Friday, December 15, 2006

New Poll: Sunday Political Journalist of 2006

In the continuing series of end of year polls on this blog, the latest one is the Sunday print journalist of the year. This category is about news journalists hence the absence of people like John Rentoul and Andrew Rawnsley - their turn will come! Please vote in the poll on the left hand side of your screen. The results will be revealed in the week after Christmas.

Just a note on voting. The polling software only allows one vote for IP address. So this means that if you work for Sky News, for example, and all their computers operate from a single IP address only one person can vote. This has given rise to all sorts of conspiracy theories! The simple answer is to vote on your computer at home.


  1. More immediate...

    Vote Little Green Footballs for best blog – or the moonbats get it.

  2. Wot no Christopher Booker?

  3. marco, read the story. just news journalists. No commentators.

  4. Fair point- my stupid fault for reading just the headline then the list of names...Doh!

  5. gaby and julia-gbh leading the poll? i smell a round-robin telling the sistas to vote for the sistas. come on crackers!

  6. Well, I got up this morning expecting to have a good dose of vitriol with my breakfast reading further comments about the vile tony blair, and ... has the police interview gone away? Is that it? No more comments? Are people going to let blair manipulate it away with discussions of all the topsoil of other news he provided yesterday to bury discussions of his disgrace?

  7. Chinese shock troops seeking to deter international prostitution conspiracy have launched a rocket attack on Lib Dems' Cowley Street HQ.

    When confronted by UK police the perpetrators said: "We act on request of your government to deal with global whore Ming"

  8. Best writer or best looking

  9. Sunday Journalists! Whatever next.

    Mrs Weasel and I spend Sundays after Church reading psalms to one another and pressing flowers.

  10. Andrew Rawnsley still has a column in the Observer doesn't he ? Mind you, I haven't bought it for 2 or 3 weeks.

    Re. multiple voting - at least Dave Cracknell's mum won't be able to skew the result...

  11. It is a shame you do not have a "none of the above" option.

  12. verity - good point, but what you need to consider is that the press have been subjected to a 'Downing Street' equivalent of Rumsfeld's 'Shock and Awe'.

    By 'taking out the trash' [words of a 'Labour' insider] in a big hit, in one day, the commentators don't know where to begin. Which I guess is the point.

    Only don't blame Teflon 'I don't get in involved in process' Tony. Crap.

  13. J H-B was the first person to write about Justice and Home Affairs, the EU borders scheme and the UK to lose rights over issuing visa, along with the rights of EU migrants - which consequently everyone else picked up on.

    So she gets my vote.
