Friday, May 11, 2007

Blears on the Ballot

I bring you the glad tidings that My Little Chipmunk has secured enough nominations to stand in Labour's Deputy Leadership contest. Rejoice, rejoice!


  1. Oh joy. Oh rapture!

    (I knew the PLP were a discerning lot.)

  2. About the same intellectual level as Prezza.

  3. Is the very same little chipmonk who says that Tony is and has been the greatest PM ever.

    haven't we had enough showbiz for at least the time being. Let's all wait until the out come of sleazy Levy's debacle. Will he take TONE down, or will Tone get his peerage and ride off into the sunset?

  4. How much is that chipmunk in the window?
    The one with the waggly tail?
    How much is that chipmunk in the window?
    I do hope they all go to jail.

  5. Are these signed sealed and delivered? Or like the 60 Meacher had four weeks ago?

  6. Don't Knock Hazel. Isn't it the role of the Labour Deputy Leader to provide much unintended mirth and entertainment?

  7. Another deluded non entitity.
    Here we are in the twenty first century , seriously looking at a hapless dwarf from Salford who really shouldn't have risen above the level of "dinner" lady at the local comprehensive taking on the role as the second most powerful person in the country.
    That Blair is your legacy ,

  8. Who did the counting? Not Hilary "Hopeless " Armstrong?

  9. SoundeD to me that she has had some voice coaching to lose the Salford accent, and a new hairdo too. She must be serious.

  10. Ability always finds its own level.

  11. Blear’s on the Ball, not

  12. Harman seems to be proud that she has the backing of Hoon and Hewitt. WHY?

  13. Oh yeah look at me

  14. Have you got a vote? Quite a few non-Labourites have, via trade union membership.

  15. Oh dear. I spotted the make-over on The Daily Politics & came to the same conclusion.
    Unfortunately, she does not entertain me like Prezza did. Her artless, witless & fatuous discourse can transport from sanity to incohate rage before she's fumbled her first sub-clause. Not unlike the moronic Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. The likelihood of these two turning up on the same edition of Any Qs/Q Time/Newsnight etc. fills me with fear for my mental health...

  16. Malcolm - it's called the 'H-block'.

    We will all soon be prisoners in cell-block 'H'!
