Friday, May 04, 2007

And Macavity's Not There...

Where's Gordon Brown been today? Not on TV, that's for sure. Nothing to do with him, obviously... Hattip to javelin for graphic
Remember this?


  1. With Scotland appearing to have gone to the SNP I doubt cowardly Brown will show his cheesy mug until the dust settles.

  2. Do you think Gordon might be on of his "tours"?

  3. Time for a change?

    Step forward Gordon Brown.

  4. Probably teaching the thicko Scots the difference between a cross and a number.

    It's not THAT hard.

  5. It's really amazing that this guy wants to PM so badly but he doesn't want to be associated with the darn party. Who the hell is backing this guy?

  6. As the credit fuelled spending boom comes to an end leaving millions drowning in debt, the cracks in Brown's pyramid selling scam of an economy become apparent:

    Number going bust hits new record

    No wonder Macavity is so desperate to get into No 10 before his so-called economic miracle evaporates into dust.

  7. I imagine Broon is hiding away in the same bunker as my government minister MP who didn't show up for this crucial count.

    Although I don't suppose the my MP's all that bovverd about the result as, by all accounts, he's already making plans to emigrate overseas once he loses his marginal seat.

  8. Coward! But then again, he always was.

  9. I know I'm old and have weird ideas according to present day views, but the one thing I always thought was that Government Ministers answered when spoken to.
    Not in Gordo's case. He only answers when he is NOT asked a question. Then at length and in numbing boring detail

  10. He's been busy all day, supervising the count, one ballot paper at a time..

    "SNP? No, that would only spoil things. LibDem, No, that only would spoil things..."

    Hence the expression.

  11. And to think he called his book Courage, the cheeky little ironist.

  12. Yes but did the book include a profile of his guru Macavity?

  13. SNP go into the lead.

    SNP 21 24 +20 45
    LAB 37 6 -5 43
    LD 11 5 -1 16
    CON 4 11 -1 15
    Others 0 3 -13 3

    It's getting very tight - if the SNP gain another couple of seats they'll be able to pick their minority party (don't ask me to do the maths).

  14. Looking at where the votes are going to come in from - it's a certainty now that Labour have lost Scotland.

    Let's see if Alex can keep his presidential posture or jump and down with excitement.

  15. BBC says this is all the seats declared.

    SNP 21 26 +20 47
    LAB 37 9 -4 46
    CON 4 13 -1 17
    LD 11 5 -1 16
    Others 0 3 -14 3

    After 129 of 129 seats declared.

    Looks like the SNP have to deal with ( LIBDEM or CON ) + OTHERS. That'll make it fun.

  16. MaCavity Brown has been hiding in a deep dark damp place in the bowels of No 11 in case any part of this Labour Disaster might reflect on him, across at No 10 Blair appears to be living in a fantasy world where facts are mangled and fiction becomes the truth.

  17. Forgot to point out.

    Conservatives push LibDems into 4th place in Scotland.

  18. The Scottish Parliament Results mean that SNP, Conservatives and Margo McDonald together have an absolute majority.

  19. BBC News 24 - "Labour Party strangle hold for over 50 years has come an end."

    The Tory's need to form a coallition with the SNP. David Cameron must be confident that he can win a referendum (even though I would vote SNP) and allow Alex to go to the polls.

  20. He really is a gutless wonder.

  21. This could have been the first major test of Prime minister Brown, he seems to have gone missing and it does not bode well for the country in times of difficulty in the future.

  22. This is ridiculous, where is he? He HAS to give an interview.

  23. Well Brown has certainly demonstrated his statesmanlike abilities today hasn't he? What a craven and spineless man.

  24. Fitaloon - Blair has always lived in a fantasy world. He thinks he's the boy-king. Fifty-two years of age and not royalty, but when did reality ever stop Tony Blair the fantasist?

  25. The BBC say the macavity has released a 'Candid' statement. Wow! That's ok then.

  26. He's probably scratching around South of the border looking for a new seat now that Scotland has voted for independance.

  27. This evening both BBC news and Channel 4 have remarked that Brown hasn't been seen all day.

    The man's a yellow-bellied coward. End of.

  28. Gordon might be asleep. bored unconscious like the rest of. Bored with having to share a newspaper page with the odious Tony Blair. That man and his band of hidious cronies have done the decent hardworking people of this country a great disservice.

  29. What leadership Gordon has shown by disappearing and refusing to speak or be interviewd. This is eccentric and astonishing behaviour by a man who seems to believe he has a divine right to rule over us. It's about time this coward faced the music.

  30. Perhaps MacCavity's not there because it is spelled McCavity.

    Hasn't anyone who frequent's Iain Dale's Diary, including the esteemed Iain Dale himself, read T S Eliot? It doesn't work pronounced MacCavity. It just doesn't.

  31. Verity - if your going to be so fussy about spelings; you could at least do sumfink wiv you're grammer. innit?

  32. It's a Totally New Paradigm! Labour are defeated in Scotland :-)

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. He's sulking. I bet he won't be out in Kirkcaldy (the Riverfront restaurant I believe is his favourite, either that or a nearby Chinese) in case he runs into some celebrating SNP or Lib Dem types, toasting the ousting of Christine May or Scott Barrie in neighbouring constituencies. His MP is a Lib Dem, his MSP is a Lib Dem, and the First Minister of Scotland will be SNP.

    A great night from my perspective. I supported the SNP, but was lukewarm about independence. Labour are beaten, with a 10% swing to the SNP similar to that of the "landslide" of 1997. However, the scale of the SNP victory is not an endorsement of independence.

    Whatever one thinks of Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon, they showed courage in tackling two seats that were real contests rather than simply claiming safe seats. This is leadership, and Salmond richly deserves to be First Minister.

  35. Lawrence - where did I err?

    And yes, why is it so difficult for Iain to get the damn' spelling right? He misspells it every time he writes it.

  36. Like a lot of bullies, Brown is actually a rather insecure man and profoundly dislikes personal confrontation. He can do it, but he dreads it. That's why:

    1. He cultivates the myth of the "clunking great fist";

    2. He sits mute in cabinet studiously refusing to engage with other ministers;

    3. He habitually gets his own way by keeping everyone else in the dark about his proposals until the eleventh hour thus enabling him to dismiss any opposition as ill-informed or ill-considered; and

    4. His weapon of choice is a sackfull of dodgy statistics.

    Many in the Parliamentary Labour Party understand this only too well and are secretly dismayed by his habit of going into hiding when the going gets tough. But they don't know what to do about it.

  37. Catamite - well your name says it all.

    Why spell anything properly? Why not spell door dour - or d'or? Why differentiate between words at all, in fact? Why respect the structure of language? Why not tell the officer that you regard red and green lights as interchangeable, because what's the difference?

    I am assuming you don't speak a foreign language.

    If you harbour such a strong dislike of women that you are moved to angry fantasies, why not spend more time on websites dedicated to these activities as I think most of us don't want to be touched by your gruesome fantasies.

  38. A certain magazine editor who shares an office with a certain think tank/charity/brownPRpromoting/Labour loving owner suggested that a certain Mr Brown aka Macavity the cat was holed up in his constituency abode, but then left in a blacked out limousine.........
    He suggested that this kind of behaviour might continue to emphasise the almost sinister nature of a Brown administration.......
    He certainly does not like to be seen anywhere near bad news, why the hell does this man or his party think that he is suitable to the PM of this country.
    Look away if queasy, but even that twat Blair could be relied to hang around what ever the news good or bad!!!

  39. Missing!-Like Dave's policies.
