Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lost for Words...

I just phoned a Labour MP to ask him to come on our Special Budget Programme tomorrow evening and this was the response from his researcher.

"Sorry, he can't. He's in Auschwitz."

You can't really respond to that, can you?


  1. The youth of today...

    'he's visiting Auschwitz', perhaps.

    Was just on to the Treasury press office, similarly helpful, if similarly a bit clunking and inept.

  2. Daughter going soon. Seems like a pretty good alternative engagement. Let's hope Dizzy doesn't run a story on the scandal of MPs visiting Auschwitz on Budget Day.

    Invite John McDonnell on Iain - really - he was the bag man money wise for Ken's GLC and he has produced alternative budgets ...

    He is a bit busy campaigning though NEC decision today for no contest if only G nominated may be a bit of a downer.

  3. Someone who wants to be saved by the soviets?

  4. Oswiecim surely ?

  5. An American telephone conversation reported to me years ago:

    'May I speak to Mr Jones, please?'
    'I'm sorry, madam, he's in the United Kingdom.'
    'Oh dear, that's terrible. Is it too late to send flowers?'

  6. ah yes, working for NuLabour sets you free

  7. Anoneumouse, have you had an irony bypass?

  8. Am I getting this wrong? 'He's in Auschwitz'. Doing what exactly? Looking for hints and tips maybe?

    After all, they've taken away most of our freedoms, they spy on us, they bring in new laws to lock people up and oppress, they're building new prisons, etc. Where does all that end?

    I'm not completely paranoid (according to my medical notes), but I wouldn't put anything past New Labour.
