Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Alastair Campbell Diaries Out in July

Coming on July 9th. I reckon this will either be one of the bestsellers of the year, or people hate Alastair Campbell so much that they just can't stomach the thought of giving him their money. If your stomach is strong enough to get through 784 pages, pre-order it HERE or HERE.


  1. Iain I will not be buying it. The damage that man has done to the lives of many people makes me shudder.

    But then Blair puts up with at least 3 sexual harassers in his cabinet.

  2. Isn't there some sort of rule about criminals profiting from their activities? Just because Campbell has not yet been convicted for his role in the death of David Kelly doesn't mean he isn't morally culpable.

  3. I refuse to line Campbell's pockets and hope most people refuse to buy this. It will be serialised by one of the newspapers, I'll read it there.

    Auntie Flo'

  4. No need to buy it. All the juciest bits will be leaked or serialised in the Guardian/Sun/Independent/Beano etc.

  5. 25th May '57 ~ Born. Decided world was lacking complete bastards. Job for me then.

    2nd May '97 ~ Woke up. Went for run. Decided to be a more focused bastard

    3rd May '97 ~ Good news, Tony wants to promote me to official complete bastard.

    17th July '03 ~ Reached the pinnacle of bastardness. Where to go from here? Perhaps for a run.

    10th May '07 ~ Busted. Time to cash in before it's too late

  6. No need to buy it - the juciest bits will be published in the Guardian/Sun/Independent/Beano etc.

  7. Yuk.

    Not even for you, Iain.

  8. I'd rather eat my own elbows than read this book.

  9. Apologies for the repeated (almost) comment - Iain's fault!

  10. No way will I purchase this on principle.

    The man is a liar, a manipulator, and nigh-engineered the 'dossier' that dishonestly took us to war.

    For shame he has no conscience.

  11. I wonder why people would buy this book.

    Are they interested in a truthful account of the Blair premiership?

    Do they have a prurient interest in the averments of someone with a history of mental health problems?

    Are they somehow surprised and intrigued as to how an utter bastard can gain such a pivotal position in the seat of power without being elected?

    What heuristic value might this book have and can anybody enlighten me?

  12. Campbell wouldn't write a single sentence that would damage Labour, so this will just be propaganda. He can poke it.

  13. Iain - the link gives a publication date of 27 Dec 07 - has the publication date been brought forward??

  14. Iain, bearing in mind Alastair Campbell's modus operandi do you think he is capable of being honest and detached enough to give us a real insight and account of his time working for Blair?
    Will we see some humility with honest accounts about events such as the Hutton enquiry, his attack on the BBC or sexed up dossiers?
    Or will he expect us to pay for another arrogant walk down the austere staircase as he greets the press with and air of injured and innocent martyrdom and talk of vindication?

  15. This book will probably be as much of a success as his one-man 'show'...

    Alastair 'Fuck Gilligan' Campbell doesn't need any of my money, that is for sure..

    Personally I'd rather stick hot hat pins in my eyes, but it may at least give Private Eye a few more jokes in the David Blunkett Diaries seam of humour they have been mining of late.

  16. I'll just read the excerpts in the papers. I won't contribute to Campbell's 'blood money retirement fund'.

  17. Its what he will not publish that may be worth £17.99. In any event I wish this cretin would drink himself into an early grave for the damage he has done to people and politics. Pure toxic scum.

  18. I'll wait until the later unexpurgated version, all the good bits about Gordon v Tony will be in that one.

  19. I wouldn't piss on this toad if he was on fire, as they say.

    There'll be some supposedly "juicy" stuff - which will be in the papers anyway as others have said - but it isn't exactly going to contain the whole truth, is it?

  20. Perhaps Cherie will sign it. After all she did sign the report into David Kelly. Bastards.

    Haven't seen any writs from Campbell after Michael Howards dignified accusation of lying and bullying on Newsnight.

  21. Nominate it now for for one of those awards (Booker ? )for fiction.He is a stranger to the truth or any honesty or straight dealing at all.

  22. Come on Ian.
    Lets have a Grammar School post.

  23. Appropos of nothing ...has anyone read PROPECT yet ...its newish I think and absolutely superb politics and arts mag . It is doing what Spectator has stopped doing ..Honestly brilliant stuff a terrific debate between Willets and the 3rd way chap on whether the Tories have changed and some irritatingly shrewd analysis of why Broon will be tempted by PR (THE OUTRAGE STARTS HERE). All sorts of interesting things .

