Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Margaret Beckett Forgets Her Convictions

Was I alone in watching the Trident debate and thinking to myself that if Margaret Beckett had been on the backbenches she would have been speaking out against a British independent nuclear deterrent? Power is a great diluter of conviction, is it not?


  1. "Power is a great diluter of conviction, is it not?"

    Indeed, who would now believe that little over a year ago, you were managing a leadership campaign based in firm tax cuts...

  2. I'd like to see what a Trident missile would do to her caravan....

  3. Sigh. I am still in favour of tax cuts, as well you know.

  4. It certainly is.

    Even the sniff of power.

    How many more principles will the Tories kick into the long grass in order to grab votes?

    I would sign this blog "The Ghost of Patrick Mercer" but ...

    shameless plug..see my take on's funny!

  5. If we are grown-up enough now not to swear and snigger, can't we be grown-up enough to accept that anyone is entitled to change their minds?

  6. Edward, indeed, but I just don't think she has. She's a gut unilaterlaist at heart. But all credit to her for making a good first of it.

  7. How explicit is the Tory commitment that every damfool green tax pound raised will be matched by a reduction in tax elsewhere ?

  8. >freddy
    "How explicit is the Tory commitment that every damfool green tax pound raised will be matched by a reduction in tax elsewhere ? "

    Does your question imply you trust a politicians's words.

    My experience is in the long run , they all lie...

    Cos there is no recourse for the electorate. Now if we could tarandfeather all lying politicians.. but alas their rewards are writing books and columns in the Sun.

    Anyone who trusts politicians is a muppet. period. proven.

  9. Sigh. I am still in favour of tax cuts, as well you know.

    I didn`t know that

  10. Iain, I agree that she is a "gut unilaterlaist at heart," but, I must say, she seems to be one of the few members of the cabinet who follows the idea of collective responsibility. Whilst most of her colleagues are briefing off the record, we never seem to hear "from those who know the mind of Margaret Beckett......."
    Despite my comments I am no great fan of her's; however in this day and age true loyalty to cabinet government is something that makes a minister stand out.

  11. It's late. My bleary eyes read,
    "Margaret Feckett begets her convictions"

  12. I don't think she can be bought for a ministerial mondeo. She has always made it clear that she is a "party hack" who will agree with partypolicy whatever it happens to be.

  13. Now, if her caravan got nuked, that would be a different matter!

  14. Oh really Iain! When the Tories get in I'm looking forward to seeing Ministers in major jobs regularly rebelling against government legislation. Leave poor Margaret alone. She voted your way. I should be the one angry with her but I'm not.

    I am angry instead with the reptiles who hide the truth about timetables and life spans from poor MPs. I am prepared to give Blair the benefit of the doubt for doing a favour to Brown by saving him from having this debate in a couple or ten years time when it is really needed.

    But they're both wrong on both timing of decision and on strategy.

    Guido of course thinks they're wrong because we should build our own subs and missiles (as we do warheads) when/if we eventually need some.

  15. qxjulg'But all credit to her for making a good first of it.'

    It’s Blearsesque in its detachment from honesty, integrity and decency. If you can be any more deluded than that bloke who resigned as jack straws assistant, on a matter of 'personal conscience' indicating bombing innocent people in Lebanon and Iraq was acceptable. How can supporting a government that has managed to make the Olympics cost half the figure it claims for trident be anything other than complicity in a fraud?
