advertising Conservative counil successes in the past fortnight, a clear abuse of power. Secondly, it appears some results had been announced before all the votes have been counted. I actually e-mailed you to alert you to the appalling count going on at Breckland but you seemed disinterested.

    Never criticise banana republics Iain when they are "your" banana republics.

  24. The Archers has just started, and still the BBC web site isn't showing the Warwick DC result. They really do not like it up 'em, Mr Mainwairing.

  25. BREAKING NEWS: David Cameron is about to resign after the terrible local election results! LOL

  26. Norfolk Blogger:


    Get over it. You're bunch of jokers lost.

    Take it like a man.


  27. Desperate Dan 5.54pm - Never laughed so much in my life. Is your real point that these three cities are populated by northerners and/or working class people and the fact that you cannot think of anything constructive to say results in your ignorance. Any figures to back up your comments? WOuld love to see some.

  28. My comiserations on this dreadful day, Iain.
    I think your family and friends ought to keep a close watch on you this week, because it is at times like these that conservative teetotallers could almost be tempted to turn to drink. Stay strong. You will get through this.
    At least there's always someone worse off than yourself: Poor David Cameron, surely he will have to resign now?

  29. Surely, with the last of the council votes in and the Tories staggering under the burden of a 900-seat gain, this is the time for Gordon Brown to reappear in public and claim a resounding Labour victory.

  30. You just cannot get the new terminology as per Alan Duncan on Radio 4 on Saturday - you don't make gains or increase your vote you increase your "market share". The conversion of the Tory Party into a new brand by your new head of PR is now now virtually complete - unfortunately you are soon going to find out that politics is not soap powder, better dream up policies pretty quick.

  31. toryboysneveretc: Alan Duncan is a highly successful businessman, he talks in his language.

    Polly Toynbee, Gordon Brown, Will Hutton et al are sanctimonious hypocrites, they talk in theirs.

    Get used to it.

  32. What's your boy's policy then 7.57pm,
    burning down Thornfield and throwing himself off the roof?

  33. anon 6:39
    thats a shame
    I and 10 friends were going to vote for you but decided to get pissed instead.

  34. Labour has taken a hammering in the Midlands too and are likely to get a few nasty surprises come a General Election in what they think are safe seats. Mike O'Brien in NW Warks for instance - a council that has always been strong Labour stretching back into the 1970s and remained so throughout the 80s and 90s. It went solidly Conservative controlled overnight as did nearby NW Leics a similarly unheard of event.

  35. ccqinbIt's now 21.23 and the BBC website is STILL not showing the Warwick DC result. Are we are war with Oceania or Eurasia these days? At time like this I tend to forget...

  36. 9.25pm: The telescreen will remind you of the current political realities. Please continue to pay close attention to the telescreen, and remember that I love you, but my love is conditional.

  37. David Lindsay said...
    "You mean that there was ever not a Tory-controlled council in Warwick?"

    Since Warwick District Council was created in 1973, every time that Conservatives have won an overall majority, they have gone on to win the next election and every time it has been in no overall control they have lost the next election.

    You complain on your blog that the media are obsessed with elections in the South East when Conservatives have to win back seats in the Midlands and the North, but Warwick & Leamington (and for that matter Chester and Blackpool North & Cleveleys) is exactly the kind of seat that COsnervatives lost to Labour in 1997 and need to regain if they are to win the next election.

  38. Norfolk Blogger,

    How does deciding not to go with flawed equipment in a one party stronghold equate with tens of thousands of people's votes not being counted in a tight race?

  39. Hatfield Girl - Brilliant!

  40. Daniel Finkelstein has a fun article on this in The Times

    The Tories shouldn’t get too excited about the local election results. But Labour’s response to those results? Now, that the Tories should celebrate.

  41. In answer to Baldockbaldrick. These observations don't just apply to northern cities. London boroughs with the highest gun crime/mugging/prostitution/drug dealing etc also vote Labour. High crime areas throughout the country vote Labour.

  42. From the Guardian diary...

    "Ooh, those cheeky Southampton Conservatives! Not content with grabbing a sensational two extra seats on the town council last Thursday, we hear, they went on to celebrate their achievement - councillors and all - at the terribly New Model Tory venue of Poletrix, aka Southampton's "newest pole dancing club ... A unique experience, presenting a host of beautiful ladies six nights a week". We're sure central office will get the joke."

    Same old Tories.

  43. Desperate Dan might care to explain why there are no Tory Councillors in Oxford.

    And he might care to learn that Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle all contain some very rich and/or very posh wards indeed (or does he imagine that those cities' doctors and lawyers, or the professors in their universities, commute from Surrey?), which alwys used to have Tory Councillors until recent years, but don't have them now.

    Mike Wood, I'm still not impressed by "Tories Take Back Warwick". It's like saying "Labour Takes Back Bolsover". Except that, to the best of my knowledge, Labour has never lost Bolsover.