    . Just thought I would pass on the “word” . It seesm to be rightish of centre and god knows we need a good organ for that niche now the Speccie is so crapulous .


    Its brilliant.

    (I don’t work for it promise)

    May issue here

    or am I the last person to notice , probably

  24. I've been looking forward to this book for a while. Unfortunately I agree with tedfoan that all the juicy bits will be serialised in the media anyway which will take some of the fun away from reading the book

  25. Campbell hasn't told the truth in public before, why should we expect him to now?

  26. Perhaps Campbell should place an ad in 'Forum'.

  27. In the segment of his diary read out by the Hutton Enquiry, Campbell seemed to write "fuck" (not my usual language, his)in every sentence. There's something very strange about someone who swears whilst writing a personal diary.

    But what is he going to say of any interest anyway? He won't trash Blair or the Labour Party, and he's not likely to tell the truth because he doesn't know what that is.

    No, I've no taste for fantasy fiction and I wouldn't give Alistair Campbell a used penny stamp, so I certainly won't be buying it.

    Remember Cherie Blair's book "The Goldfish Bowl" - that didn't make the advance back so she never got any royalties........we can only dream..........

  28. I'm not giving that Evil Scumbag any money - let him slide back into the pits of Hell. If you're reading this Campbell I hope that at night you hear the screams of the dead, dying and all the others who have suffered because of your actions.

  29. That's some good work, Iain - "if your stomach is strong enough to get through 784 pages, click here and I'll take a 5% commission on every sale"... ;-)


  30. I'll just wait until it's remaindered before I buy it... That way the **** doesn't make any money from the sale.

  31. 784 pages of bollocks. I'm not paying good money to read Campbell's snivelling self-justification and rewriting of history. He's well-paid enough, why does he think his version of events merits some of my hard-earned cash?

    The man's a complete has-been. A spent force. So's that ghastly consort of his.

    What these people don't seem to understand is that public detestation of them, and anything to do with them, has now risen to the point where people will do anything they can to get back at them. That includes not buying their books.

    I'd be more interested in hearing the story from any independent insider - if there are any - or feeding the goldfish.

  32. Obviously I'm in the minority in wanting a copy. I want to see how many old friends from the PR world get a name check (and whether their stories tally).

  33. Fact is, the BBC were responsible for Dr Kelly's death and they were rightly identified as such by Hutton.

    Campbell was honest at the Hutton enquiry and said he wanted to name Dr Kelly straightaway but was prevented from doing so by the PM.

  34. I think this is good timing.

    It will most certainly be a best seller and hopefully will answer some intruiging questions (take your pick).

    I want to know if he was portrayed correctly in the film 'The Queen', an excellent film to watch.

    Good timing because when Blair's hits the shelves, it will be the biggest selling book of all time.

  35. Judging by Campbell's efforts as a journalist and architect of New Labour-speak, the book will simultaneously insult one's intelligence and feature the dreariest prose style in the English language.

    If people really want to know about Campbell, I recommend Oborne and Waters's book which has basically nothing good to say about him.

  36. It'll go the same way as Blunkett.

    - Newspaper serialisation

    - Controversy over the juicy bits (if there are any)

    - Discrediting and contradiction of Campbell's record of events

    - Precious few sales, mainly to the likes of Mr Dale who waded through the Blunkett trash ;)

    I reckon the media exposure will do for Campbell. It'll take only a few critical TV interviews or press reviews to drive him into slavering ranting madness.

  37. Gary Elsby stoke-on-trent said...
    I think this is good timing.

    It will most certainly be a best seller and hopefully will answer some intruiging questions (take your pick).

    I want to know if he was portrayed correctly in the film 'The Queen', an excellent film to watch.

    Good timing because when Blair's hits the shelves, it will be the biggest selling book of all time.

    Gary- I think you are mentally ill. Like all Socialist Failure's, the fantasy world you inhabit bears no relation to reality. Blairs' will not be the "biggest selling book of all time"-Much as you would like it to be. Why spend your pointless, oxygen thieving days whipping yourself up into a foamy little froth of eager anticipation? You don't have to wait long for the relief you seek-just log on to the net, find a nice photo of Tony in his trunks and Hey Presto! - before you know it you'll be working your cigarette sized manhood until it's redder than a rasberry.
